PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 135 Chapter Chapter Name Tell Amu Today It's Tired

Chapter 135 Chapter Name Tell Amu Today It's Tired
Even though he thought so, Tang An also rushed over immediately, and quickly put the crossbow that Xiao Liu found on his back - along with the black lacquered third-level crossbow. head.

In such a short time, Tang An had a complete set of level three defensive equipment. However, at this time, Li Xiangjun said, "Are you sure you want to use a crossbow? In this weather?"

"What, is there a problem?"

Tang An asked a little strangely, and Li Xiangjun hesitated for a while, then said: "Although you may be more skilled in playing crossbows, the practicality of this weapon is still no better than that of a rifle. The important thing is that the reason why you were able to kill them so quickly last time was actually just to seize the opportunity when the enemy was sitting in the car and not moving, so I think it might be better for you to switch to a rifle, of course. , if you can guarantee to kill people, I can also use the silencer UMP9 in my hand for you."

Listening to her conservative voice, Tang An also felt a little funny in his heart. Why did this girl always have such a big prejudice against her use of the crossbow?
"Let me tell you, the reason why I use this weapon is because..."

While talking, Tang An raised the crossbow in his hand, then opened the scope towards the position behind the window wall, and then heard a muffled whistling sound passing by his ears, one of them was hiding in a tricky corner outside The figure was shot to death just so abruptly.

Then, I heard him say seriously: "Because with a crossbow, you can really do whatever you want, especially in this kind of weather."

After finishing speaking, he ran directly to the corpse over there to lick the bag, but before Li Xiangjun and the others could fully react, Tang An's strange cry came to their ears first: "Fuck! There is actually a good level [-] armor in this person, whoever wants to hurry up, first come first served!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Then Li Qing became excited immediately, but just halfway through the run, a figure who was faster than him was already standing beside Tang An, bent down to pick up the third-level armor on the ground, and said, "I'll give you something!" I took it."

"Fuck! When did you come here?"

Tang An looked in shock at Li Xiangjun who had appeared by his side since he didn't know when.

As for the latter, he replied in a very natural voice: "When you encounter an enemy, shouldn't you, as a teammate, rush to the scene as soon as possible? Isn't that so strange?"

This is very strange! Hey!And you obviously didn't say that in the last one!If you want a third-level armor on the ground, just say it, bastard!
"Damn it, old lady, why are you moving so fast?"

Li Qing, who came late, was also depressed, but since the equipment had already arrived in his sister's hands, there was basically no hope of getting it back, so he could only sigh in his heart and vowed to move faster next time.

Although it was a foggy day, gunshots from the airport still rang out from time to time. After Tang An and the others finished dividing up the loot, the group of people immediately went around in the direction of the K-building, because most of the previous gunshots It all came from here.

"Later, let's focus on buildings No. [-] and No. [-], because No. [-] building must have been searched long ago, so the other two buildings may be the focus."

Tang An said this while looking at the mobile phone on his lap.

And at this time, another burst of crackling gunshots came from the area of ​​Building No. 3, which also confirmed that Tang An's previous statement was indeed correct, and the enemies were indeed concentrated in Building No. [-] and Building No. [-].

"Those who were in the previous class should be right here in Building C."

Just when Tang An and the others had arrived in a small garage on the left side of Building C, Li Xiangjun said this.

Tang An asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"Because I have seen the ID displayed in the lower left corner just now, and it is the same as that douyuTVliange ID."

Hearing Li Xiangjun's explanation, Tang An was a little surprised for a moment. Speaking of which, do women nowadays have such good observation skills?
He was thinking this in his mind, and when he saw that the group was almost outside the wall of Building [-], Tang An suddenly had an idea and said: "The gunshot just now will probably attract other teams in the airport, so I think it would be better for us to squat in the grass over at Building [-] first, so as not to be bypassed by others and reduce the number of people, which would be a bit uneconomical."

"You're right."

Li Xiangjun rarely expressed his agreement with Tang An in his opinions.

So Tang An was a little surprised by this, but he didn't think too much about it. The group quickly went around and hid in the grass near the wall of the small garden on the back of No. [-] building.

Of course, during this process, Tang An also made a small detailed action, which was to prevent the clairvoyant guy in the building from accidentally seeing himself when looking at Li Qing and the others. He also He secretly moved his steps and slightly distanced himself from Li Xiangjun and the others.

And in just a short while, two people came running from the direction of the police station in Building A.

These two people were obviously attracted by the gunshots from Building C. At this moment, their direction of action was directly from the outside of Building C to the back area of ​​Building No. 3—to put it bluntly, it was Tang An and others. ahead.

Seeing these figures running past like lambs, Li Qing couldn't help asking: "Brother Tang, should we fight or not?"

"Just wait for a while."

Tang An frowned and thought for a while, because according to the picture displayed on the mobile phone screen, Wu Liang in Building [-] was in a small room.

Although this guy had been pretending to pick up the gun, Tang An had no doubt that the moment he and his men fired, the guy who had committed suicide would immediately find where he and his men were and shoot. At that time, even Tang An himself, who was hiding here, was very likely to be affected.

After all, although crossbows have abnormal abilities such as headshots, etc., the shortcomings are quite obvious, because its long shooting interval is not enough to face more than one enemy, let alone these people There are also two cheat users among them, Tang An doesn't want to experience the cheat function which is called instant kill.

So I can only stick with it for the time being...

Tang An sighed inwardly, and then the two mice who had rushed over from the police station in Building A bypassed Building No. [-] and ran to Building No. [-] in front of Li Qing and his party. I touched it.

(End of this chapter)

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