Chapter 178 Stealing the Head?
When he said this, the person had already successfully stood on the viaduct, and then he quickly found a place to lie down and began to carefully observe the surrounding environment.

And according to the scene that can be observed from Banyu's mobile phone, there are obviously many old Yinbi lurking around here. As for Tang An, what he needs to do now is to see if there is anyone nearby who can't help thinking. The guy who wants to move - no, he saw it soon.

Through the quadruple scope that came with the VSS, in Tang An's sight at the moment, he quickly caught a sneaky figure hiding behind the blue container.

After roughly measuring the shooting distance, Tang An immediately pulled the trigger. Immediately afterwards, several muffled sounds fell on everyone's ears, but due to the special effect brought by the subsonic speed, everyone present At that moment, he couldn't hear which direction the gunshot came from, let alone the player behind the blue container.

At this moment, he only heard the name of a mosquito that seemed to be an amplified version, and then accompanied by the blood special effect that appeared on his screen, only when he was hit, he realized that he It was beaten!

However, his reaction was a bit late, because just when he subconsciously wanted to get into the cracks of the container, several consecutive muffled sounds came from his ears, and these few bullets except one Apart from hitting the player's chest, the remaining shots hit his head directly.

'douyu, 9527 killed xcssszhan with a VSS headshot'

After all, it's just a green melon skin head. Even if the power of the VSS gun is small, it can't be weakened to the point where it can't even break through the first-level head. It makes sense.

As for Tang An who had finished all this, he quickly pressed the X button to put the gun back, lest the previous gunshot would make others feel where he was and point the gun over. After all, the VSS Although the gun has a subsonic perverted setting, it doesn't mean it has no sound.

Especially in this sunny and cloudless environment, the VSS without the sound of rain is like a tiger missing half of its teeth. It may be difficult for ordinary people to find the sound of the previous bullets. The clue, but if it is another player who is very sensitive to the sense of sound, the result is not certain, especially in this situation where there is a cheating player below, if it is discovered Basically, Tang An could only finish the game completely.

Just as he thought, several survivors who were still lurking near the container had already begun to search for the direction of the previous voice, and there were still half a fish doing the same thing!
Different from others, as a cheat user, he has the functions of seeing through and displaying ID. He shouldn't be like a headless chicken like other people, shaking the camera to look around, after all This approach has no benefit other than making the eyes more tired, not to mention that he has also opened a cheat.

Of course, it is precisely because of the fact that he has opened a cheat that he feels it is particularly strange, because the 'Destroyer cheat' he uses not only has the ability to see through and display IDs, but more importantly, this cheat also has the ability to See exactly what weapon the enemy is using!

However, with this function, he has not found anyone around him using VSS for such a long time!
This kind of situation also made him feel very puzzled, but just after he was thinking about whether to wait for the VSS to shoot, when he shot, he suddenly discovered through the perspective function that there was a gun not far in front of him. There is already a player holding an AKM coming towards him in the container.

Therefore, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to squat that VSS, and directly started to lean towards the direction of the AKM in the container on the left. It just happened to meet people's daily drama.

It didn't take long, and a guy with an AKM and a second-level head was quickly spotted by Banyu, and then he immediately pretended to have just discovered this player, holding his hands The SKS unfolded the scope over there, and said with a smile: "Have you seen this guy? I personally bet fifty cents that this guy will be headshot by my SKS later."

He spoke confidently, and the comment section of the live broadcast room naturally responded with a voice of 666 at such an instant, so Banyu pulled the trigger decisively.

The sound of the SKS sniper rifle is not small, let alone in such a quiet atmosphere, the several gunshots undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention here - of course, due to the Due to their respective angles, it is naturally impossible for others to see Banyu and the player holding the AKM.

But Tang An was obviously an exception.

At this moment, although he is lying on the viaduct, he can't have a panoramic view of all the enemy's positions in the entire G port container, but he can still clearly see the player holding the AKM from his angle. After looking at the shooting angle here, he decisively followed Banyu's SKS and fired.

The sound of shooting belonging to the VSS resounded, but was quickly covered by the sound of the SKS. However, to everyone's surprise, just when everyone thought that the player holding the AKM would be shot by half When Yu was about to die, he didn't expect that the VSS in Tang An's hand would come from behind, and he happened to be very lucky to snatch the head. Such a scene undoubtedly stunned Tang An and Ban Yu at the same time.

Fuck!Is that all right?
Looking at the inexplicably extra heads, Tang An himself was obviously very surprised and pleasantly surprised. After all, when he shot, to be honest, he hadn't thought that his VSS could snatch heads from the muzzle of SKS. What's more, the user of this SKS is still a cheater!
Naturally, Banyu was also astonished by this, but what was different from Tang An was that, as the guy whose head was robbed, when he saw that the head he was about to get fell into someone else's hands, His emotions are undoubtedly very angry, but what makes him feel even more unacceptable is that the ID that caused all this is the ID that he is so familiar with, douyu, 9527!


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(End of this chapter)

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