Chapter 183 He is easy to bully
"Ha! People are here, so I win, so what about the promised reward? Brothers?"

Looking at the crazy reward items in the live broadcast room, Tang An felt so happy at the moment, after all, it's all money...

Afterwards, he locked his eyes on the guy in front of him who was playing with small steps on the main road. It may be because this cheater thought through perspective observation that there were no other players nearby, so at this time he would Instead of being low-key before, he became so arrogant.

"I'll tell you."

After mentally calculating the movement speed of the plug-in brother and the impact point of the M164A bullet in this situation, Tang An took out the M164A on his body and said with a smile: "I must have this one. Kill this guy, don’t ask me why, he is strong and willful!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the distance between the cheater and him was only about 20 meters away, and after Tang An silently read a few countdowns in his heart, he pressed the E key and turned sideways. The unfolded sight directly previewed the location where the plug-in brother was about to arrive.

Immediately afterwards, the bullets fired in the three-shot mode had just started, and a series of sounds that were faster than him rang in Tang An's ears. What he didn't expect was that this plug-in brother was very good at it. Halfway through, he stopped and then used the raised AKM to fire a wave of recoilless fire at the jeep next to him...

However, the rate of fire of this bullet was obviously accelerated by some special means. The crackling sound, like setting off firecrackers, passed through the left ear in an instant. From the beginning to the end, Tang An didn't even have time to react. This military non-open-top jeep was directly blown up on the spot...

Well, Tang An was also affected by the explosion...

Looking at his body lying on the ground, not only Tang An was confused, but also a certain plug-in brother who was sitting in the Internet cafe and saw that someone was inexplicably killed by an engine vehicle couldn't help but his eyes widened and his mouth opened. There was a swearing: "Fuck! What the hell is this??"

It's no wonder that he behaved like this. After all, as a low-key player, before using the movement acceleration function, he had carefully observed how many players were left in the surrounding area, and at that time he I obviously observed that there was no one else near the sea view room except myself, but now you suddenly tell me that a person jumped out from behind the jeep?Are you fucking kidding me?
Now, looking back and thinking about it carefully, if it wasn’t because of the uncomfortable attribute of not blowing up the car, maybe I would have been given by the old Yinbi who was killed by the engine vehicle just now. He pressed it to the ground and rubbed it—but it didn't make sense... Even though he was still in perspective, how could he be stalked by someone?
At this moment, the plug-in brother is still struggling with whether there is a problem with the see-through function, but the fans in Tang An's live broadcast room undoubtedly exploded - laughing.

"Let me tell you, I have to kill this dude, don't ask me why, I'm just strong and willful! A certain anchor once said so. / Squinting smile"

"Tang Shen said, I am convinced by this wave of faces! Do you still dare to pretend to be aggressive?"

"Pretending to be #forceful? The cheating party said, be careful to discount your legs."

Looking at these unscrupulous old taunts in the barrage, it was impossible for Tang An not to be depressed, but this was just a game after all. Although he felt a little bit unable to get the head to hand in the task. It's a pity, but his mentality is still good after all. He immediately coughed twice and said in a helpless voice: "Okay, I admit that this big brother is really a dick, so we'd better go hunt half-fish, he is easier to bully. "

If Banyu, who is playing a game, sees the words 'we'd better go hunt Banyu, because he's easier to bully', he might have to vomit blood and suffer internal injuries for a while before he recovers. Come.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room who heard what Tang An said was undoubtedly really shocked by Tang Shen's words. After all, you can be said to be very lucky if you can match half a fish at once using this method. Acted, and now you're telling us you want to do it again?
As a result, almost the vast majority of the audience complained in the live broadcast room because of Tang An's words, expressing their disbelief.

Of course, Tang An naturally didn't explain much about it, could he tell the truth about the existence of the 'system'?This is naturally impossible, so he simply returned to the game lobby as if he hadn't seen these complaints, and by the way, switched to Banyu's live broadcast room with a split-screen computer to see what he was playing now. Is the game over yet - but his luck is obviously not bad...

Looking at the half-fish who happened to be turned into a dead body in the final round at this time, what else could Tang An say besides thinking that this guy was unlucky?After all, no one expected that this guy would meet such a cheater in the finals, and Banyu, who couldn't openly use the cheating function because of his status as an anchor, was completely dead in this battle of gods past.

Then watching Banyu exit the game and click on the matching scene again, Tang An also smiled and clicked on the matching panel as well.

After a while, the screen cut to the land of Chusheng Island again.

Looking at the picture of the half fish displayed on the split screen, combined with other factors such as the sound of the 'Quality Hall', everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help being shocked again. After all, no one thought that Tang An It's incredible that he was actually matched with the half-fish again!

"By the way, I don't know what to say now. Oh, Tang Shen and Banyu are actually matched together again? Nima, this matching system is just a joke, right? I strongly recommend Lan Dong Officially check the matching mechanism again!”

"Same as above, I just want to say now that it's lucky that Tang Shen didn't make another bet for us just now, otherwise I'm afraid we will really have to eat dirt next week."

"Why do you think so much? Anyway, it's good to watch, God Tang, come on! I love you!"



As for the other side at this time, Banyu, who came to Chusheng Island, hurriedly looked around the vicinity through various functions such as perspective and ID display, and waited until he felt that there was really no one. He was slightly relieved, but in terms of action, he still ran to the wooden table with the crossbow and picked up the crossbow on it. As if doing so would make him completely at ease, he installed the crossbow and said : "Everyone, it was an accident because the top one hit a wall. I really want to eat chicken on this plate, so I hope that everyone who supports Banyu can give me a wave of rewards or subscribe, thank you everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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