Chapter 240
Although his strength is not weak, he is naturally not strong in the team.

Therefore, when he saw Zhao Yu, Zhang Kai and the other three were knocked down to the ground, he naturally felt as if he had lost his backbone, and he immediately became confused.

"Captain, what should I do now?"

Seeing Xiaoyuan's at a loss look beside him, Zhao Yu, the captain of EDG, was at a loss for words.

After all, judging from the current situation, winning or losing has already become a settlement, so what is the use of him commanding now?
Moreover, as a member of the team, Obuchi, who was in charge of sentry and other tasks, was not considered to be a very strong player in steel guns in terms of his own strength.

"It's up to you."

Hearing the words of Zhao Yu as the captain, the other members couldn't help but fell silent, and the most painful among them was Xiaoyuan.

At this moment, although he has already seen the two guys belonging to the Be team through the third-person high-level perspective, the problem is that with his current blood volume, even if he rushes out now, he may not be able to win the fight.

"Just be yourself."

At this moment, Zhang Kai, who was a sniper, suddenly interrupted and said, "This is better than letting them take one more head. Of course, more importantly, I can take this opportunity to see Death replay, I really can't believe that MK14 is so powerful."

After all, he is a professional player who is quite accomplished in sniping, and Zhang Kai's reluctance is not something that is not being cleaned up.

Then there was nothing more to say, and with an explosion coming from the hillside, Maruko and Shu Wang also instantly learned the latest news of the enemy's death from the text message in the upper right corner.

"They've taken it upon themselves."

The Rat King shrugged, looking a little helpless.

But even though everyone already knew the news from the EDG guys from the text messages, none of the people present dared to completely relax their vigilance.

After all, no one dares to say whether a second or third team will be attracted by the sound of gunfire just now.

Therefore, the Shu King was still the same as before, after only touching some bandages from one of the corpses, he ran to a nearby high point and lay down.

Because from his place, he can use the effect of the bandage to restore the wound and blood volume, while observing whether there will be some enemies around who touch him with malicious attitudes.

After all, as far as their current state is concerned, if they are really caught off guard by a sneak attack, it is almost equivalent to annihilation of the group.

And just as Tang An, Fei Ke and the others were searching for the supplies in the backpacks of the four members of the EDG team, far away in the EDG training room, Zhao Yu and others who were watching the replay of the death were all staring wide-eyed. The pupils flickering with shock, looked at the game character who controls MK14 on the screen.

"This speed... is simply unbelievable."

After watching the video of himself being knocked down again, Zhang Kai couldn't help but sigh as EDG's sniper, and said, "If it's not cheating, I think I can't compare to it."

"Cheating? No, I can only say that this person's preview scope is really powerful, because as long as he opens the scope, the position that the lens will aim at is basically our head."

Zhao Yu, the captain of EDG, said so, and then sighed: "To be honest, although this kind of operation looks like it is operated by the self-aiming function of a plug-in, it is actually not a plug-in. "

"why do you say so?"

An Yang, who was the assaulter in the team, couldn't help but speak, and there was a little unwillingness in that voice: "You know, this guy is using a machine sight!"

"It is precisely because it is a machine sight that I have eliminated the possibility of him cheating."

However, Zhao Yu, the captain of EDG, interrupted him and said: "You know, in the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, you don't need to raise the muzzle of the gun upward when you're targeting distant enemies. In order to eliminate the recoil problem during the shooting process, the owner of this MK14 almost only fires once every time he opens the camera. It feels as if he is playing with the MK14 as a 98K. . But what’s the reality? I have to say that apart from moving the mouse down, this is the only way to minimize the recoil.”

"The captain is right."

In the EDG professional team, Zhang Kai, who was the sniper, also interjected: "After all, I am mainly playing with weapons such as sniper rifles. Naturally, it can be seen that this MK14 does not have any practical problems with cheating."

"Are all the people in Team Be so fierce?"

It seems that Zhang Kai, who is the sniper in the team, did not expect to say that. The others naturally let go of the few doubts in their hearts, and Xiaoyuan even opened his mouth with a sigh, feeling emotional.

As for the captain Zhao Yu who heard what he said, he frowned, "Although Team Be is indeed well-known in the domestic FPS e-sports circle, the guy who can play MK14 so well, to be honest, I personally I have never seen it before, not to mention that the ID used by this player playing MK14 is Lao Hei, the captain of the Be team."

"I still have a little understanding of the information about Lao Hei. Most of the command methods of this professional player are based on the prudence he is good at, but the only thing that makes me a little strange is that I heard that the personal ranking of the captain of the Be team It’s almost not taller, and his overall strength is not as good as that of the team members Feike, but now we can hardly hold our heads up because we only rely on a MK14.”

"Maybe it's because they also have a trumpet relationship."

Xiao Yuan interjected, and said: "In short, Captain, let's start the next one quickly. To be honest, I don't want to meet these monsters from Team Be again. Oh yes, especially the one who plays MK14. It changed my understanding of this gun."

While the members of the EDG team were starting their routine at this time, Tang An and his party had already divided up the spoils and were ready to go to the center of the second-level security zone.

However, even though they have eaten up the entire professional team of the EDG club, the current situation of Tang An and his team is not that good.

Because what none of them thought was that the medicines on the people of EDG were almost exhausted because of the fight just now.

And it's not just like that, apart from the medicines, the bulletproof vests and helmets they were wearing were so worn out that they couldn't continue to use them. Only those rifle accessories and bullets made Tang An and the others feel a little better. little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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