Chapter 188
"It was seen through?"

Ning Rui was a little surprised. He entered the grass in order to block his vision, but he deliberately surrendered a skill to climb over the wall. As a result, Ning Rui never expected that the general Mo Xie would still see through his trick.

[Wow... Jiucheng is awesome!Calling three people while pinging A Le, this consciousness, this reaction is absolutely amazing. ]
[A Le is also very decisive, and immediately flashes his hand when he finds something is wrong. If it were me, I would probably hesitate for a long time. ]
[In fact, there are very few residual blood flashes in high-end rounds. After all, most of the residual blood flashes end up in death. ]
[This Aguang is really hard to hit...]
A viewer said in the live broadcast room.

Here, Ning Rui and Li Bai's plan to surround the spot for reinforcements ended in failure. After the blue team's jungler Zhao Yun rushed to the bottom lane, Zhang Liang, Gongsun, and Li Daqiao's intention to kill the tower by three people was declared bankrupt.

"We lost a wave of troops."

Player Zhang Liang felt a little pain in his heart when he saw the pawn line that had already entered the first tower in the middle.

Fortunately, Ning Rui and Li Bai arrived in the middle in time, so that this wave of soldiers was not wasted.

"Lian Po will rule with me."

Ning Rui opened the microphone and said.

At this moment, Jiucheng Baili has kept the contract and has already shot and disabled Gongsun Li of the red party with two shots, making the three of the middle shooters in the red party unable to fight for the tyrant. They can only let this tyrant go.

In order to stop the loss in time, Ning Rui and Li Bai had to cooperate with Lian Po to defeat the Juggernaut in order to prevent the economic gap between the two sides from being further widened.

"Wait a minute, I'll kill the horse first."

Player Lian Po looked at the enemy Guan Yu and couldn't help but smile contemptuously.The nimble Guan Yu couldn't jump up and down in front of Lian Po.

Immediately, Lian Po found that Guan Yu, the blue team, made a mistake in his position. With a skill, he rushed forward and hit Guan Yu, then drew a circle and exploded the ground, causing Guan Yu's blood volume to drop sharply.

A set of combos will control you to death!

Lian Po defeated Guan Yu.

The game prompt sounds.

Once Guan Yu's horse's leg was broken by Lian Po, he would basically be unable to escape. Not surprisingly, Lian Po took Guan Yu's head smoothly.

Ah Le originally wanted to rush to the vicinity of the juggernaut pit, and cooperate with Guan Yu to interfere with Li Bai's taking the dragon, but now, Guan Yu died suddenly and tragically, so he could only let the red side win this wave of juggernauts.

Soon, the red and blue sides took down the dominant tyrant respectively.

"The red team's Lian Po is quite powerful. He put a lot of pressure on Guan Yu's lane. I guess after Guan Yu's resurrection, he will probably choose to wander around."

Ah Cai rubbed his chin, and said in a serious voice: "Now, Ah Guang's wild area may be in danger. Guan Yu cooperates with Zhao Yun to invade together, Ah Guang and Li Bai can't prevent it at all."

At this time, the situation of the game changed dramatically.

Jiucheng Baili kept his promise and blindly shot Da Qiao, who was about to return to the city. Da Qiao snorted, and finally fell behind a tower on the lower road. The return to the city magic circle on the ground had just started.

Baili kept the contract and defeated Da Qiao.

The game prompt sounds.


The player Da Qiao quickly sent a signal to Gongsunli, signaling that the player Gongsunli gave up on the next tower.

Now the blue team has Baili keeping the contract in the bottom lane, Dunshan and the two, and the enemy jungler Zhao Yun has just shown his head near the river in the bottom lane. If there is no accident, there is a high probability that they will gather in the bottom lane and win the red side Go down one tower.

Seeing this, Ning Rui couldn't help but frown.If this continues, it will be difficult for them to fight. Gongsun Li will not be able to develop, and their team battle damage output will be reduced by more than half.

"No, I have to do something!"

Immediately, Ning Rui set his sights on the blue side's middle lane. Since the red side wanted to unplug their bottom lane tower, he would take down the red side's middle lane tower.

Using a bottom tower to exchange the enemy's mid lane tower is a steady profit.After all, one tower in the middle of the enemy's lane means most of their vision resources in the wild.

"After a while, there was a big move to control Mo Xie, but he didn't dodge it." Ning Rui opened the microphone and said.

Having said that, Ning Rui marked General Mo Xie and signaled to Master Zhang Liang.


Soon, the Zhang Liang player manipulated Zhang Liang to move forward, and quickly advanced the pawn line with the first and second skills, while looking for the general Mo Xie's positioning error.

As long as Mo Xie, the general, comes up a little, he will flash over and control A Le.

"Come closer, come closer!"

Zhang Liang murmured in his heart, his eyes were fixed on the position under Moxie's feet, as long as he moved a little bit forward, Zhang Liang would have a chance to flash the big control!
At the same time, Ning Rui and Li Bai also ambushed in the grass in the middle road early. Once Zhang Liang succeeds in defeating General Mo Xie, then he will be able to kill General Mo Xie!

Just when Ale and Moye were about to reach the fatal position, he suddenly stopped.

Male and female swords, far away!

General Mo Xie flew two purple swords towards the grass on the middle road, hitting Li Bai who was hiding in the grass.

A penetrating fencing sound suddenly sounded!

Ganjiang Moxie's flying sword skill will have a special sound effect when it hits the enemy. Expert players often use this to judge whether there are people in the grass.

And Ale cleverly took advantage of this feature.


Ning Rui sighed secretly. Ale had already discovered his position. If he squatted down like this, it would only be a waste of time.

"Ale has evolved..."

Ning Rui could see that Ale's personal consciousness had reached a new height. In the past, he would probably have directly used combo moves to stab Zhang Liang to death.

After all, in the middle lane, only the living are worthy of the pawn line!

[I'll go, Ah Le's consciousness is absolutely gone!Ah Guang didn't reveal his vision from the beginning to the end, how did he know that Li Bai would be there? ]
[emmmm, Ale has changed, he is no longer the Ale I know who dares to fight...]
[To put it bluntly, it's cowardly. ]
[To be cautious is to be cowardly?Is it possible to have no brains? ]
[In the past, when Ah Le played this kind of high-score, he just used a set of combos to get through, and he would never deal with these silly things with you. ]
[A Le should be able to see that the red party Li Bai can play, so he is so careful. ]
[Maybe Ah Le already knows that Li Bai is Ah Guang. ]
A viewer said in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Jiucheng Baili's keeping the contract has already exploded the red side's next tower.

The balance of victory seems to be leaning towards the blue side.

Here, Jiucheng Baili kept his promise and cooperated to assist Dunshan, and Alegan general Moye began to press the tower. They planned to take advantage of a good rhythm to win the first tower in the middle of the red side and further expand their advantage.

Naturally, the five people on the red side would not let go of the first tower in the middle road. Immediately afterwards, Lian Po gave up the side pawn line, led Gongsun Li, assisted Da Qiao, and Zhang Liang defended the middle road, while Ning Rui and Li Bai led the line on the top road. Eat economy.

At this moment, the red and blue sides are caught in a tug-of-war in the middle. The blue side is waiting for the pawn line to enter the tower, looking for an opportunity to make a strong attack, while the red side is pinning on Li Bai to lead the pawn line to contain the opponent.

A gunshot sounded, and the hot bullet passed Da Qiao's side and hit Zhang Liang directly. Zhang Liang's HP dropped by a third in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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