PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 108 The key to triggering the mission?

Chapter 108 The key to triggering the mission?
When he was thinking this way, the second-level poisonous circle had already been closed, and the location of the third-wave safety zone happened to fall on the half of the sea-view room near the container, so this also means that, after receiving In the time that came down, Tang An basically only needed to search this place, and then find a safe place to hide and go to the next wave of vicious circles.

Of course, he is indeed doing according to this concept. After all, there is no pressure to live broadcast at the moment, and there is no need to deliberately show some good-looking and technical things to the broadcaster, so he this time Naturally, it was extremely easy.

After all, this is not a stage play with a pre-determined ending. If there is not enough talent and hard work to support it, it is impossible for a person to achieve wonderful content that includes all the above two points in "every live broadcast" What's more, Tang An is just a rookie anchor who has just debuted. If it weren't for the physical changes and weapon proficiency of the 'clean body', he wouldn't have grown so fast.

You know, before getting the support of the system, Tang An, a thousand-year-old Yinbi, was the kind of boring guy who could defend more than two waves of poisonous circles in the same place without moving.

However, this method is obviously not suitable for live broadcasting. After all, who would watch an anchor lying on the ground without moving for more than 6 minutes—and if there is such a person, it can be sent I went to the brain hospital to go to the emergency department to seek medical treatment. Hey!

However, to Tang An's pity, even though the area of ​​Nuoda's sea-view rooms does not seem to have many people, most of the rooms here have already been looted, and more importantly, those that have been looted in advance After the people who have been here have searched the entire room, they still don't forget to help the latecomers to close all the doors in advance. What the hell is going on?Don't you know it's a waste of time? Hey!
Tang An complained indignantly in his heart, but even though he said so, every time he went out after searching the room, he did the same thing, closing all the doors carefully. A qualityless thing.

After a while, after realizing that there was really nothing to search for, Tang An then set his sights on the locations of the only three puzzle buildings with roofs in this area.

All in all, before the next person arrives, let's take the commanding heights first and then talk about it later.

This is Tang An's plan. Although the theme of this game is survival, if you don't even know the position of the enemy during the process, it is impossible to do the above.

But then again, before going to the destination, Tang An still played a little bit tricky in this regard, um, for example, he opened all the doors on the left side and his own building with the door panels facing outwards, and then It creates a feeling for outsiders that this place has been searched.

But after doing these actions, Tang An was very cunning and kept the door of the puzzle building on the right still closed...

After all, if this is the case, all players who see this scene will definitely have a chance to drill into the building they think is safe, and at this time Tang An only needs to guard against the fixed few points. From this point of view, you can basically achieve the point where who comes and who dies.

Of course, although such a small operation is not a secret in the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the audience who saw this detail still couldn't help but secretly praise Tang An's behavior from the bottom of their hearts.

But it is obviously impossible for everyone to know that the reason why Tang An went to so much trouble to do so many detailed operations is because he just wanted to try to see if he would be lucky enough to trigger that silence again. It’s just a system mechanism that has been around for a long time...

After completing all these actions, the countdown to the third-level safety zone has passed more than half, and at this time, Tang An has also settled down safely on the roof of the middle puzzle building. From now on, The angle of view is just right so that you can see all the guys trying to run towards the sea view room in front of you.

As time went by, gunshots began to ring out, and they got closer.

The roar of the engine and the explosion of the rifle sniper can still feel its powerful power even though it is far away.

Not long after, several tiny figures appeared in front of Tang An's eyes, silently telling everyone that this place was about to become a battlefield area baptized by the flames of war.

However, despite seeing the person, for a senior Yinbi, it is obviously impossible for Tang An to take action rashly without enough confidence to kill the opponent, not to mention the strength of these guys. The location is really too far away, and Tang An himself only has an AKM equipped with a quadruple scope...

So Tang An naturally gave up the idea of ​​attacking, and wanted to continue to wait until the next wave of safe zone arrived, but a figure running quickly from the left side of the puzzle building near the container position attracted him. attention.

Under Tang An's sight, the guy wrapped in a coat was running fast, although during the process, the player sometimes squatted down to observe the surroundings carefully when passing by the fence Such a vigilant behavior, but it is obviously impossible to deceive Tang An with such a small action. After all, this insidious guy is lying directly above this person.

Looking at the player's wretched behavior, Tang An almost couldn't hold back several times to take out the AKM and use the quadruple mirror to kill the guy. After all, every time this guy squats down, his head is basically I have never successfully hid before, that scene is so tempting, God knows how Tang An suppressed the strong killing intent to kill this guy...

Of course, the reason why he didn't do it was because this kind of sneak attack might not be able to successfully trigger the system task, so Tang An has been thinking about how to kill people just now...

While he was still struggling with the system tasks, the guy on the other side of the wall downstairs suddenly stood up, and then he raised his gun and pulled the trigger on a mountain bumper car that was advancing towards the replenishment side. .

The unique sound of 98K resounded around, and seeing where this person was standing, Tang An suddenly thought of a possibility, so he quickly took out the grenade in his backpack, pulled the ring, and waited for two seconds After about time passed, he threw it in the player's direction.
I got up at 09 this morning and went out at 30. I didn’t come back until [-]:[-] in the evening to start writing. Sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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