PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 237 Trouble again with the coexistence of beauty and wisdom Chapter Title

Chapter 237 Trouble again with the title of the chapter where beauty and wisdom coexist

This is the third chapter of 220, messed up...

Hearing what Zhang Kai said, Zhao Yu, the captain of EDG, interrupted him and said: "Be is also a well-known brand-name team in China. It is almost impossible to have the problem of using cheats to play games, let alone Besides, this is just an ordinary game, there is no need to cheat."

His tone is full of affirmation, but other people have no doubts about this matter. After all, the Be Club does have a considerable status in the domestic e-sports circle, and it is unlikely that the members of its professional team will appear like that. The situation of hanging up to play appears.

"Since that's the case, then Xiaoyuan, go there and pull Zhang Kai up first."

As the captain of EDG, Zhao Yu decided so.

However, Zhang Kai, who was in the sniper position when he heard what he said, suddenly intervened and added: "Remember to throw the smoke bomb first! That MK14 is really accurate, I didn't lie to you."

It seems that Zhang Kai didn't expect that such a sentence would come out of nowhere. Although the others felt a little funny in their hearts, they didn't say it out.

Then, a smoke bomb was thrown on the ground around Zhang Kai, quickly covering the surrounding sight.

"Xiaoyuan, you take this opportunity to rush over to save people, and Anyang and I will help you press the gun line."

In the EDG professional team, Zhao Yu, the captain, said this.

Then, the next second when Xiao Yuan ran towards Zhang Kai, Zhao Yu and An Yang, who had already selected the shooting angle, had locked their sights on Team Be's side.

Seeing the smoke rising in front of him, Tang An, who was hiding behind the airdrop box and worrying about his future actions, suddenly brightened, "Damn it, didn't you just give me a chance?"
So, he quickly said to the Rat King next to him: "Rat King, while they are rescuing people now, hurry up and rescue Feike. Maranzi and I will help you suppress the gun?"

"Saving people? Now?"

Then the Rat King was immediately confused when he heard what Tang An said. After all, judging from the current situation, Feike's death has almost become a settlement, not to mention that Feike is currently being targeted by EDG and the others. Now, isn't running to save someone the same as risking death?

"if not?"

Tang An asked back.

Then the Rat King, who had been struggling for a while, finally spoke again and said: "But have you ever considered that if you run over now, not only Feike, but also me may die, besides, if I use it, After taking out the first aid kit just now, I don’t even have a bandage left on my body, and even if I am half disabled, it will make me very uncomfortable.”

"Didn't everyone say that Wanzi and I pressed the gun for you? Then you are still afraid of a chicken?"

Tang An looked at the Shu King with disdain.

And at this moment, whether it is Shu Wang or Wanzi, the black line on the face can't help but appear, press the gun?If the person is gone, then you still hold the egg!

Of course, even though I think so, as I said before, Tang An now has the identity of their captain after all, and this is just a game, and the last thing he can do is die?just go!
After making a decision in his heart, the Shu King didn't hesitate any more. Taking advantage of Feike's last sliver of blood, he ran over in time and held him at a critical moment, making this A member of the Be team who served as a chargeman was saved from death.

"They are rescuing Captain, what should we do now?"

Seeing this scene, An Yang, who was in charge of the EDG professional e-sports team, was also a little unhappy.

After all, judging from the situation at the scene, no matter where the airdrop box is located, it is almost impossible for anyone to successfully escape, not to mention that almost a whole team of people on my side are staring at it.

"Do you still need to think about it? If we dare to save someone, we will shoot directly."

As the captain of the EDG team, Zhao Yu said so.

Immediately, he decisively unfolded the scope of the AKM assault automatic rifle in his hand, and locked the mouse beside the airdrop box.

As for why not make up the other one first?
For Zhao Yu and his group of four, the life and death of the Be team member who fell first was a matter of time, so they were naturally not in a hurry.

Now, they had to kill the new enemy first.

That's what they thought, but at this moment, the unique sound of gunshots belonging to SKS reached their ears.

Although Zhao Yu and the others were not injured by this attack, a bullet hole splashed on the ground beside Zhao Yu undoubtedly indicated that there was an SKS staring at them in a corner at this moment.

"Xiaoyuan, has anyone been rescued?"

Zhao Yu, who was hiding behind the sand dune, opened his mouth and asked.

"Zhang Kai has been rescued by me. He is packing a first aid kit. He intentionally needs a while before he can participate in the battle again."

Hearing Xiao Yuan's words, Zhao Yu couldn't help but nodded and said: "Okay, you two will join the battle as soon as possible after this is done. As for Anyang, you can help me set up the gun in the corner below, and I will You have to find that SKS, and remember not to get hit by the MK14 behind the airdrop box. Your current health will be knocked down in one shot."

"Captain, don't worry."

Anyang said this, although long-range shooting is not his strong suit, the distance is not that far after all. With his strength, as long as he is careful not to let the MK14 hiding behind the airdrop box hit him during the process. If the snipe hits, there should be no problem.

That's what he thought. At this time, Zhao Yu, who was the captain of the EDG team, tentatively raised his head again and pointed the muzzle at the airdrop box. Apparently, he wanted to kill the Rat King. Give the idea of ​​knocking down.

But Maruko naturally couldn't make him fulfill his wish, so the gunshots resounded again as scheduled.

However, at this moment, Anyang, who had been hiding down the slope and was responsible for pressing the gun for captain Zhao Yu, finally discovered the correct position of the SKS, so he finally couldn't help but want to take action.

Of course, before doing it, he deliberately passed the right side of the screen and glanced at the airdrop box there. After making sure that the MK14 did not show his head, he finally poked his head out from behind the hill and aimed at the ball. In the direction over there, when the gun was about to be fired, the muzzle of the gun finally appeared at the airdrop box.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots rang out, but this time the person who fell on the ground became Anyang!

'Be, bkac knocked out EDGay with MK14'

Looking at the battle information displayed in the upper right corner, not only Zhao Yu of EDG and others were stunned, even Zheng Tao, the coach of Team Be, was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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