Chapter 242 Is it dangerous?
"So should we hurry across the bridge now?"

Maruko couldn't help but ask such a question.

"After you have finished searching, go and have a look first."

Tang An thought for a while, and then gave such an answer.

Although their team has not become as poor as it was at the beginning after the previous search, it cannot withstand a battle on the bridge.

Therefore, after a long distance, the military jeep driven by Shu Wang was almost out of gas.

But fortunately, there are not too few car brushing spots nearby. When the jeep stopped because it ran out of gasoline, Tang An and the others immediately got into another white car.

Not long after that, the bridge leading to Fig Town came into view.

"Are you going directly across the bridge now?"

After driving the car to the downhill corner of the slope, the Shu King stopped temporarily and asked this question.

After all, he is not the leader of the team. If he rashly drives the car to that kind of place without approval, he will bear the responsibility.

"Observe for a while, maybe someone has already passed there, waiting for us?"

Hearing what Tang An said, the one who frowned first turned into Wanzi, "I don't think so, after all, it hasn't been a long time, and we are very likely to be the first team to arrive here."

"But in our current state, if we are really blocked by other teams on the bridge, we basically only have the fate of being wiped out."

The Mouse King said so.

And from what he said, Tang An could easily tell that the man who was in charge of sentry and other duties in Team Be actually preferred a more secure style of play.

"Actually, I also think it's not very good to cross the bridge."

To Tang An's surprise, it was Fei Ke who spoke this time: "After all, what we are playing now is mainly training, and in real games, those teams will basically not take risks." We ran to cross the bridge, so we can directly choose to swim across as if we were dealing with the most realistic competition."

This might be a bit too much...

Tang An couldn't help complaining in his heart, but it's not that he didn't understand why Fei Ke had such an idea.

After all, Fei Ke, who was the charge of the Be team, had only experienced such a thing, and now he became a little more cautious, which is really a common sense thing.

"It's better than this."

After thinking for a while, Tang An, the captain, finally opened his mouth and said, "Since you don't have a unified opinion, let's wait and see. If the team crossing the bridge later does not encounter any obstacles on the other side of the bridge." If there is no team, how about we choose to drive across the bridge?"

Hearing what Tang An said, Wanzi and the others undoubtedly agreed.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, this is indeed the relatively safest and most secure approach.

Then everyone stopped talking. Feike and the others, including Tang An, found a bunker and hid there, waiting for the little white mouse who was about to cross the bridge.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and then the sound of the engine belonging to the transportation vehicle reached my ears.

Immediately afterwards, a four-seater military convertible jeep drove past.

Judging from the number of people in the car, this is a three-person team in the standard sense with only one player missing.

"They passed."

The Mouse King said so.

Then, under the sight of everyone, the jeep first stopped when it approached the entrance of the bridge.

Then, several figures jumped out of the car and began to look towards the opposite side of the bridge, from which the viewer could see something different.

But what the three-person team didn't expect was that while they got out of the car to look around, another car drove past.

But this time, it was a popular version of the pink car.

This is obviously another team that is about to cross the bridge.

And looking at this scene, the three-person team that drove the military convertible jeep first passed undoubtedly couldn't sit still.

As if they were afraid that these latecomers would overtake them and cross the bridge first, after quickly confirming the location on the other side of the bridge, they decisively got into the military jeep and sped towards the direction of Fig Town.

However, just as the military open-top jeep reached the center of the bridge, which was about half the distance, gunshots came from the direction of Fig Town.

This also made Wanzi's face change suddenly. You know, if Tang An and Feike Shuwang had followed her advice and passed the bridge, then the team that died at this moment would probably become them .

"Then shall we go there now? Why don't we just swim over?"

Fei Ke frowned and asked this question.

As for the other people, they naturally didn't say anything. At this moment, their eyes almost fell on Tang An.

That meant obviously hoping that Tang An, the captain, could come up with an idea.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Tang An suddenly felt a little helpless.

However, it was Fei Ke who spoke at this moment, but he shrugged and said, "Since you are our captain, it is natural for you to come to make a decision, so that you don't think that this captain is for what for?"

"Is that so..."

Tang An chuckled.

Immediately, he touched those sparse beard stubbles again, and said, "Well then, my idea is that I want to eat up the whole team on the other side of the bridge."

"Eat them?"

After hearing what he said, Wanzi and the others couldn't help being stunned.

I just heard Wanzi say: "How do you eat it? Do you want to pass from the front? You have to know that judging from the current situation, the safety zone at the next level has a probability of more than 80.00%, and it will not be on our side. Then this also That is, they simply have to wait for our people to cross the bridge."

"Who said to use this way of eating?"

Tang An gave her a strange look, and while Wanzi and the others were confused, he laughed again, but that smile was full of sinister taste: "I mean, let's swim over, Block these guys in turn."

"Aren't you kidding me?"

The Mouse King widened his eyes, and retorted: "You have to know, if we swim at this distance, after we swim there, it's still a question of whether those guys will be there, and we don't need to beat them at all. After all, it would be too dangerous in this way.”

"Is it dangerous?"

Tang An chuckled: "But if I tell you that those people are the people from OGG who blocked you on the bridge last time, don't you want to kill them?"

(End of this chapter)

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