Chapter 190 Controversy
"not good!"

Ale was startled, he had already retreated behind Yita blood bag, logically speaking, Li Bai should not be able to see his position.

But why did Li Bai know that he was there? !
The situation was critical, Ale didn't have time to think about it, he quickly pressed a skill and retreated backwards.

But Ning Rui and Li Bai's Ice Smite almost fell at the same time as the big move, and A Legan slowed down Mo Xie after Li Bai's Smite.

Moreover, Ning Rui and Li Bai's big move escaped Ale's one skill to repel it!

Li Bai's figure transformed into several sword shadows, and the sword blade slashed across, instantly emptying the meager blood volume of the general Mo Xie.

Li Bai defeated Mo Xie.

The game prompt sounds.

Seeing Li Bai leaving gracefully, A Le couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Could it be that Li Bai had always planned to kill him? !

"This city of Li Bai is so deep...pretending to rush to kill Baili to keep the contract, but in fact has been observing the situation on my side..."

"Who is this Li Bai..." A Le muttered to himself.

Here, the red team shooter Gongsunli has already returned to the city, and Lian Po, the remaining blood, returned to the first tower in the middle road, smashed two bags of blood bags to recover, and waited quietly for the blue team's soldiers to come.

The blue jungler Zhao Yun was in poor condition, and the blue pawn line had not arrived, so he had to give up pushing the tower and go back to the jungle to spawn monsters.


Jiucheng pulled a signal to his side, signaling his teammates to come.

Before Ning Rui and Li Bai disappeared from sight, Jiucheng found that Li Bai was rushing towards him. He knew that Li Bai was planning to kill him!
"This Li Bai still wants to kill me?" Jiucheng sneered, Baili Shouyue walked against the wall, and could enter a semi-invisible state. Li Bai wanted to find Baili Shouyue in a semi-invisible state in the wild area. simple thing.

Seeing this, Ah Cai shook his head again and again, and sighed: "Ah Guang is greedy, and now Guan Yu is surrounding him on the blue shield mountain, and it is simply unrealistic for him to kill Jiucheng. "

"Whether you can go or not is a question!"

[I don't understand why Ah Guang insisted on killing Baili to keep the promise, and then leave after taking Ah Le's head. Isn't it delicious?Must go to the waves? ]
[If you don’t kill Baili and keep the contract, Lian Po and Li Bai will never be able to defend the first tower in the middle road. If Ah Guang goes after Jiucheng and kills him, there may be a chance to delay the time. Maybe he can really catch Jiucheng, Killing Baili and keeping the contract will definitely make a lot of money! ]
[No, the risk is too high, Ah Guang entered the opposite wild area, almost certain death! ]
The audience in A Cai's live broadcast room talked a lot, and they were not optimistic that Ning Rui could catch Baili and keep the contract.

This game of cat and mouse seems to be a foregone conclusion.


Ning Rui said silently in his heart, he activated the prophet technology!Predict what will happen within 1 minute in the future!

Immediately, Ning Rui entered God's perspective, and all the fog of war in the Canyon of Kings was dispelled. Ning Rui was able to see every detail in the Canyon of Kings.

Here, the time outside was almost still. Ning Rui was overlooking the Canyon of Kings. He set his eyes on Baili Shouyue and carefully observed his escape route.

Dominate the wall in front of the pit, then go to the wall near the blue buff, and finally hide in the grass on the side of the first tower on the road, and press to return to the city.

This is the escape route for Jiucheng Baili to keep his promise!

"Jiucheng, I saw you!"

Ning Rui was secretly happy, and then exited the God's perspective and returned to the real game.

"Where did Li Bai go?"

Player Guan Yu asked suspiciously, "I didn't see him walking towards our blue buff just now."

"Have you already gone back?" The Dunshan player also looked confused. He almost drilled the grass near his blue buff, but he still couldn't see Li Bai's figure.

"They're probably gone," said the Shield Mountain player.

Hearing this, Jiucheng was a little relieved, but to be on the safe side, he still planned to walk a few more steps and hide in the grass on the side of the tower on the first road of his house to return to the city.

All of this is going according to the script.

"Let's go out and break the army in a while..." Jiucheng leisurely strolled through "Taobao", flipping through various equipment.

At this time, Jiucheng suddenly found a river crab appearing in his field of vision.


Jiucheng closed the "Taobao" interface, took a closer look, and found that the river crab had lost nearly [-] HP, and at this moment, the river crab did not have his teammates!
"Not good! Li Bai is there!"

Jiucheng was so startled that his heart was about to jump out. He hurriedly made a big move towards the opposite grass, trying to escape.

But it was too late.

After Ning Rui and Li Bai used the river crab to stack two layers of passives, they directly passed through the wall with one skill in a row, giving Jiucheng Baili a contract-keeping stun, followed by the second skill with the magic pen to circle people!
Jiucheng Baili's promise-keeping ult moves and hits the edge of the sword circle, getting the deceleration effect.

"It's over..."

Jiucheng felt a chill in his heart for a moment, he never thought that Ning Rui would come out of the grass.

Immediately, Ning Rui and Li Baifei quickly stacked to the fourth floor passively. After using his ultimate move, he followed up with a few flat aces and quickly cleared Baili's blood tank!
Li Bai defeated Baili and kept his promise!

The game prompt sounded, and the nine players, including Ale, all looked shocked.

"On the opposite side, Li Bai turned on the see-through device?"

This was Jiucheng's first thought. Jiucheng didn't believe that Ning Rui was blindly guessing the location. How could such a coincidence happen in the world? !

Li Bai's passiveness is completely determined that Baili Shouyue is in the grass on the opposite side!And the kind with absolute confidence!
Seeing this, A Le also looked at a loss. Logically speaking, Li Bai should not know the position of Baili Shouyue, but he just "guessed" right.

Who should I talk to about this?
"Could it be that he used a cheat?"

A Le was also puzzled, but it was unrealistic for players to use cheats for such a high score of more than 2000 points.

After all, Goose Factory's plug-in detection capabilities are not covered, maybe you will be given a ten-year title package as soon as you run the plug-in.

[Awesome glass! ]
[Oh my god, Ah Guang's wave is too perverted!Can you catch up with this? ! ]
[Jiucheng was desperate in his heart, he hid here, and finally died. ]
[Baili Shouyue inner OS: Are you a dog when you step on a horse? ]
[Ah Guang is cheating... Baili did not expose his vision during the whole process of keeping the contract, but he was still chased, which is simply unreasonable! ]
[To be honest, Ah Guang's pursuit of people is too weird. When he hit the crab just now, I thought he was just trying to collect a crab, but the one who stepped on the horse turned out to be a passive murderer!Can you believe it? ! ]
Ning Rui and Li Bai's operation of chasing and killing Baili and keeping the contract caused a lot of controversy in A Cai's live broadcast room. This operation of chasing and killing without vision can't be done by anyone except man-machine.

"This... This is indeed a bit strange. The game will end in a while, let's go out and have a look at Aguang's first-person perspective."

This matter is really difficult to explain, A Cai can only appease the audience in the live broadcast room for the time being, and said patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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