Chapter 62

Seeing this, countless people in the auditorium cursed.

"Damn it! Is this shooter an undercover agent sent by the other side?!"

"Every time this shooter gets fired, I really want to go up and kick him down!"

"It's worse than my grandma's stewed pig's feet!"

"Sprinkle a handful of rice on the phone screen, and the chicken is better than this shooter!"

Now, Huang Zhong, the shooter of class 19 of the 7th grade, has died suddenly. Lian Po, Shen Mengxi, and Ming Shiyin can only choose to retreat and temporarily avoid the edge.

Class 18 at level 4 took advantage of the victory to pursue, and Miyue used a skill Painful Impact to come behind Lian Po in Class 19 at level 7, and then used her second skill to chain Lian Po, and then tied A crazily.

At this moment, Lian Poyi's skills are still in the cooldown period, and he has nothing to do against the enemy Miyue's crazy level A.

"What should I do... I'm about to be sucked dry by Miyue..."

Chen Jie frowned. His Lianpo was already in poor condition. Now that the enemy Miyue had put on the shadow chains to slow him down, if Chen Jielian didn't leave in time, the consequences would be disastrous!
Once the enemy shooter Di Renjie arrives and uses the three-skill Dynasty Secret Command to control the stun, then the five people in Level 18 Class 4 can focus their fire at the same time and kill Chen Jie Lianpo instantly!

Now the game time has reached 6 minutes, and the hero resurrection time has reached nearly 25 seconds!

"Chen Jie, just turn around and start the game."

Ning Rui said lightly, now Ning Rui and Li Bai have finished brushing the enemy Red Papa, and are rushing towards the grass in the middle.

"Brother Ning, you want to..."

Before Chen Jie could finish speaking, Ning Rui interrupted, "Hurry up and turn it up!"

Chen Jie didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly turned around and opened the door.

Immediately, Chen Jie Lianpo jumped into the enemy camp, and the first and second stages of his ultimate move dealt damage and caused a slowdown effect on four enemies. Then Chen Jie Lianpo launched the third stage of his ultimate move, knocking four enemies away!

At the same time, Chen Jielian played the second skill and began to accumulate strength!
At this moment, bullet screens were flying in A Cai's live broadcast room.

"Good! This wave directly controls the four people on the opposite side!"

"What's going on with the team in Class 18, Level 4? Can you still squeeze together after chasing people? Are you really not afraid of being kicked?"

"The dream of every Lianpo player!"

"This wave is pretty good, but there are no teammates!"

"Blind this wave of operations for nothing, hot chicken teammates are not worth it!"

Chen Jielian managed to control the flying of the four members of Class 18 of Level 4. Except for Zhang Tian Yingzheng, everyone sneered: "Hehe, what's the use of this? Do your teammates dare to turn around and fight back?"

"I don't believe that you can still..."

The members of the 18th-level class 4 team hadn't finished speaking, but Ning Rui and Li Bai got out of the grass!

Ning Rui and Li Bai changed into the skin of a phoenix Qiuhuang, with white feathers and a clear spirit, just like a chic and unrestrained immortal.

Zhang Tian's right eyelid twitched suddenly, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Immediately, Ning Rui and Li Bai played the first skill of the second paragraph, rushed into the enemy shooter Di Renjie, and gave the enemy Shield Mountain a 0.5-second stun effect.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Rui and Li Bai quickly hit two tie A's to hurt the enemy shooter Di Renjie.

Di Renjie was so frightened that he quickly threw out his life-saving skills, used his second skill to escape, and got rid of Lian Po's knock-up control effect in advance, and wanted to leave Ning Rui and Li Bai's attack range.

Soon, the enemy's assistant Dunshan played the second skill Wan Fu Mo Kai, trying to give Ning Rui and Li Bai control.At the same time, Zhang Tian Yingzheng also handed over a skill immediately, wanting to slow down Ning Rui and Li Bai.

Tachibana Ukyo, the jungler in class 18 of level 4, followed closely behind, playing the second skill Iai!
Once Ning Rui Li Bai is hit by one of the skills and is debuffed, then class 18 of level 4 will immediately drop Li Bai!
At this time, everyone in the auditorium exclaimed, they did not expect Ning Rui to be so "brave".

"Now Li Bai is gone..."

"It's too impulsive. Maybe I still have a chance when I go home and watch the wave."

"Class 19, Level 7, is cold..."

"Ning Rui is too conceited. One forcefully rushes to five people? Isn't this a gift?"

However, the team battle reversed in the next second!

Ning Rui and Li Bai played the second skill magically, dodging the enemy's auxiliary Dunshan second skill Wanfu Mokai, and the enemy jungler Tachibana Ukyo's second skill Iihe!
Ning Rui and Li Bai even directly dodged the two deadly control skills of the enemy hero!
Immediately afterwards, Ning Rui and Li Baifei quickly played a flat A to brush out the passive, accumulated 4 sword qi, and immediately played the third skill Qinglian Sword Song!
Li Bai transformed into white feather sword energy, and flew out five phantoms, dealing high damage.

The enemy shooter Di Renjie's blood volume was immediately reduced, and Tachibana Ukyo's blood volume also plummeted, with blood vessels reduced by a quarter!

A bullet screen flew up in A Cai's live broadcast room, and countless viewers exclaimed.

"This set of combos is well done! Almost all the deadly skills hit by the opponent are dodged!"

"Why is this Li Bai's damage so high? Di Renjie is almost defeated by a single big move?"

"I beg all the assassins, give us shooters a way to survive... Every time we fight in a group, we will cut our shooters..."

At this moment, the team battle between the two sides is still going on.

Chen Jielian's second skill has been fully charged, and he hit the enemy shooter Di Renjie, causing Di Renjie to be knocked into the air!
Ning Rui and Li Bai didn't waste this great opportunity, and when he went up, he hit two flat A's, quickly clearing the enemy Di Renjie's blood tank!
"He's a troublemaker! How dare you kill my teammate!"

How could everyone in the 18th-level Class 4 team allow Ning Rui to be so arrogant, and they handed over their skills one after another, wanting to kill Ning Rui and Li Bai in seconds.

However, Ning Rui and Li Bai played the first skill of the third stage, returned to the grass in the middle road, and tricked the four members of class 18 of level 4 into a lot of skills.

Soon, the four members of Class 18, Grade 4, lost Ning Rui and Li Bai's vision.

At this moment, Di Renjie, the shooter of class 18 of level 4, has died suddenly, and class 19 of level 7 can choose to fight back!

"Brother Tian, ​​what should we do? Do you want to withdraw?"

"I don't have any skills now, why don't I withdraw?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian had no choice but to nod, "Let's withdraw."

Now the four members of the 18th-level class 4 team don't have much skills. If they continue to chase, they will probably be beaten back by the 19th-level class 7.

However, the clarion call for Class 19 Class 7 to counterattack has already sounded!

Shen Mengxi, a mage from class 19, level 7, first threw out a three-skill combination bomb, a huge bomb fell from a high altitude, and fell directly on the retreat route of the four members of class 18, level 4!
After Shen Mengxi's big move is broken!
At the same time, Ming Shiyin, the assistant of class 19 at level 7, also gave Ning Rui and Li Bai a skill to increase Ning Rui and Li Bai's physical attack and movement speed.

At this time, Chen Jielian had finished cooling down his skill Burst Charge, and Chen Jie shot it out without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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