King of Glory: The strongest lottery system

Chapter 119 Successful Sniping

Chapter 119 Successful Sniping
[What is this Guan Yu doing?up to deliver? ]
[This Guan Yu can't do it, can't he just slash through it with a knife?Just let Ukyo, the residual-blooded Tachibana, go like this? ]
[This is a senior actor...]
[Damn, the situation just got better, and was sent out by Guan Yu again. ]
Seeing this, countless viewers were very angry. If Guan Yu didn't send it off, then Ale could definitely lead the two of them to move forward.

Now, only Mo Xie, A Le, is left on the blue side to assist Zhang Fei. This team battle has come to an end.

"If you can't fight, General Mo Xie should withdraw."

Looking at the screen of Cang Lang's phone, Morey said lightly, "You can still hold on for another wave. Maybe you can wait until the Storm Dragon King comes out, and you can find a chance to come back."

"Yeah." Cang Lang responded briefly, now that Mo Xie's mana is not enough to support him to continue playing poke, A Le will probably choose to return to the city to make up for his condition.

However, to Cang Lang's surprise, Ale did not retreat back to the city, but walked towards him.

"what happened?"

Cang Lang frowned slightly, he was a little elusive about A Le's thoughts, "Could this guy still want to come and play a game?"

"With his current mana, he can cast at most one more skill!"

[No way, Ah Le is on top?Dare to go surfing without blue? ]
[Ale wouldn't think that he could kill Tachibana Ukyo with just one skill, right? ]
[Now the Bull Demon is still there, Ah Le is too risky to do this! ]
[Of course, now Ale is going back to the city to watch black and white movies for free...]
There were a lot of barrages in Ah Cai's live broadcast room, and no one was optimistic about Ah Le's operation. In their view, Ah Le's decision was simply a catastrophic mistake!

"This... what does Ale want to do this wave... go back after running out of mana?"

A Cai was puzzled, and he didn't understand A Le's thoughts.

Soon, Alegan brought Mo Xie to the second tower in the middle of the red square, and hit a three-skilled far sword at the red square's auxiliary bull demon, and then retreated away.

"That's it?"

The bull demon player smiled contemptuously. He thought that the general Mo Xie would make a big move, but in the end he was given a flying sword that didn't itch or hurt.

At this moment, the tip of Mo Xie Yuan's sword flew to the side of Ju Youjing, the remaining blood of Canglang, and the little blood that Ju Youjing had just recovered was instantly emptied by the flying sword!
General Moye defeats Ukyo Tachibana!
The game prompt sounds.

"I'm riding a horse?!"

The bull demon player was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do, Tachibana Ukyo was so good, why did he suddenly disappear? !

[WTF? !How did Tachibana Ukyo die? ! ]
[Wow... this sword is pierced...]
[Mom asked me why I was kneeling and looking at my phone. ]
[Ale general Mo Xie is getting more and more exaggerated, and feels much more confident than before. ]
[This accuracy can compete with Jiucheng's! ]
[This flying sword is really a monster, Ah Le is too strong, this general Mo Xie should be the ceiling of the national server. ]
Ah Le's long sword directly conquered all the audience in Ah Cai's live broadcast room. They didn't expect that Ah Le would dare to fight so much!

Seeing this, Cang Lang took a deep breath in shock. The trajectory of this flying sword is really tricky. The target of the flying sword seems to be a bull demon, but in fact, the meeting point of the two swords falls on the place where Tachibana Ukyo retreated superior.

Unless Tachibana Ukyo stops moving, he must pass the "death" place!
"Ale's general, Mo Xie...has become stronger again..."

Cang Lang looked serious, and murmured: "He seems to have broken through the bottleneck period."


Mo Lei glanced at Cang Lang: "You mean... Ah Le has become stronger?"

Cang Lang nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation, "I dare not say anything else, but in terms of General Mo Xie, I am afraid that there is no other passerby king stronger than him!"

"Do you think he can play professionally?"

A thought suddenly came to Morey's mind, wouldn't it be great if he could attract Ale to the White Fox team and create a middle-field linkage.

"He can play professionally, but he doesn't want to."

Cang Lang said lightly: "He seems to be short of money, he takes orders every day to practice, or sells points as an actor."

"How much do you think... how much should you give him to get him here?"

Morey took a deep breath of cigarette and said immediately: "I think he is very suitable for our White Fox team."

"Dig it?"

Hearing this, Cang Lang smiled coldly: "I heard that a certain team offered him a salary of 50 RMB, but he didn't think it was too little."

"I don't know how much your White Fox team is willing to pay?"

"Two million is too little?"

Hearing this, Morey's face suddenly darkened, "Who does he think he is? TLNing is only 30. Could it be that he is more powerful than TLNing?!"

"What a lunatic!"

"may be."

Cang Lang shrugged his shoulders, and immediately continued to engage in the peak game. As long as the gate tower in the middle lane was not broken, they still had to fight in this round.

At this time, the five players from the blue team won the overlord, gathered in the middle again, and prepared to advance a wave to end the game.

This time, Alegan Jiang Moxie chose to slowly poke consumption, step by step.

Immediately, Ah Le found an opportunity, and stabbed with a long sword with three skills, and the blood volume of the crispy Li Yuanfang on the red side dropped to half blood.

"I'm on a horse, I've already become a witch, why did this general poke me half-blood with just one skill three?!"

Li Yuanfang's player mouth is full of fragrance. The damage of the general Mo Xie is too high, and he doesn't dare to go up to level the A minion.

Soon, the gate tower of Hongfang Middle Road was overwhelmed and finally broke down!
"This one is lost."

Cang Lang shook his head slightly, the gate tower in the middle road was broken, they were unable to defend anymore, and it would be just a waste of time to continue fighting.

"Forget it, even if I lose this peak game, I will still be third in the national server peak list."

Cang Lang has already seen it through, reaching the top of the national server peak list not only depends on the player's personal strength, but also depends on luck.

Ale performed exceptionally well in this round, and the rhythm was soaring, even if he lost, he would not be ashamed.

Immediately, the five players on the blue side relied on a wave of dominant vanguards to forcibly tap towers to end the game.

Ale successfully attacked Canglang and kept the top spot in the national service peak list!

office somewhere.

Seeing this, the man with glasses pumped his fist excitedly and cheered: "Good job!"

"Okay, this kid, Ale, has some skills."

The man in the suit smiled slightly, "I'll leave the payment to you, I'll go first."

"Good boss."

The man with glasses smiled, then contacted the finance department and gave Ah Le a bonus of [-] yuan.

"This top game is over, our company may have to accept several big orders!"

A staff member clicked his lips and sighed: "Ale is really strong, it would be a pity not to play professionally."

"A Le has no time to play professionally."

The expression of the man with glasses changed, and his voice became a little low, "He still needs a lot of money to treat his sister."

"Isn't playing professional more profitable than playing power leveling?" The staff was puzzled. There are many KPL professional players whose annual salary, advertising fees, appearance fees, etc., are several million.

"Ale's offer was not accepted by any club."

(End of this chapter)

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