I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 37 Do you still want to have a next time? ! (Please collect and ask for a recommendation tic

Chapter 37 Do you still want to have a next time? ! (Please collect and ask for a recommendation ticket!)
noon the next day.

When Shen Ping went to Fan Danqiu’s house to cook dinner, he took out his mobile phone and posted on Weibo. Weibo is different from the Weibo on the earth. The Weibo page here changes a lot, and it’s useless for zombie fans and other things. , It always washes off cleanly.

I went up to take a look, and looked at the comments below on my Weibo, most of them were words like "the king of the exam questions is so terrifying", which made him very happy, and many attracted people swiped the screen below, but they I missed the wonderfulness of yesterday's question contest.

Congratulations to yourself?
Through the Weibo link, Shen Ping clicked into a page, which turned out to be an exam question that teachers had posed in the past few years. Look, I was shocked!

The current ranking is: known positive integers satisfy the condition: for any positive integer n, randomly select several numbers from the set {a1, a2, ..., an} without repetition, after addition and subtraction operations between these numbers The absolute values ​​of the obtained numbers are different positive integers, and these positive integers together with a1, a2, ..., an are just a set of all natural numbers from 1 to Sn, where Sn is the first n items of the sequence {an} and.Find: (1) Find the values ​​of a1 and a2; (2) Find the general term formula of the sequence {an}. "

Ranked second is: Is tan1° a rational number?

The fourth place is: Material 87: TSNY is an agricultural country, the agricultural population accounts for about 80% of the national population, and the export of agricultural products accounts for [-]% of foreign exchange income, mainly exporting tea, cotton, bean cake, timber, coffee, copper and oilseeds etc., imported iron and steel, cotton fabrics, food, machinery, oil and vehicles.Material [-]: Tanzania-Zambia Railway (starting from Dar es Salaam), crossing mountains, canyons, turbulent rivers, dense virgin forests, some roadbeds, bridges and tunnel foundations are made of mud and quicksand, and many areas along the line are uninhabited , the entire project is huge, and the construction is extremely difficult.Material [-]: TSNY is one of the major coffee exporting countries in the world.Coffee is the country's traditional export product and the country's main source of foreign exchange. "

"Please briefly describe the following questions: 1. Describe the climate type and climate characteristics of Dar es Salaam. 2. Describe the terrain and geological difficulties that may be encountered in the construction of the Tazara Railway. 3. Summarize the social and economic conditions for the development of coffee in TSNY."

The most difficult exam questions in the top ten, but Shen Ping took the top four. The first, second, third, and fourth places were all taken by him. Looking down, the remaining top [-], Most of the exam questions that Shen Ping had given went up.

He suddenly laughed.

The Weibo issue ended like this. There was a turmoil on the Internet, but it was on a small scale after all. After all, Shen Ping was not a well-known big shot, but the big Vs who had good things sorted out articles one after another.

"On the Personal Quality of Modern Teachers"

"Weibo Question Incident Exposes the True Quality of the Educational Industry"

"A teacher posed a question on Weibo on the spot, scaring countless Weibo users to tears"

After clicking on it and glanced twice, Shen Ping left home and went to work.


in school.

As soon as he entered the school, many workers in charge of sundries in the school looked up at Shen Ping from time to time, and some even smiled kindly at him.

"Is he that little teacher Shen?"

"Is that him? He looks pretty."

"I posted a question on Weibo yesterday, forcing Lin Shun and Shan Yan to dare not speak up. You really have the ability!"

Among them was a financial woman who greeted Shen Ping, "Mr. Shen, are you here so early? There is still more than an hour before the afternoon class!"

Knowing her, Shen Ping responded immediately with a smile: "Yes, come to school to prepare lesson plans." Well, it seems that there was too much trouble on Weibo yesterday, but at this time Shen Ping was not only unhappy, but rather helpless, Because he knew that he had a bad reputation this time, the closer he was to the teacher's office building, the more disturbed he felt.

Cough, don't meet Director Kang...

Walking into the teaching building, I met Mr. Wang head-on.

Teacher Wang, who was about to resign, shook his head helplessly and said, "You young people are really impatient."

Shen Ping smiled, looked at Mr. Wang with a complicated expression, and quickly said: "Mr. Wang, you can't blame me this time. I just want to draw a prize. Who knew there was such a big commotion, and I can't help it!" I saw that Shen Ping's lectures are good, humorous, and he is deeply loved by the students, but this is only his superficial character. In fact, his real character is to hold grudges and speak venomously.

Teacher Wang said with a strange expression: "Xiao Shen, you have made a big mess this time. Director Kang told you to go directly to the teaching office to find her after you come to school."

Shen Ping nodded, turned around and walked towards the teaching office, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in."

Hearing a knock on the door, the voice of the person inside was very calm.

Shen Ping opened the door and walked into the office. When he saw Director Kang lying on the table doing copywriting, he asked, "Director Kang, I heard you were looking for me?"

Director Kang raised his head and glared at him, and said, "Are you feeling good about posting a question on Weibo yesterday?"

"It's okay." Shen Ping said awkwardly: "I just drew a prize, it's not a big problem. As for the others, you can rest assured that I will definitely not affect the usual lectures. When the time comes, the monthly exam and the final exam , students’ grades will definitely increase significantly.”

Kang Xue said speechlessly, "You changed the subject too bluntly."

Shen Ping had no choice but to explain: "Director Kang, I don't think there's any problem with what I did yesterday. It's just a question on Weibo. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Kang Xue said angrily: "No problem? You just come up with a question, why do you give rewards that can be included in the test paper? Ah! This is a school! It's not a restaurant opened by your family! What do you think? You know what to give to the school. How much impact did it bring? Let everyone know that Tianxing School’s exam papers can be random? Huh?!” Kang Xue slapped the carbon pen on the table, “You don’t have to explain so much Already! I will give you a warning this time!"

Shen Ping had no choice but to say: "Okay, Director Kang, I will definitely not do this next time!"

Kang Xue stared: "Do you still want to have a next time?!"

 Today is the first update, and today there is a second update. Yesterday everyone voted 91 recommendation votes, which is too powerful. According to this progress, Thursday will be almost finished. The author will shout again: If the recommendation votes reach 400 this week, it will be Add more!Ask for favorites, ask for recommendation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for book lists, ask for everything!
(End of this chapter)

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