PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 147 The chapter who is always absent from work is asking for leave again! !

Chapter 147 The chapter name who is always absent from work asks for leave again! !
Through the scope, look at the four horizontal lines displayed on the bottom of the mirror. This is the unique auxiliary line for measuring the distance of objects that only the VSS sniper rifle has.

Among the four grids, each grid corresponds to the three triangular aiming points of the object in the scope.

Their distances are 100 meters, 200 meters and 300 meters respectively, representing the best effective range of the VSS sniper rifle.

Of course, rather than using these cumbersome things to measure the effective strike force of objects within the range, most players prefer to play according to their own feelings, let alone VSS. Know what the specific meanings of these four horizontal lines represent.

However, since Tang An has exchanged all the proficiency of the VSS sniper rifle, it is naturally impossible not to know these basic knowledge, and even relying on his understanding of the VSS, he does not need it within 300 meters. In terms of distance, I wanted to measure something carefully, so I directly aimed the first triangular point at the third-level head on the top of the fried dough stick, and fired decisively.

A muffled sound was fleeting, and then, as Tang An expected, under the cover of the subsonic bass, the guy on the fritters didn't even know which side hit him, he just stood up quickly, blindly Looking around in the aisle of fried dough sticks, the whole person is like a headless chicken.

However, this player naturally couldn't have imagined that the moment he got up, a camera from behind the wall of Building A immediately aimed at the first-level armor on his body.

After all, for a less powerful sniper rifle like the VSS, if you want to quickly blow up an intact three-stage head, the requirements for the gun owner's personal control are really too high.

Of course, this is not because Tang An can't do such an operation. After all, the products that can be placed on the exchange list by the system are not just there to look good. The reason why Tang An doesn't want to do this is just because I just don’t want any accidents to happen during on-site operations.

Thinking like this, when he aimed the gun at the first-level armor on the opponent, he also instantly switched the VSS from single-shot to three-shot mode. After all, another advantage of the VSS gun is that it can fire at full range. It shoots automatically - although Tang An thinks it's not very useful...

Soon, two muffled sounds of three bursts resounded throughout the airport.

As for the big screen outside, the audience who saw this scene just saw the picture of the VSS sight moving upwards a few times, and then the player above the fritters instantly turned into a dead body , Most of the people who watched this scene were stunned immediately.

"Fuck! Who knows what happened just now? This person just died?"

A young man in his early 20s said with wide eyes and some astonishment.

"Um, was that three consecutive shots from VSS just now? Damn, why did it feel like there was no recoil at all? If it weren't for the fact that I saw it here, I almost thought the brother inside had activated a plug-in..."

Another young man answered, and such voices are obviously not uncommon around here. After all, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, VSS belongs to the kind where it is impossible to kill the opponent directly and can only be killed by grabbing the head or spending money. A weapon that consumes the enemy to death in the form of blood.

In this way, for the vast majority of players who love high-explosive weapons such as 98K and AWM, it is naturally impossible to like them. This is the fundamental reason why sniper rifles such as VSS are not pleasing.

You said blood loss?

No, for this type of FPS game, the vast majority of people obviously still prefer the thrill of killing with one shot.

Outside the court, there was also a slightly fat middle-aged man wearing black casual clothes who was also shocked - oh, by the way, his name is Zheng Tao.

Unlike other people, Zheng Tao's understanding and experience in FPS games is obviously deeper than ordinary people, so he can naturally see how difficult the previous six-shot operation is.

Although the stability of the VSS sniper rifle can even far exceed that of the mini, which is quite cost-effective, it is obviously impossible to shoot three bursts in the environment of a [-]-meter quadruple mirror without much drift. ?What's more, this is a six-shot operation!Even if such precise control is placed in a group of professional players, there is not nothing that can be done, but it is definitely not too much!Not to mention being as precise as Tang An.

And the boy in front of this e-sports box who performed the difficult maneuver just now is obviously not a professional player. After all, it is absolutely impossible for Zheng Tao not to remember those players who have made great achievements in the field of FPS games. At least he has absolute confidence in this!
As a result, this little-known boy easily performed operations that even professional players could not do. Who the hell is this guy?

As for the other side, Tang An, who didn't know that the outsiders had already caused a lot of disturbance because of the six-shot operation he had just done, had already taken advantage of the cover of the foggy sky and quickly ran to the top of the fried dough sticks, that is, The position where the level [-] player just died.

And when Tang An saw the third-level head in the urn that showed only minor damage, he couldn't help but sigh to himself. Sure enough, the attack power of the VSS gun was really weak... After all, in the battle just now, even if any rifle was used, one bullet would be enough to deal higher damage than this, right?
Thinking like this, Tang An quickly licked the third-level head on the ground and some necessities that would be used later into his backpack.

After finishing such a set of movements, the equipment on Tang An's body is not to say how fat, but it can already be called normal. After all, he still has a third-level helmet on his head that can be called intact isn't it?
And just after he was ready to go, Tang An quickly saw two people hiding in the grass on one side near the wall around Building [-] through the wide field of vision on the dough sticks...

Judging from the directions and positions these two players are facing, they should be someone squatting in Building 2, but the point is, neither of these two players saw each other...

This is a bit fun...

Tang An chuckled, and then couldn't help but say, his scope quickly swept towards a guy wearing a green melon skin head, who looked easy to bully from any angle, and decisively used the three consecutive shots that hadn't been cut back. The trigger was pulled.

Three short-lived muffled sounds flew by my ears, and then in the environment less than 100 meters away, the three intact 9mm bullets immediately hit the melon-headed man in the head in full.

It may be because the player himself was not at full health, so he was headshot in the blink of an eye, and the process was so fast that everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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