I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 50 is sought after! (550 recommendation tickets plus updates)

Chapter 50 is sought after! (550 recommendation tickets plus updates)

How are humans born? — Prehistoric Shark Theory!

"Humans evolved from a prehistoric shark that roamed the oceans more than 3 million years ago."

"This primitive fish, called sticklebacks, is the common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates on Earth, including humans."

"A reanalysis of a skull dating back 2.9 million years revealed that it was an early member of modern jawed vertebrates, meaning that jaws include tens of thousands of living vertebrates ranging from fish to birds , reptiles, mammals, and humans.”

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

On Zhihu, the brain hole theory contest about how human beings were born is already in full swing.

"The sticklebacks existed in the period before the earliest sharks and bony fishes began their respective evolutions, a lineage that eventually carried on into human life."

The brain hole is very big. The origin of human beings evolved from prehistoric sharks roaming in the ocean. Through the presentation of arguments and the research of the biological community, we finally proposed tens of thousands of living vertebrates, reptiles, and mammals from fish to birds. Animals and humans all evolved from prehistoric sharks.

The theory is simple.

It's so simple you can't help but believe it.

After it was uploaded to Zhihu, Shen Ping ignored it. First, he greeted Fan Danqiu and said that he had gone back to sleep. After changing his shoes and opening the door, he went down the stairs. The lighting in the stairwell was broken. Ping took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight function, and walked down slowly, complaining in his heart why this broken property is so cheap, it doesn't even have the most basic lighting.

After going down the stairs and walking to the door of the unit, Shen Ping was about to return to his own house.

At this time, two girls passed by the door of the unit, and they seemed to be residents of this community.

"Go back to bed early, I'm going to be exhausted after a busy day today."

"Yeah, by the way, I just saw an answer on Zhihu in the car, which is very interesting."

"Zhihu officially made a brain hole reward theory?"

"Yes, it is written that human beings evolved from prehistoric sharks. The brain hole is simply too big. In just a few hundred words, the theory of how human beings were born is fully explained. It seems rather nonsense, but After careful consideration, I found that there is some truth, and a lot of evidence was put forward, which is well-founded. Unfortunately, the answerer only posted one article, and I can't see his other answers. Otherwise, I really want to know who the answerer is Which university's professor?"

"Is it as powerful as you said?"

"You'll know when you go and have a look. That answer has only been answered for more than ten minutes, and now 5000 people have agreed with it. It's much more reliable than the top-ranked answer."

"So awesome? Which university professor wrote it?"

"Who knows, anyway, it must be at the university professor level."

When the two were talking, they returned to the unit building, but Shen Ping heard it, and hurried back to his home, immediately opened Zhihu and logged in to see his answer!

Already ranked No.11!
This answer is currently: agree 4963, comment 963, thanks 4286!

Answer the comments below, it is also exciting!

"Which university professor's answer is this? The brain hole is too big!"

"Shen Ping? Can't you be the King of Exam Questions? It shouldn't be possible! The theory he put forward is that human beings are an independent species. You must be a professor at a certain university. Tell me who you are? You're so awesome!"

"The argument is well-founded, it's amazing!"

"The approval has already exceeded 5000. It's only been ten minutes?"

"From the point of view of a university professor, this theory is definitely justified! I have shared it with the student group and recommended it on the official Weibo. Please help put this theory on top. This is my The best theory in my heart!"

Shen Ping just watched the approval, comment, and thanks all soaring upwards, and he was also shocked!
Originally thought that brain hole theory should not be rewarded, but it can't compare with those well-known professors, but I didn't expect netizens to agree so much!

Half an hour later, I agree with 10000, comment 4283, and thank 12670!

An hour later, upvote 21753, comment 9510, thanks 18734!

When two hours passed, "Humans Evolved from Prehistoric Sharks" actually ranked third, only a few thousand votes lower than the top two ranked Wang Qianlong and Zhou Delong!
It took over two hours to upload!1000 people agreed, 500 people commented, and 8000 people thanked!

This can be called a miracle!Netizens on Zhihu were shocked!
When a post becomes popular, there will be a lot of bullies who will bite people indiscriminately, so when Shen Ping's answer appeared in the third place, the fans of the remaining two professors all gathered around!
"Humans evolved from prehistoric sharks" answered the comments below, and suddenly there was a mess of smoke!
"What a stupid answer!"

"Are your answers now of no quality? It's really disgusting!"

"Garbage, full of nonsense, ridiculous!"

"Ever since Gouhu was flooded by more and more laymen, the quality has long been inferior to before. It's a pity that our paradise has been destroyed by a group of bandits and hooligans!"

"Everyone, hurry up and find someone to help, we can't let this answer top the list!"

"Yes, everyone is looking for someone to come and help!"

"Look, everyone, Professor Wang Qianlong has posted on Weibo to get people to support him, please vote for his Zhihu answer!"

"Professor Wang Qianlong is highly recommended. How dare a little-known person be in the top three of Zhihu? Let's let him know what it means to be overconfident!"

As Professor Wang Qianlong of the Department of Biology at Beijing University canvassed for votes on Weibo, his fan groups on Weibo came over one after another. At first, the difference was not much, but in half an hour, Shen Ping was far away and thousands of people agreed!
Not only that, Wang Qianlong's fans also ran to Shen Ping's answer to mock him.

"Hahahaha, garbage is garbage!"

"Don't you want to be famous? We just won't let you do that!"

"You still want to be compared with Professor Wang Qianlong, but you don't even look in the mirror!"

Many people who eat melons can't stand it anymore. What are those people who mock others? How dare they be so arrogant?This answer about "Humans Evolved from Prehistoric Sharks" is already well written, why do you step on others?Do you like the professor?What's wrong with the professor?If the writing is not as good as others, it is not as good. What is there to admit?Who stipulates that professors are better than ordinary people in all aspects?Many people who eat melons want to help Shen Ping, but there is only one Zhihu account, which can only add two to three thousand likes to him.

Thanks to Wang Qianlong and Zhou Delong for their favorable comments, it has grown substantially.

And Shen Ping's answer didn't increase much!

At this moment, everyone knew that Shen Ping would not be able to get the reward, and was forced to be suppressed by the dirty trash in the education world. Shen Ping also thought so!
However, there is no way out!
A thing that no one can imagine has happened!

 This one is 550 recommendation tickets plus updates, and three updates have been completed today!Is the author very powerful?Come on, it's a new week after dawn, old rules, I'll use the update for the free recommendation tickets in your hands, vote for me all!


(End of this chapter)

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