Chapter 6 Another Order

Ning Rui weighed it over and over again, and finally decided to accept the system task.As the so-called wealth and insurance seek, if this task can be successfully completed, then Ning Rui is guaranteed to be a player at the national server level.

If you can get a Samsung Hanxin card, then Ning Rui's Hanxin operation level will directly reach perfection, on the same level as Menglei's Hanxin!
After Ning Rui accepted the system task, the holographic projection exited.

Ding Ding!

The phone screen suddenly lit up and a message appeared.

"Alipay received 50 yuan."

Ning Rui picked up the phone and looked, and found that it was the money for bill settlement.At the same time, Ning Rui found that there were several unread messages on the power leveling platform.

Ning Rui clicked on it, and the message popped up.

"Brother, it's okay. Many power leveling players didn't make it to this list. I didn't expect you to get it so soon."

"I read the record, it's very beautiful."

"Are you interested in taking another order? This one is 200 yuan."

Ning Rui thought to himself, he had just accepted the system task, and he might be busy playing ranked during this time, so how could he have so much energy to play another order.

"Sorry, I've been busy lately and don't have much free time to take orders." Ning Rui typed back.

Soon, the other party replied: "It won't take you too much time, just play one round. If you think the money is not enough, I can add another hundred."

Seeing this, Ning Rui's heart skipped a beat.Can a game be worth 300 yuan soft girl coins? !

This money is like a free gift!
"I am the manager of the Greedy Wolf team of Glory of Kings. We will play a match with the White Fox team in three days. The shooters are not here these days. We are short of a shooter player."

"I'm not very good at archers." Ning Rui typed back without even thinking about it.

It's not that Ning Rui wants to pretend, but that before Ning Rui didn't have a system, his best position was actually the jungler, which was also his favorite position to play.

After all, who wouldn't want to be a wild daddy?
"Please don't refuse. I read your statistics. Your shooter Di Renjie won all five games, and he was the MVP in every game. I guess you should be a Di Renjie player in the national server."

Seeing this news, Ning Rui had no choice but to smile wryly. After weighing it again and again, he typed back: "Add another hundred, and you will win."

In fact, Ning Rui didn't particularly want to take this order. The reason why he pushed even further was because he wanted the other party to retreat in spite of difficulties.


"Okay, add me vx:xxxxxxx." The other party replied directly without any hesitation.

"I'll go, that's all right?" Ning Rui looked at the screen of the phone in a daze. Did the red banknotes come from the strong wind?
"Could it be a liar?"

Ning Rui was dubious, and after thinking for a while, he decided to give it a try.It's a big deal to play a game for nothing. If this is true, wouldn't the four hundred soft sister coins blown by the wind be delicious?

Ning Rui quit the power leveling platform and opened vx to add friends.

Friends added.

Ning Rui discovered that the VX profile picture of the other party was a middle-aged uncle in a suit and leather shoes, with the demeanor of a successful person.

"Hi, my name is Ning Rui, a player named Di Renjie who plays power leveling." Ning Rui sent a message.

"Ning Rui, hello, my name is Wang Yao, my vx avatar is me, if you don't mind, you can call me Brother Wang."

"Okay, Brother Wang." Ning Rui typed back, "When the game is about to be played, please tell me in advance."

"No problem, this is a deposit of two hundred, and the rest will be transferred to you after the game."

Immediately, Wang Yao transferred two hundred red envelopes.

Ning Rui clicked to collect, and the phone screen showed that two hundred yuan had been deposited in change.

"I'm going, it's true!" Ning Rui felt a little unbelievable, four hundred soft girl coins for a game? !

"It's too delicious!"

"I still have something to do, I will contact you next time." Wang Yao sent a message.

"Okay, goodbye, Brother Wang."

Ning Rui exited vx and checked the time, it was already 10:30 in the evening.

"I'm asleep, I have to go to class tomorrow morning." Ning Rui turned off the charging of his mobile phone, then lay down on the bed, and fell asleep peacefully.



"Hey, hey, have you watched the top 10 of Glory of Kings?" A fat boy said excitedly, "The latest issue of top 10, Di Renjie in it is really gorgeous!"

"No, isn't it just updated tonight?" A boy with a watermelon head pushed his glasses and asked in confusion, "Isn't top10 usually updated on Friday night?"

"The top10 was updated this morning! And the latest top10 has been played one million times!"

Hearing this, a large group of boys quickly gathered around.

"Fatty Peng, has top10 been updated?"

"Whoever of you has a mobile phone, take it out and have a look!"

"There are still 10 minutes to read early, if you have a mobile phone, hurry up and take a look!"

"Don't panic, don't panic." The fat boy took out his Xiaomi phone and clicked on it, "I've saved it, you can watch it anytime."

At this time, a beautiful girl with a ponytail came over and patted the fat boy's head with an English book, "Peng Yu! You brought your phone to school again!"

The ponytail girl is Li Jia, the English class representative of Class 19, Grade 7.

"Let me tell you, when the class teacher comes later, no one can protect you!" Li Jia stared at Peng Yu angrily, his chest heaving.

"Sister Li, I remember you also play King of Glory."

Peng Yu scratched his head, then excitedly brought the phone in front of Li Jia, and said, "Let me tell you, this issue's top 10 is really exciting!"

"It's school time, you..."

Before Li Jia could finish speaking, Peng Yu directly pulled the top 10 video to the last paragraph.

top1!Against the sky, Di Renjie beats five with one!

A magnetic male voice came out, and the video screen came out immediately.

In a team battle, Di Renjie first leveled A to take away the enemy's bloody Luban No. [-], and then used one ghost after another to escape A, killing the four enemies and directly collapsed.

In the video, Di Renjie's dragging A output and skill casting are all just right.

When the game prompt sounded "pentakill", the boys onlookers exclaimed directly on the spot.

"Damn it, is this an operation made by a human?"

"This way A will make me wet."

"I despise high-end players coming to low-end games to fry fish! But the operation is really good!"

Li Jia was also stunned. Although she was only a player of the Eternal Diamond rank, she could see Di Renjie's defying nature.

Although Di Renjie can explode high damage, he is a crispy hero after all. Once he is charged, he will die suddenly.

However, Di Renjie in the video just relied on his ghostly moves to avoid countless control skills.

Especially the scene where Di Renjie relieved King Lanling's dizziness in seconds and killed him back, made Li Jia's blood boil.

When she played the glory of the king, she was often caught and killed by the enemy King Lanling, so the king hero she hated the most was King Lanling.

Watching the Lanling King in the video, who was beaten to death by Di Renjie several times, Li Jia felt an indescribable sense of comfort in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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