I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 99 Shen Ping, are you still a person? !

Chapter 99 Shen Ping, are you still a person? !

Well, there is another possibility, that is, Shen Ping's brain capacity cannot bear it, so all the scientific knowledge of the Olympics is integrated, and it will be automatically released into his mind when he needs which subject.

Although he only noticed a little bit, it already made Shen Ping very excited!

Shen Ping simply released all the high school mathematics test questions in the Olympic Mathematics Competition. His mind felt dizzy and he began to absorb the knowledge!
A test question...

Two test questions...

Three test questions...

In the end, Shen Ping simply sorted out his memory by searching his memory, and he actually mastered tens of thousands of high school Mathematical Olympiad exam questions, that is to say, he mastered all the exam questions from the beginning of the Mathematical Olympiad on Earth to the present!

Shen Ping was so excited. The problem of writing questions has always been his most troubled part. He didn't expect to make up for one of his shortcomings now!

Roulette lottery, the permanent items drawn are so awesome!
Shen Ping knows that the items extracted from the permanent class may not be used directly, but borrowed from some kind of medium, that is to say, the items extracted by Shen Ping themselves have no effect, but considering his actual situation, the system will use the items Convert it into a real item, so that he really has the effect of the item.

Now, Olympiad competition knowledge in all disciplines proves this example!
He now has the most difficult test questions and cold knowledge in all subjects in high school in his mind!


in the hallway.

Today is the day when papers are released, so there are many staff members. Everyone is standing in the corridor discussing the exam questions solved by Shen Ping, and arguing whether Shen Ping has the ability to write questions for the high school Olympic mathematics competition.

"Mr. Xiao Shen is great, but it doesn't mean that he can write questions for the high school Olympic mathematics competition?"

"I don't think so, he is still very powerful."

"Mr. Xiao Shen didn't say anything, what's the use of discussing here?"

"Yeah, it's useless for everyone to discuss fiercely, let Teacher Xiao Shen try."

The final argument was clearly heard by Shen Ping, and he was immediately happy. I can't propose a question for the High School Olympiad Mathematics Competition?ha!These are your words I’ve been waiting for!It seems that these people in front of me still don’t know how powerful the Examiner is!Let you experience it now!

Shen Ping took out a small blackboard directly from the office and wrote the test questions on it.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shen Ping wrote the first exam question on the blackboard, and then...then everyone in the Huaxia Mathematics Association was stunned!
The first question is this:

In the TV series "Legend of Immortals and Heroes", the Lord of Worshiping the Moon is the strongest in the world, known: Poison: 100%; Wind: 80%; Thunder: 80%; Water: 80%; Fire: 80%; Earth: 80%... However, everything in the world turned from prosperity to decline, and the Lord of Worshiping the Moon was finally sealed by Zhao Linger. The leader of Worshiping the Moon has congregants of the entire kingdom in his hands, about 200 million people. Considering the force value of the current world and the impact of spell consumption , the self-absorption and release effect of spells, please calculate how many members of the Moon Worship Sect can kill Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger at the same time?


The hallway was silent!
Needle drop can be heard!

"Hiss..." A staff member gasped, breaking the silence!

Please calculate how many members of the Moon Worship Sect will be able to kill Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er at the same time?

I'm counting on your sister!

I didn't see that many people's faces changed, and even some staff gasped, their faces were ashen, and they started to shiver.

Oh my God!

Is this still a question made by people? !

The force value of the current world, the consumption effect of spells, the self-absorption and release effects of spells...

This kind of nonsense force value, and the influence of spell consumption, absorption and release, are you still a person?


The mathematicians who were determined to not give up began to deduce and calculate, and then... and then nothing happened.

Even Xie Jiashuai, the vice president of the China Mathematics Association, couldn't help shaking his head after seeing this Olympiad question.

Because this Olympiad question seems to be nonsense, but it requires someone who has studied mathematics deeply to solve it, and it also takes a long time.

"This Olympiad exam question is too difficult...Mr. Xiao Shen, you can continue with the second exam question." Lin Yalan couldn't help but reminded her aloud.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Shen Ping's mouth, and then someone fetched a second small blackboard and wrote the second exam question.

The second question is this:

At Tianxing Middle School in Beijing City, students rearranged their seats after a certain monthly exam.

Now we need to select 7 boys and girls from the 7 seat rankings, a total of 7 people with a difference of 49 points in grades, to form a rearrangement of 7 horizontally and 7 vertically, so that there is exactly one student master and one student student at the same table. Slag collocation, and there is a difference of 7 places in grades and rankings, how should students be arranged to arrange seats?

If A represents a top student and Z represents a bad student, then AA means that there are two top students with similar grades and seats, then (A, Z) means a top student and a bad student, and use (Z, Z) ) means that two low-achieving students got together, and the problem now is how to arrange the seats for these 49 students, so that the top-scholar and the low-students can be matched to study without being tired. 7 bits.

When the second exam question appeared on the small blackboard, the eyes of the staff of the Huaxia Mathematical Association almost popped out!

Some staff members almost wanted to beat themselves to death, what the fuck, make you so cheap!Let you open your mouth to question Shen Ping's ability to come up with questions, now you know that it is long and narrow, right? !
Oh my God!

This Olympiad exam question about arranging seats for students makes people feel desperate at a glance!

"Oh my god! How can this question be solved?" In the corridor, a female staff member's eyes were red.

"Mr. Shen, this question can't be solved at all! How could those young high school math geniuses solve this kind of test question?" Some leaders' faces were livid with anxiety, and their mouths were trembling!
It's so hard!
The second exam question stumped everyone in the audience.

your sister!
Teacher Xiao Shen, are you a devil? !
The first question is to calculate how many worshipers can kill Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger at the same time. The second question is even more difficult. This difficulty has never appeared in a high school Olympic mathematics competition since the founding of China. !
At this moment, everyone present suddenly realized the students and monks who were crying by Shen Ping!

On that day, Shen Ping, who wore golden eyes, set questions for the final exam of the second year of high school in Beijing City. He wrote seven sets of exam papers in a row, making the students cry in despair in the exam room!

On that day, the cynical Shen Ping accepted a challenge from the Buddhist circles in Beijing on Weibo, and casually threw out a set of Buddhist examination papers, forcing the monks' eyes to turn red and screaming that I want to return to vulgarity!

Sure enough... the king of the exam questions can't be offended...

 Come, come, answer questions, get prizes for correct answers, consciously collect those who can’t answer, vote for recommendations, and give rewards, book list! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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