I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 94 Educator Rating!

Chapter 94 Educator Rating!
"Wow, the educator ratings are out!"

"Fuck! Teacher Xiao Shen is on the list!"

"I'll go! Really! Teacher Xiao Shen has been promoted to trainee educator!"

"666666! Teacher Xiao Shen is probably the only one who can be listed on the educator's rating by virtue of the exam papers!"

"The king of exam questions is too good!"

There are more and more comments on Weibo.

Shen Ping looked at those comments but was confused, what the hell is a trainee educator?Never heard of it!The education and social cognition that Shen Ping has received since he was a child has never had an educator rating, so he didn't dare to ask. He commented on the content of the fans' words below through Weibo, clicked on the web search, and was stunned when he opened it. Damn it!There really is such a thing as educator ratings!

And this rating is certified by Huaxia's official website!

Official website?

I’ve always heard that accountants and architects have hierarchies, but educators actually also have hierarchies?
He carefully looked at the official website. It covers all walks of life, including screenwriters, directors, writers, scientists, teachers, Michelin chefs... and other various industries. Shen Ping finally figured out how something happened.Therefore, the educator rating is issued by the domestic government to select top talents in outstanding industries in the country. In addition to manual intervention, the remaining 99.9% of the rating is calculated through artificial intelligence. It is the highest ranking in China. Authoritative list!
This educator rating was only released half a month ago!
There are several levels in total: trainee educator, junior educator, intermediate educator, senior educator, super educator, and saint!
Shen Ping scrolled through the educator rating list for a long time, and finally understood how the rating was calculated. For example, in the earth world in the system, a cook is a cook. It would be great to give you a certificate saying that you are a special chef, but in his place In this world, when a chef is at his best, such as when he is in charge of the entire state banquet, he can be called an educator. Of course, he teaches the chef industry!
And the most powerful thing is.

Since there are countless occupations in China, the educator ratings will also take into account the differences in various industries and divide them into categories.

From the perspective of occupational content, educators can be divided into "educators in a broad sense" who engage in educational activities in a broad sense and "educators in a narrow sense" who engage in school education;
From the perspective of occupational status, educators can be divided into "professional educators" who take education as their main source of life and "non-professional educators" who engage in education part-time or temporarily;
From the perspective of professional knowledge and skills, educators can be divided into "educational scientists" who focus on the production, processing, and dissemination of educational ideas and "educational artists" who focus on educational practice.

From the place of education, they are divided into social educators, family educators and school educators;
From the field of personal contribution, they are divided into educational thinkers, educational theorists, educational practitioners, educational entrepreneurs, etc.

In addition to the above requirements, there are nine prerequisites that must be met in order to be on the list of educators!

Generally speaking, no matter what industry, the rating of educators is based on one's own strength!

To give the simplest example, in the ratings of Huaxia educators, they rank among the highest-level sages, including Laozi, Confucius, Mozi, Liezi, Zhuangzi, Xunzi, etc. Are these people considered saints?Definitely a saint!Will it have much influence on future generations?It must be big!But how good are they?I guess some people can tell it, but when these people are put together, who is the most powerful?The common people are fighting to the death, but with the emergence of educator ratings, no matter thinkers, mathematicians, writers, or ordinary professions, they can calculate the most accurate data through the calculation of artificial intelligence!
That’s Educator Ratings!

In the past six months and more, Shen Ping's monthly exams, the exam papers for the final exam of the second year of high school, the things that happened on Weibo, and the countless monks who cried in the Buddhist circles in the capital city yesterday, made him step from being an ordinary teacher. Obtaining the rating of a trainee educator can be said to be his biggest achievement in the past six months. It can also be said that he has truly embarked on the road to becoming a great educator now.

Trainee educators, although only the initial starting point, are also genuine educators!
Shen Ping is only 24 years old, and he still has a long life to live. He firmly believes that he can become a saint-level educator in the future!


Two days later.

Chinese Mathematical Association.

In an office on the fourth floor, the office was empty, and he was the only one.

Shen Ping sat inside anxiously. He knew that it would be up to him to write questions for the high school mathematics Olympic competition, so he valued this opportunity very much and wanted to write test papers for those young high school mathematics geniuses.

About 5 minutes later, a beautiful woman walked in. After seeing Shen Ping, she quickly smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, has you been waiting for a long time?"

"I just arrived too." Shen Ping responded subconsciously, and then felt that the voice was very familiar, "I don't know who you are?"

The pretty woman smiled and said, "I'm Lin Yalan, the staff member who called you earlier."

Shen Ping quickly stood up and said enthusiastically: "Oh, it turns out to be Sister Lin. I thought the voice sounded so familiar."

The two talked about the scene and flattered each other, and then they got to the point.

Lin Yalan said: "Mr. Shen, I have already reported this to the leaders of the association. They thought it was a good idea before, but considering what happened to you at the Beijing Buddhist Association two days ago, the leaders felt that the influence was not good... I will try my best to help you later, but I may not be able to succeed, so I will explain to you in advance to avoid blaming me for not being prepared."

Shen Ping's heart sank, then nodded and said: "It's okay, even if there is a problem, it is my own problem. Since I have cried a lot of monks in the exam, I have already prepared myself mentally."

Lin Yalan nodded, then didn't say anything more to Shen Ping, walked out of the office, and led Shen Ping towards a certain floor of the building.

And in Shen Ping's heart, there was a feeling of ups and downs in life!
Two days ago, Lin Yalan told herself that she could do it, but now she said that there was little hope!
This is not out yet!

(End of this chapter)

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