Chapter 15
Ning Rui's invasion of the wild area directly disrupted the rhythm of the enemy's jungler Han Xin. Ning Rui's own jungle monkey took advantage of Han Xin's resurrection to directly steal Han Xin's Ueno Red Papa, and his level also reached level 4.

After the wild monkey of one's own team was upgraded to 4, he directly grabbed the enemy and went on the road. The mage Diao Chan also successfully killed the enemy Fang Daji solo. In just 2 minutes, three heads broke out in the overall situation, and all of them were taken by his own side.

Ning Rui and Di Renjie once again showed their supernatural power, killing the two enemies in the bottom lane infinitely online.

Moreover, Ning Rui and Di Renjie led Yao, and often followed his jungler monkeys to invade the enemy's wild area. He saw Han Xin once and killed Han Xin once, which caused the mentality of the enemy Han Xin players to collapse.

"I'm going to fuck you for riding the star coins!"

The enemy Hanxin player couldn't help cursing, and directly typed his greetings on the public screen.

However, Ning Rui and Li Jia would not respond at all, except for the monkey jungler, Diao Chan, the mage in the middle, and Xiang Yu, the top tank, because they had blocked the enemy jungler Han Xin.

Those who troll are those who troll, and if you can’t beat them, you still can’t beat them.

After a few rounds of team battles broke out in the early stage, our side gained a huge advantage, and the five opponents collapsed directly. Before our side pushed the tower, they had already chosen six points to surrender.

[victory! ]
The female voice game prompt sounded, and the enemy's crystal exploded and burst into a bright blue light, and the word "victory" emerged.

In this round of qualifying, Ning Rui and Di Renjie won a total of fourteen heads, zero deaths, and a KDA value of 15.2!

However, Ning Rui achieved such a high KDA value, but did not win the MVP of this round!

The MVP of this round of ranking was given to Li Jia's assistant Yao!
The game settlement shows that Li Jia's Yao has 22 assists, zero deaths, and also won a kill (the first blood in this game, thanks to the selfless dedication of the enemy jungler Han Xin), so her KDA value reached 15.4 !

Li Jia's assistant Yao successfully won the MVP of this round with a KDA value 0.2 higher than that of Ning Rui and Di Renjie!

Li Jia looked at the glittering "Gold Medal Support" and MVP displayed on the screen of the phone, and his clear eyes flashed with joy.

"Wow, this is my first MVP."

Li Jia has never played such a hearty ranking, crushing all the way to victory, this feeling is very refreshing!

Ning Rui didn't speak, he glanced at the time on the top of the phone screen, then nodded, secretly said: "Exactly 6 minutes, no more, no less."

"Come on, continue." Ning Rui continued to open the ranking without saying a word.

In the next nine rounds of ranking games, Ning Rui took out the fighter Cao Cao and the shooter Di Renjie respectively, and Li Jia took Yao in the nine rounds.

An hour later, Li Jia was so excited that she was about to jump up. Her king rank had successfully reached the five stars of the Supreme Star!

The most important thing is that in these ten ranked games, she has been the MVP in most of the games, and her glittering victory record almost blinded her eyes.

"Yeah! I've finally arrived at Supreme Xingyao!"

Li Jia was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Ning Rui didn't have too many mood swings, but simply said: "Congratulations."

"I'll treat you to milk tea." Li Jia was extremely happy and was about to run to the front desk of the milk tea shop to buy it.

"No, I have something else to do."

Ning Rui picked up the bag containing the clothes, got up and left.

The time spent in this process has been almost two hours!For Ning Rui, time now can be said to be every inch of time and every inch of gold!

"No." Li Jia quickly took Ning Rui's hand, and said, "You came all the way to play games with me, and I didn't even thank you at all. How dare you."

Ning Rui smiled, shook his head and said, "Class representative, if you really want to thank me, you can help me with my English homework in the future."

"Okay!" Li Jia agreed immediately without any hesitation.

Ning Rui was a little surprised. Li Jia was the English class representative and study committee member in the class, a good student, and a good boy in the eyes of the teacher.

Li Jia usually follows the teacher's requirements and strictly monitors the homework of the students. Any student who is caught by her copying homework will be reported to the teacher by her.

Such a strict and good student would agree to Ning Rui's rude request? !
"But you have to promise me one thing." Li Jia looked at Ning Rui and said.

"Take you to play King of Glory?" Ning Rui asked.

"That's not true, I'm not a person who pushes his feet." Li Jia gave Ning Rui an annoyed look, "If I can go to the Supreme Star, I have fulfilled my life wish."

"I don't play professionally, so why do I need such a high rank?"

"Yes." Ning Rui nodded in agreement.

"What flavor of milk tea do you like?" Li Jia looked at the menu of the milk tea shop and said, "I think the strawberry milkshake is pretty good, do you want to try it?"

"I do not mind."

Ning Rui shook his head lightly. Although there is a milk tea shop opposite the school, he doesn't come here often.

Because of poverty, Ning Rui is restricted from tasting delicious food in the world.

"That's up to me." Li Jia grinned, turned to the milk tea boss and said, "Boss, have a strawberry milkshake, medium cup, room temperature."

"Okay." The milk tea boss started to work.

"Wait, I want to add ice." Ning Rui said.

"Drinking ice is bad for your health."

"I like."

"Okay." Li Jia couldn't hold back Ning Rui, so he had to tell the milk tea boss again, "Boss, please, add ice to the milk tea."


Li Jia sat back in her original seat and looked at Ning Rui still standing at the milk tea counter, she was a little puzzled: "Where are you waiting?"

"I'll leave when the milk tea is ready." Ning Rui said lightly.

Hearing this, Li Jia was a little angry, and couldn't help clenching his fists.Is this guy Ning Rui really so cold!

"I still have something to tell you!"

Ning Rui glanced at Li Jia and said, "Tell me something, I still have something to do."

"Come and sit down."

"Alas..." Ning Rui shook his head and sighed, the girl was really in trouble.

Ning Rui was extremely reluctant to sit in front of Li Jia, and asked, "Miss Li, can you finish quickly if you have something to say, everyone is very busy."

"What else can you be busy with?" Li Jia gave Ning Rui a white look, "There is no weekend homework this week, and you are still playing games when you go home."

"You don't understand." Ning Rui was too lazy to waste words.

"If you don't understand, you don't understand."

Li Jia didn't want to argue with Ning Rui, so he told the matter directly: "Did you know that the school e-sports club is preparing for the Honor of Kings competition recently?"

"I know, so what?" Ning Rui said lightly. He had no interest in the school's e-sports club.

After all, there is no one there who can fight.

"You play so well in Glory of Kings, why don't you go to the competition?"

"Not interested." Ning Rui said truthfully.

"Brother, can you stop pretending?" Li Jia gave Ning Rui another look. A King of Glory master has no interest in the King of Glory competition?What about bluffing?

(End of this chapter)

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