I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 61 Release that quota, let me come! (Part 3)

Chapter 61: Let me go! (third change)
In the WeChat group, the teaching director Kang Xue posted a message.

"Received the instruction from the Education Bureau that the final exam papers for this semester will no longer be written by the teachers of our school. Instead, we will work together with all the high school teachers in the entire capital city to come up with a set of difficult but not over-the-standard exam questions for each subject!"

As the news was released, the teachers in the WeChat group were excited.


"The teachers in our school can't issue final exam papers?"

"All the high school teachers in the capital city come up with questions? Is this what Director Kang went to the principal's office to discuss this morning?"

Not long after, Director Kang sent another message, "Everyone listen to me, this year's final exam papers have been temporarily changed, so please take a look carefully. Starting tomorrow morning, professors from several universities in Beijing will take the lead. Our Tianxing Middle School We must also join the ranks of papers. The exam papers for this final exam are different from the previous year's exam papers. In addition to writing the questions on the spot, we also invited Wang Jianguo, the deputy director of the Education Bureau, and several famous young associate professors in the capital. I don’t know the names of the people involved, but there are quite a few of them. Several university associate professors proposed the scope of the examination questions, and other high school teachers came up with the most difficult but not exceeding the examination questions. In the end, several university associate professors decided the best Good exam questions, that is, make the final exam a little harder."

Exam questions on the spot?

In addition to several well-known university associate professors, Wang Jianguo, the deputy director of the Education Bureau, who is also Wang Erpi's father, is also coming?

Shen Ping said in his heart, it's really inevitable that the enemy will meet. A few days ago, because of this guy, not only did he lose his original position as head teacher, but he also lost the opportunity to write exam questions. He never expected to see each other tomorrow. ?

Will you get angry when we meet?
Thinking of this, Shen Ping couldn't help laughing.

In the WeChat group, Kang Xue said: "So let's focus on discussing tonight, which teacher will be sent over tomorrow, and everyone will mention their own ideas. Tomorrow is the gathering of all high school teachers in the entire Beijing city who are best at writing questions. You can’t lose the face of the school. Well, because time is tight, everyone will discuss it on WeChat, and then go directly to the question tomorrow.”

After saying these words, Kang Xue stopped talking, and then waited for other teachers to recommend her.

A big brother from the history group said: "@沉平, Teacher Xiao Shen, why don't you recommend yourself for this matter? Exam questions are your strengths. Don't the students say that the exam questions you gave are too difficult? You this time Let them get to know each other well!"

Another teacher said on WeChat: "You can pull it off! The exam questions also need to be prepared in advance. Xiao Shen hasn't issued an exam paper for a month, and the teachers in other schools have been teaching for many years, and they can already answer the questions. How can Xiao Shen, a novice teacher, compare to him?"

A teacher in the English group said: "Brother Lin, don't hurt Xiao Shen. Although Xiao Shen's exam questions are very good, they are only limited to our school. Those associate professors are all good people. The leader of the Education Bureau, how could Xiao Shen be better than others?" In the eyes of others, the test questions are not the key, but your qualifications are what they value most. Shen Ping is just a novice teacher, and he has not even been rated as an excellent teacher , everyone subconsciously determined that Shen Ping's test papers were no better than other high school teachers.

The WeChat group was full of quarrels.

Later, seeing that the time was almost up, everyone stopped talking.

Standing in the living room and watching Ding Ruizhen chewing slowly, Shen Ping was also entangled in his heart. The final examination papers in the capital city will be unified, and teachers from other high schools will participate. Isn't this a good opportunity for him to make a name for himself?Isn't this the time to harvest a lot of despair points?But how did he participate?It can be seen from the unified examination paper rules for the final exam. Although several university associate professors will also participate, they are just selected from the sidelines. The deputy director of the Education Bureau, Wang Jianguo, has a grudge against him. What if he deliberately gets stuck? manage?
He hammered the opponent to death without saying a word?
That's going to be a prison sentence!

So even if Shen Ping wanted to get into the exam, he didn't know if his test paper could pass the review of those university associate professors and Wang Jianguo.

Hey, let's talk about it later, about the test papers of various subjects?Shen Ping didn't think about it either, it wasn't that he couldn't think of it, but...there were too many exam questions, and he didn't know which one to use!

Exam questions need to be considered?

He never has to think about what kind of exam questions to come up with!

All the exam papers for the high school final exam?It's not that he is arrogant, Shen Ping can do it all by himself!

Not only his world has final exams, the Earth world in the system also has famous final exams, and there are countless papers about final exams!In the earth world in the system, all kinds of final exam papers are terrifying!
After thinking about it, Shen Ping resolutely recommended himself to Mao Sun in the WeChat group.

"Let go of that quota, let me come!"


After recommending himself on WeChat, Shen Ping turned off his phone directly, not for anything else, there is a big beauty Ding Ruizhen at home.

Ding Ruizhen ate his supper slowly, then looked up at Shen Ping, "Will you go to the final exam paper in Beijing tomorrow?"

Shen Ping was stunned, then raised his head and said, "Huh? Yes, I have already recommended myself to the school. I wonder if the school leaders will agree? After all, I have submitted so many test papers, so there should be no problem. By the way, If you have time, you can check out the exams I have passed on Weibo..." Taking this opportunity, Shen Ping quickly promoted himself.

Unexpectedly, Ding Ruizhen directly interrupted, "I've already seen it."

Shen Ping said with an uh: "What do you think?"

"Very good." Ding Ruizhen said gently.

Shen Ping is also used to her talking less, so he stopped talking immediately, cleaned up the dishes on the table, walked into the kitchen and cleaned them, invited Ding Ruizhen to sit on the sofa, poured a glass of boiled water, and said with a smile: "People with low blood sugar You can't drink tea water, for the sake of your body, just pour some plain water."

Ding Ruizhen nodded, but did not speak.

There was a rare silence in the living room.

Shen Ping sat on a chair, nothing to do, such a beautiful woman was sitting in his home, and the atmosphere was so awkward, he had to talk to make the atmosphere harmonious, so he looked up at Ding Ruizhen, an associate professor at the university...to be precise, Ding Ruizhen Professor, very beautiful.Looking up, he suddenly found that Ding Ruizhen who was sitting on the sofa was also looking up at him.

"Professor Ding?" Shen Ping asked tentatively.

Ding Ruizhen still had a gentle tone, "What's the matter? Tell me."

"It's like this... You just mentioned that all the high schools in Beijing jointly issued the final exam papers. I want to ask you if you are one of the associate professors in the past." Shen Ping thought for a while, and then said: "Tomorrow I reckon I'll go, do you have time in the morning? Or let's go there together, so that we can have a companion... Uh, I'm not familiar with that place."

"Then contact us on WeChat." Ding Ruizhen said with a smile: "My WeChat ID is..."

 Huhu, it's the third update, please recommend tickets, ask for rewards, please collect, thank you Nine Thousand Years everyone!Tomorrow's episode will be even more exciting, Mr. Xiao Shen will make everyone feel hopeless! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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