Chapter 82
Seeing Wang Qing gritting his teeth and staring, Ning Rui wanted to laugh.Wang Qing's angry look is actually quite cute.

"Sister Wang, what do you want to do?"

"Come shopping with me."

"I don't want to go shopping."

Now, Ning Rui has no interest in going out shopping at all, he just wants to go home to rank up and become the strongest passerby king in the Canyon of Kings as soon as possible.

"You have to broadcast live today?!"

Wang Qing pulled Ning Rui's sleeve and looked at him pitifully: "Just once, I went shopping with me today, and I promise I won't bother you again next time."


Ning Rui still refused decisively.

Wang Qing was a little dazed, she didn't expect Ning Rui to be so hard-hearted, he didn't even give him a chance.

"You won't die if you miss one live broadcast."

"But it will drop powder."

Ning Rui looked at Wang Qing seriously, and said, "I must accumulate 100 million fans as soon as possible."

"100 million fans?"

Wang Qing was puzzled, she didn't understand why Ning Rui wanted 100 million fans so anxiously.

Ning Rui is not short of money at all now, so there is absolutely no need to fight like this.

Wang Qing rolled her eyes, suddenly she thought of a way to make Ning Rui compromise with her.

"Cough cough."

Wang Qing smiled and then said: "I have a way to help you accumulate 100 million fans in three months."

"Even faster."

Hearing this, Ning Rui's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

Now, Ning Rui needs to complete the system tasks as soon as possible. Only by getting more hero cards can he calmly deal with the secondary league of Glory of Kings.

"Hey, you go shopping with me, and I'll tell you when you're done."

Wang Qing smiled slyly, she would not tell Ning Rui so easily.

"Are you lying to me?"

"I didn't lie to you." Wang Qing stretched out three fingers and made an oath gesture, "If I lied to you, I will never bother you again."

"no sooner said than done!"


Ning Rui put his hands in his pockets and looked at Wang Qing: "Where are we going?"



On xx Street, Chunxi Road, Chengdu, a beautifully dressed long-legged beauty is holding a handsome young man intimately, jumping and laughing happily while walking.

Those two were Ning Rui and Wang Qing.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, that guy Nuoyan is really super funny, very funny."

Along the way, Wang Qing told Ning Rui many interesting stories about KPL professional players, including many top professional players such as Younuoyan, Yinuo, and Nuanyang.

Wang Qing's body is full of youthful vigor, and even a person like Ning Rui who is naturally cold-hearted can't help but feel moved.

"Hey, there's a kebab shop here, let's go there and sit around."

After all, Wang Qing didn't care whether Ning Ruitong agreed or not, he directly dragged him and ran over, attracting many passers-by to look sideways.

"Boss, I want these."

Wang Qing handed the boss a stack of plates, with a smile on his face, "We'll eat here."

"Hey, I want it."

The owner of the Chuan Chuan shop nodded, and he did not forget to glance at Ning Rui and Wang Qing from the corner of his eye.

"Hey, all the beauties nowadays (why) like Xiaoxian Rounan..."

The boss sighed in his heart, and then rushed to cook the skewers.

The stalls of the Chuan Chuan shop are generally on the side of the street, with a few tables and low benches, which can be opened to welcome customers.

The diners sat on the benches, ate skewers and set up a chat (chat). For many Chengdu people, this is the simplest and most simple happy life.

After Wang Qing came to Chengdu, he quickly felt the charm of eating skewers on the roadside.

"Hey, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask."

Wang Qing stroked his hair that was blown tousled by the wind, and smiled: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Hearing this, Ning Rui almost staggered and fell to the ground, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't have a girlfriend."

Seeing Ning Rui's embarrassed appearance, Wang Qing laughed loudly: "What are you afraid of, I already have a boyfriend at your age."

"How old are you this year..."

Ning Rui felt that his age group should not fall in love, but study hard.

"This girl is eighteen years old, in the prime of her youth."

Wang Qing made a joke, then looked at Ning Rui and said with a smile: "Ning Rui, are you not an adult yet?"


Ning Rui nodded, and said truthfully: "My birthday is NO.18 in November, and I will be 17 years old in a while."

"Then you are only 16 years old now."

Wang Qing was a little surprised, she didn't expect Ning Rui to be so young.

Judging from the appearance, Ning Rui doesn't look like a 16-year-old teenager at all.

Wang Qing's personal height is 170, which is a proper height for Yujie, but standing with Ning Rui, she is still a little shorter.Wang Qing estimated that Ning Rui's height is about 175 to 178.

"What do children grow up eating now..." Wang Qing thought to himself.

"Your birthday is November 11th...that's a Scorpio!"

Wang Qing clapped his palms, suddenly realized: "No wonder you are so cold."

"I don't understand these things, they are all superstitions." Ning Rui shook his head and said.

"Constellations are things that believe in them."

At this time, the owner of the Chuan Chuan shop came over with a plate of Chuan Chuan.

"Everyone take it easy."

"thank you boss."

"Hi, nothing (it's okay)."

Soon after the boss left, Wang Qing looked at Ning Rui while eating skewers: "I was on the silver screen that day and saw you wearing two bracelets. Whose is the other one?"

"My classmate gave it to me."

Ning Rui didn't raise his head, and picked up squid skewers to eat.

"Classmate? Male or female?"

Wang Qing kept an eye on it, and continued to ask.

"Girl, she said this bracelet can be used to pray for blessings, so she insisted on me wearing it."

Hearing this, Wang Qing reacted immediately.

"It turns out that someone likes Ning Rui..."

Thinking of this, Wang Qing still couldn't help smiling, and suddenly burst out laughing, "You idiot, don't you really know what that bracelet represents?"

"Isn't it a blessing?"

Ning Rui froze in place, with the squid whiskers that hadn't been put into his mouth still hanging from his mouth.

"Listen now."

"This bracelet is specially given by girls to their boyfriends. Once a boy wears this bracelet, it means that he is famous."

Speaking of this, Wang Qing couldn't restrain the smile in his heart again, he patted the table and laughed loudly: "It's good that you are an idiot, just put on all the bracelets that the two girls gave you, and took them off halfway come down."

"What do you think?"

After listening, Ning Rui was completely stunned. The amount of information in it was too large, which made him unable to react for a while.

"I didn't fall in love with her, why did she still give me this bracelet?"

"People like you."

Wang Qing propped his chin, looked at Ning Rui with a smiling face, and asked, "Who is she? Does she look good?"

(End of this chapter)

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