I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 42 Shocking theory!

Chapter 42 Shocking theory!
The students widened their eyes and opened their mouths in disbelief.

Apparently, they didn't expect that Shen Ping, a teacher, played cards completely out of common sense.

Darwin's theory of evolution is assumed to be a joke in human history in this class. This is a huge brain hole, which allows students to fully spread their thinking ability. I have to say that the teacher is enlightened.

But for students, this teacher is quite a devil!

What has not been questioned in biology for so many years, is now questioned in high school classrooms?

However, Shen Ping brought it up lightly, just this idea was enough to shock the students!

The representative of the biology class was angry. He obviously didn't expect that Shen Ping's doubts were justified, so he asked, "Mr. According to the theory of change, the reason there are no fossils is that all their genes have mutated, and they suddenly evolved into humans in a very short period of time."

"A genetic mutation?"

Shen Ping smiled indifferently. Sure enough, these children only accepted the knowledge in the textbooks and never tried to question it, so he said: "Although genetic mutations are possible, they are basically used to explain the cause of death, the source of disease, I have never explained the new features that have never appeared before. According to the current human history, all gene mutations only occur in the existing genes. Then from a monkey to an adult, it is a change of two species. This gene mutation occurs in the It has never happened in the biological world, and your explanation with genetic mutation is too far-fetched."

"Mr. Shen, then this..."

The representative of the biology class never expected that Shen Ping would answer her casually about her gene mutation so seriously.

The students in the classroom all looked at Shen Ping, with shock and fear in their eyes!

What other subjects does Shen Ping not know? !
Mathematics, geography, Chinese, history, and now even biology? !

My God, is this Shen Ping still a person?This is too against the sky, it looks much better than other teachers!

Many students in the classroom who were not good at studying originally looked at Shen Ping with endless admiration in their eyes at this moment!
I just feel that if I want to be a teacher, I must be such an excellent teacher who is charming, knowledgeable and cultured!

However, Shen Ping still did not stop, but continued: "Students, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, every creature in the biological world will degenerate or even eliminate some useless things in the process of evolution, then The first thing that should be eliminated is the human brain."

In the classroom, all the students were shocked!

Even the representative of the biology class looked at Shen Ping on the podium with some embarrassment at this moment.

I saw that Shen Ping drew a human brain map on the blackboard in a short period of time, and then said slowly: "According to science, only 90.00% of the normal human brain is used, and the remaining [-]% The seven regions all seem to be inactive and useless, so why has the human brain remained unchanged for thousands of years?"

All the students in the classroom were stunned.

Many people shook their heads, they were just students.

Shen Ping smiled and continued: "Even in his later years, Darwin said that the theory of evolution cannot be applied to humans, but it is written in textbooks, and the teachers teach it like this, so that you will not have the slightest doubt, so it is this The meaning of a biology class."

"I just talked about the doubts of the theory of evolution. Now let's talk about the general history of biology, that is, the conflict between the theory of evolution and physics. If the theory of evolution is placed on the cosmic level, it will violate the second law of thermodynamics."

"The so-called second law means that as time goes on, the universe becomes disorderly. As time goes by, all the order in the universe will disappear, just like the development, aging and decline of things we see every day, which is a proof The accuracy of the second law of thermodynamics."

The students in the classroom nodded. Although their biology class was not good, the second law of thermodynamics was still true.

For example, a brand new computer, with the acceleration of time, the circuit inside will age...

But this has nothing to do with the theory of evolution!

Is Teacher Xiao Shen just talking nonsense? !
Just when they were about to refute Shen Ping, Shen Ping suddenly said: "Darwin's theory of evolution is divided into three main viewpoints, the first is the change of species, the second is the theory of common ancestry, and the third is natural selection. The most important thing is that in the theory of evolution, everything in the universe is a big bang. At the beginning, there was nothing in the universe, so a primordial fireball appeared. After the fireball exploded, space energy and matter were produced, and began to expand rapidly, producing electrons. Trinos... then to the Milky Way, the solar system, the earth, the atmosphere, and the appearance of all life, all of which have changed from being out of order to being in order... This is not in line with the second law of thermodynamics!"

"If the theory of evolution is true, then the second law of thermodynamics is wrong!"

Shen Ping said the next sentence lightly, but when it fell in the classroom, it was like a pot exploding, and there were bursts of thunder!

"I'll go! I feel that what Teacher Xiao Shen said makes sense!"

"The second law of thermodynamics, or the theory of evolution, which one is correct?"

"Teacher Xiao Shen, tell me quickly!"

"Yeah, hurry up and tell me, I'm very curious now!"

Obviously, all the students in the classroom are now curious about this question, "Teacher Xiao Shen, according to your statement, which one is correct?"

Shen Ping also knew that if this group of students were asked to solve this problem, it would be a complete bully. The reason why he said it in class was to arouse the students' curiosity and lay a good foundation for future study of biology.

So he explained directly: "The point of view of evolution is that the universe goes from no order to order, and the second law of thermodynamics is that the universe goes from order to no order. It is not difficult to judge who is right..."

Shen Ping just cleared his throat, and instantly made many students in the classroom stare wide-eyed, even those students who are usually mischievous were looking forward to him continuing to speak.

Obviously, what Shen Ping said was attractive!

And Shen Ping cleared his throat, and said: "Darwin's theory of evolution says that life originated from the changes after the explosion of the universe. Later generations also believed that after the big bang, the universe evolved from disorder to order, from 0 to 1, and countless The galaxies, the earth's atmosphere of the Milky Way, the solar system, and any living things in the world...Students should remember here that these theories have improved the structural level through the Big Bang..."

(End of this chapter)

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