King of Glory: The strongest lottery system

Chapter 193 View Chapter Release

Chapter 193 View Replay
Ale looked at his flash cooldown time, and there were three seconds left to complete the cooldown.

Ning Rui and Li Bai got close to Mo Xie, and he landed a flat ace. He hit Mo Xie with a close sword, poking out one-third of Li Bai's blood.

"Two layers of passive." A Le stared at the screen of the phone, and said silently in his heart.

Soon, Li Bai landed another flat A.

"Three layers of passive."

There is still one second before the flash cools down!
Gan Jiang Mo Xie's third skill, the long sword, once again poked out one-third of Li Bai's blood.

At this moment, a blue glow fell from Moxie's head, taking damage and slowing down his movement speed.

Ice Smite!

Immediately, Ning Rui and Li Bai drew a sword circle and covered Mo Xie in it.

"Finally you are here!"

Seeing that Li Bai handed in the second skill, Ah Le was relieved immediately. Li Bai lost his magic pen to save his life, so Ah Le's flying sword would be able to pierce Li Bai wantonly!
"Ah Guang has only stacked to the third level of passive now. If he wants to use his ultimate move, he must level A again."

A Cai looked at the game screen and said, "But it's too late! The general can use his big move to refresh his skills and stab Li Bai to death!"

"Ah Guang has no second skill now, so he can't hide at all!"

At this time, Ning Rui and Li Bai had already ended their unselectable status. Facing the flying sword that A Legan general Mo Xie was about to hit, he seemed to have no choice but to activate the third stage one skill to go back.


A trace of coldness flashed across Ah Le's eyes. He moved his slender fingers and pressed the big move to refresh the second and third skills. Immediately, the six swords of the 23 skills flew out!
This is almost a face-to-face distance. Even if Li Bai activates the third skill, it is impossible to avoid the flying sword's damage!

"Alas... Ah Guang is still too young, this wave should..."

Before Ah Cai could finish speaking, Li Bai unexpectedly entered the unselectable state again in the game screen!
Ning Rui and Li Bai turned into a sword fairy, the long sword in his hand was so fast that only a few phantoms could be seen, each phantom was washed away with sword energy, and the high damage hit the general, instantly emptying his blood tank.

Li Bai defeated Mo Xie!

The game prompt sounds.

Ning Rui's tower jump and strong kill shocked all the players in this peak game. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that someone could really perform this kind of operation.

[66666666666! ]
[Li Bai: Jump over the tower and kill by force
Timmy: What's your name?
Li Bai: ...Miyamoto Musashi. ]
[Good guy, even shitting makes my blood boil! ]
[What's the situation, why did Li Bai use his big move?Didn't he only hit three tie-A's? ]
[That's right, Ah Guang shouldn't be able to make a big move...]
[emmmm, when I saw Ah Guang chasing the general just now, I seemed to have a bit of a devil bear...]
[I don't care, anyway, Ah Guang's Tianxiu, labor and management want to make this clip into a GIF! ]
Seeing this, Ah Le was stunned immediately, his pupils were dilated, and he stared at the phone screen motionlessly.

"What's going on? Didn't he only stack up to three layers of passive?"

Ale closed his chapped lips tightly, and he began to carefully recall all the details just now.

Li Bai walked out from the red buff, leveled the red buff, stacked to a passive level, crossed the wall with one skill, leveled A twice, stacked to two passive levels.

This total obviously only stacked to three layers of passive!
"Forget it, I can only go out and watch the replay record."

Ah Le sighed softly, then put the phone on the table.

They have already lost this peak game.

After Ning Rui and Li Bai activated the first skill in the third stage, he returned to the blue side's field area.

Here, the residual blood Lian Po has led Da Qiao to beat Dunshan to death, and Ning Rui and Li Bai have led the line to break through the Lanfang Gate Tower, and they are advancing all the way.

Lan Fang Guan Yu and Zhao Yun wanted to come up to clear the line after Zhao Yun was resurrected, but Lian Po and Qiao's serial control made it difficult for them to move forward.

Soon, Ning Rui and Li Bai A broke the blue square crystal and successfully won the summit game!
The audience in A Cai's live broadcast room instantly boiled up.

[Ah Guang is awesome! ]
[Ah Guang, Li Bai is really too hard-headed, this nima is called the real "killing a person in ten steps, never staying behind for a thousand miles"! ]
[Shock!The most powerful rookie in history deflated Jiucheng twice! ]
[Ah Guang is really too fierce. No matter how you say it, Ah Le is the country’s top leader, Mo Xie. It’s a bit embarrassing to kill by jumping over the tower. ]
[Ah Guang may not have realized that the Baili Shouyue he chased and killed was the triple crown champion, and the general Mo Xie he killed by jumping the tower was the first-generation trainer in the national server...]
"I have to say that Ah Guang is too strong. In my opinion, his Li Bai has surpassed the ceiling of the national uniform and reached a new level!"

A Cai was not stingy with words of praise, and Ning Rui and Li Bai jumped over the tower to kill him, which really convinced A Cai.

Here, the game IDs of both players appear on the settlement interface.

"'s him again?"

Seeing this familiar ID, Jiucheng couldn't help but frowned. He still remembered Tachibana Ukyo, who soloed him twice by Ning Rui and Li Bai. impression.

"How about it, did you win?"

Xingyu, who had just finished qualifying, stretched, looked sideways at Jiucheng, and asked, "How many points?"

Hearing this, Jiucheng shook his head lightly, and said calmly, "No win, 2368 points."

Jiucheng doesn't care about the failure of this peak game, the only thing he cares about now is to check the game replay video!
"Why are you still losing? Your teammates are too foolish?"

Xingyu asked a lot.

"The opposite Li Bai is too strong."

Jiucheng replied while clicking on the game playback.

"Haha, this is the first time I've heard you praise passers-by."

"Come and watch this peak game with me." Jiucheng hooked his hands and signaled Xingyu to step forward, "It's so weird that Li Bai has a solo kill on the opposite side."

"what happened?"

Xingyu was a little surprised. After Jiucheng played the top game, he rarely watched the replays of the game, because there were too few game clips worth looking back at.

"See for yourself."

Jiucheng has adjusted the game playback to Li Bai's first perspective. In the game screen, Li Bai walked around the wall behind the Juggernaut Pit and came to the river crab on the road. He scored one A and two A.

"It's normal, isn't it just hunting crabs?"

"You keep watching."

Immediately afterwards, Li Bai passed through the wall with one skill in a row, caught Baili Shouyue by surprise, kept people in the sword circle, and killed Baili Shouyue with a big swipe.

"Wow, this Baili keeping the promise is a bad idea, isn't it, the one who is riding a horse hides here and returns to the city? How much nt."

Xingyu smiled, and didn't pay much attention to Li Bai in the picture.

"This Baili Shou promise is me."

Jiucheng smiled slightly and looked at Xingyu.


"This Li Bai is really weird. You didn't expose your vision the whole time, but he still found your location."

Xingyu immediately pretended to be thinking, and said in a serious voice: "There is only one truth, and Li Bai opened the clairvoyance!"

(End of this chapter)

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