Chapter 247 Untitled

As a sniper Maruko in the OGG professional team, Maruko couldn't help laughing: "As long as you open your mouth, we will kill this guy immediately."

"Okay, then..."

From a third-person perspective, Tang An couldn't help but curled his lips when he saw those people who were approaching, "I allow you to shoot and kill these guys."


The Shu King chuckled, and immediately pulled the trigger, aiming at Yan Liang, who was the sniper in the OGG team, behind the front bunker and started shooting.

And the sudden gunshot also startled the people on OGG's side.

But if you want to say who is the most unlucky, it is obviously only Jun Lang who is in the position of sniper in the OGG professional e-sports club. At a critical moment, someone touched his back.

Such a scene was almost fatal.

"Captain! There's someone behind! Damn!"

With the crackling gunshots coming from his ears, Jun Liang, who was looking at the gray screen, stopped calling for help immediately, confused.

As for the OGG professional team, Jin Haoran and others in other positions also became a mess in an instant.

After all, they obviously didn't expect that at this most critical moment, there would be a whole team behind them, and it seemed that these people had obviously planned for a long time.

"Damn it, I was fooled!"

After all, he was the captain of the OGG team. After seeing this scene, Jin Haoran obviously reacted instantly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"What should we do now?"

"Fight back, you idiot!"

In the OGG team, Jin Haoran, who is the captain, said angrily.

However, just as they turned around and were about to attack Fei Ke and the others on the other side of the bridge, Tang An, who was hiding behind the cover at the end of the bridge, couldn't help sneering.

There was almost no need to change the scope. At this moment, Tang An stood up directly. After switching Sister Kong Fourteen to fully automatic mode, he immediately pulled the trigger on Captain Fei Ke and the others.

The bullet was like the scythe of the god of death, slashing at the bodies of Jin Haoran and others in the OGG team.

In the OGG professional e-sports team, Jin Haoran, who holds various positions, was obviously confused for a moment. At this time, he slowly realized that behind him, there was the girl control Fourteen. Squat yourself these people.

The ending has no suspense.

Under this kind of front and rear attack, the four members of the OGG professional team are like four defenseless living targets.

After a while, the four of them fell to the ground and turned into boxes.


In the OGG professional team, Jin Haoran, who serves as the captain, couldn't help but punch the keyboard.

As for the expensive mechanical keyboard that feels nimble, it was also scrapped into a ball of slag under his old fist, and the keys even collapsed all over the place.

Of course, it's no wonder that Jin Haoran, who is the captain of the OGG team, is so angry.

After all, he felt that he was like a reckless man who had just punched the cotton with his fist.

All in all, he felt that the death of these people was not worth it. After all, in his opinion, whether it was Jun Liang, who was the sniper, or Quan Xiangyu, the most possessed and assaulter in the team, they did not use their strength at all. To fully display it, to proud professional players like them, it's like eating a lump of heat, which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

However, what made the OGG team members feel even more uncomfortable was still to come. After witnessing the OGG team's destruction, Tang An immediately stopped hesitating, and directly relied on the latest version of the jumping ability to fight with one hand. In the way of support, he went directly to the front of the bunker, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the corpses of Jin Haoran and others, and pressed the gun for a while.


Hearing the sound of Gatlin's blazing sound, the faces of the OGG team members undoubtedly darkened in an instant.

After all, everyone is in the same circle anyway, how can they be so unscrupulous?Where is the promised long-term friendship between China and South Korea?
"But what did this guy just say?"

The one who spoke was Junliang who was the sniper in the OGG team.

After all, they are still Koreans, and it is naturally difficult to understand things like Mandarin.

Of course, this is also because Chinese is too difficult to learn, and it has a lot to do with the fact that these people are too lazy to learn.

"This guy just accepted Kefu. It means asking these people if they are convinced."

Jin Haoran, who was the only one on the scene who knew a little bit of Chinese meaning, opened his mouth and said this.

Then the mentality of other people was undoubtedly blown up in an instant. If they were still persuading themselves in their hearts not to care about these things before, then now, they almost want to fly one by one and run here. In front of the manipulator who controlled the fourteenth girl, beat up this guy severely.

"What shall we do now, Captain?"

Jun Liang, who was in the position of sniper in the OGG team, opened his mouth and asked this question.

Then everyone else was helpless immediately, but in the OGG team, Jin Haoran, who was the captain, opened his mouth and said: "The guy who shot at us is the captain of the Be team. For Old Hei. So no, let’s remember this ID, and when we meet again next time, we must bring this ugliness back, anyway, I don’t believe these guys won’t come back to play in Hanbok.”

"The captain is right."

Others are also in line.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, victory or defeat has already become a foregone conclusion. Although there is endless anger in their hearts, they still have to recognize the facts.

So, instead of getting angry and breaking your body here, it is better to step up the training time and improve your skills.

Then, in this way, when we meet Lao Hei and others from the Be team later, we can meet these guys in a well-organized state and get the place back.

This is the thinking of Jin Haoran and others.

And they naturally didn't know that, as the old black who served as the captain in Team Be, he had completely taken the blame for Tang An.

And this pot is black and shiny.

On the other side, seeing Tang An whipping the corpses like Fei Ke and others, naturally felt extremely comfortable.

After all, not too long ago, they were blocked on the bridge by these guys from the OGG team in the same way, unable to get off.

But now, the bones that died on the bridge turned into these guys.

(End of this chapter)

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