I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 57 Teacher Xiao Shen is openly racing in class!

Chapter 57 Teacher Xiao Shen is openly racing in class!

After seven o'clock in the morning, students entered the campus one after another.

The atmosphere in the school conference room was very dull.

Lin Shun and Shan Yan were full of embarrassment, and even the teaching director Kang Xue sat silently at the head of the desk without speaking. She always felt that something was wrong. It's unbelievable, even the other teachers.

Kang Xue sat down for a while, then announced the end of the meeting, and left the conference room without looking back. Everyone knew that Kang Xue must have been unable to accept the sudden explosion of grades of the students in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High, but she didn't say anything more. According to the past practice, if the grades of a class can't increase, the school will recruit new teachers from outside to replace them. But these years, there has never been a situation where the grades of a class at the bottom of the crane suddenly exploded. How should we solve it?Following the instructions of the education bureau leaders to persuade Shen Ping to leave?Or continue to recruit new teachers?The school leaders didn't give an answer, and ordinary teachers like them can't say much!

Fan Danqiu turned his head and said, "Xiao Shen, you have two biology classes in the morning."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the office and get ready." Shen Ping got up and was about to leave.

Just as he was about to leave, Teacher Wang who was sitting opposite him laughed, "Mr. Xiao Shen, take good care of the students in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School. There is still a final exam this semester, and that is the real big show." Let's start." After seeing the results of the students in Class [-] of Senior High, Teacher Wang is also full of confidence this time, maybe Xiao Shen can really bring Class [-] of Senior High the biggest surprise in the final exam.

"Teacher Wang, don't worry." Shen Ping nodded.

Under the watchful eyes of all the teachers in the conference room, Shen Ping returned to the office to pick up the biology textbook and headed to the teaching building of the high school.

The expression on Director Kang's face has been guessed by Shen Ping. Kang Xue is deeply trusted by the school leaders, and the school leaders are under the jurisdiction of the Education Bureau. A weed that was blown by the strong wind offended the school leaders and the Education Bureau, and he would not have a good life.That is to say, if the student's grades decline in the next final exam, the school leaders will definitely take this opportunity to persuade him to leave. Firstly, it can satisfy the education bureau above, and secondly, it can also tell the outside world that it is not that we want to expel Shen It's because his Shen Ping's teaching quality is not good.

But if in the final exam, the grades of the students in Class [-] of Senior High School are still ranked second in the grade, or even ranked first, then it is hard to say, after all, his teaching grades are there, and no one wants to touch him so easy!
How can we maintain the students' grades?
Shen Ping, who was walking on the campus, did not rush to the classroom, but thought of many ways. The current situation is very beneficial to him. After passing this monthly exam and passing the students' grades, a large number of students and The trust of the students' parents, what Shen Ping has to do is to continue to maintain this trust, not let this trust be questioned, and he has to prepare for the next final exam!
There is a way!

Increase the humor in lectures and increase the difficulty of homework!

The usual homework is very simple, and increasing the difficulty may be a kind of pressure for many students. When students think about homework, it will be very simple. It is nothing more than consolidating the knowledge of the teacher during the day. For teachers who play cards, making homework more difficult is too easy!

Why make homework harder?
First, Shen Ping wants to surpass other classes through the content of his lectures, such as some unpopular knowledge points, some places that other teachers will not pay attention to at all, which is fine in normal times, but when encountering a teacher with a tricky angle, the students will It will be wailing, but making homework more difficult is different. In addition to allowing students to memorize basic knowledge points, it can also make them memorize unpopular knowledge. Mastering all aspects will naturally be handy for exams.

Second, the school has already disliked him. Shen Ping wants to increase the difficulty of homework for students. The final exam must be held. It is clear that every class must be taken. It is also a face-slapping school. The grades of the students in the class are mentioned, buddies want to see if your face hurts!

This trick was used aboveboard, and Shen Ping was not afraid of resentment in their hearts. He originally wanted to teach in school for the rest of his life, but someone refused to let him do so, so don't blame him for being rude!

Please chat with the teachers of other courses when you have time!

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Ping's mouth, he opened the system page and looked at his current despair value, and found that he still had a lot of despair value, so he went directly to the mall to buy a piece of humorous biological knowledge point.These days, his answers on Zhihu have skyrocketed his desperation value a lot, and it is the other answerers who read his answers, and it is the fans of other answerers who are scolded bloody by his Weibo fans. From now on, Shen Ping Both words feel desperate, and the despair value in the system is nearly 18!So I don't mind spending tens of thousands of despair points. After using it, a lot of funny biology exam questions immediately appeared in Shen Ping's mind.

That's it!

Stepping into the classroom, the class bell just rang, and this biology class began!

"As we all know, sperm are divided into animal sperm and plant sperm. Male cells in the sexual reproduction of animals, germ cells in male animals, male gametes in heterogamy, haploid germ cells produced by sperm organs. And life Mesospermia refer more to male mature reproductive cells, which form in the testis."

Yes, this biology class is about what makes teenage girls blush.

"Taking mammals as an example, the structure of sperm can be divided into three parts: head, neck and tail. The head is mainly composed of nucleus and acrosome, which are spherical, long columnar, spiral, pear-shaped and axe-shaped, etc. These The shape is determined by the shape of the nucleus and the acrosome. This part of the neck is the shortest. It is located behind the head and is cylindrical or funnel-shaped, also known as the connecting segment..."


Below the podium, the students had different facial expressions, the boys had smirks on their faces, and the girls were blushing.

Time passed slowly like this, and in the blink of an eye, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Shen Ping raised his arm and looked at his watch, and found that it was past eleven o'clock, so he stopped the lecture and assigned homework.

"Students, today's homework is very simple. There are only a few questions: What is the organelle that provides energy for sperm movement? Normal sperm movement speed? Cilia movement speed? Flagella activity frequency? Movement speed in the cervix? Class tomorrow morning The rep put it in my office."

 Today's second update, please collect, recommend, and reward, thank you very much!Also: Cry!Where is my book review section!I wrote the book for 40 days, and I finally got [-] hits today!Why is it gone! ! !Please comfort me ah ah ah ah!
(End of this chapter)

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