I cried countless students in the exam

Chapter 34 Question on Weibo! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Chapter 34 Question on Weibo! (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Looking at the comments on Weibo, Shen Ping felt elated. He didn't expect that he was quite popular with fans. When he thought of this, he felt light all over his body. Whatever he thought about, he felt elated. The so-called happy event , Shen Ping whistled immediately.

And posted a Weibo: "I'm new here, I don't give you gifts like the rich second generation, but it's not appropriate not to give gifts, so I'll give you a question!"

Originally, Shen Ping was going to ride his bicycle home directly after eating, and take a good rest, but this shelf couldn't hold up to the fan's praise, and the whole person was floating.

The release of his Weibo immediately aroused the cheers of countless people.

"Mr. Xiao Shen is going to give a question?"

"I'll go, post a question on Weibo?"

"Grab the train of thought of Teacher Xiao Shen!"


"Everyone, come and watch the exam questions given by the Dharma King! Teacher Xiao Shen is about to show his skills!"

"It's the first time I don't give gifts, but ask questions on Weibo? This is really new! I saw Shen Ping's math questions on Weibo a few months ago, and I almost didn't scare me to death. Fortunately, I graduated early! "

"That's right! I don't know what question to ask this time!"

"If you can solve it, there will always be a reward, right?"

"That's for sure. If there is no reward, who would like to answer the questions with nothing to do!"

Many fans commented below, including the parents of the students, other teachers, and the students he taught, and the number of Weibo comments rose to hundreds.

Shen Ping saw that the comments were almost done, and immediately typed: "Everyone knows that my nickname is the King of Examination Questions, so they misunderstood me. In fact, the questions I gave are not difficult, and there are rewards. As long as someone can After answering all the questions, not only can I get a piece of my autograph, but I can also get another reward, that is: You can write a question, and I will add it to the next monthly exam paper!"

As soon as this remark came out, Weibo fans became a sensation!

"real or fake?!"

"Damn it, if you answer all the questions, you will be able to give questions to the students of Tianxing Middle School?"

"Hahahaha! It's so cool to think about it!"

"Can you really give students questions? Great!"

"I want to participate in this event!"

"I'm going to ask my friends to go to Weibo right now. There are many people and strength, and I will definitely be able to answer all the exam questions!"

"If you can answer all of them...hahahaha, I never thought that I would be able to give questions to students one day!"

"Hmph, come up with the questions quickly! My big eagle... Oh, no, my brain is in desperate need of knowledge!"

With more and more comments on this Weibo, thousands of comments were posted in a few minutes. Many netizens came to Shen Ping's Weibo one after another. Howling excitedly!
Looking at the enthusiastic comments on Weibo, Shen Ping smiled slightly, "If everyone participates, I will make the exam questions more difficult this time, so get ready!"

"Hurry up and ask questions!"

"I'm so hungry!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I can't help but fantasize about the moment when I can give students exam questions!"

Countless netizens gathered here, all of them were waiting for Shen Ping to come up with a question.

At this moment, Fan Danqiu sat down on the chair next to Shen Ping, and leaned forward, "What are you doing on Weibo?"

Shen Ping chuckled: "Let's do a prize-giving event for newcomers."

Fan Danqiu posted on Weibo, looked at it, and soon his face changed, "Are you really going to let them give questions to the sophomore students?"

Shen Ping smiled and said, "They can't answer it."

"Then what's the point of you doing this activity?" Fan Danqiu rolled his eyes.

Shen Ping smiled and said, "Of course it's to attract more fans' attention!"

"Then you come up with a question, I want to see how you respond." Fan Danqiu waited.

While the two were chatting, there were over [-] comments on Weibo.

"Mr. Shen, why don't you come up with the questions quickly?"

"Where are you?"

"Shouldn't you break your promise?"

"Probably not. Since you dare to say this, it means you have the confidence, and... I've already taken a screenshot, hahahaha!"

Many netizens are talking about it.

In the next second, Shen Ping posted the first question.

The first question: geography questions.

The title is based on the geographical scope of the three northeastern provinces of my country.

1: Natural conditions.

2 socioeconomic conditions.

3 Characteristics of agricultural layout.

4 large-scale specialized production.

5: Sanjiang Plain commodity rate.

6: State farm, degree of mechanization.

7: The direction of agricultural development in the three northeastern provinces.

These words were typed by Shen Ping one by one.

Many Weibo netizens saw this and showed disapproving smiles on their faces.

"This is not difficult!"

"A high school geography question!"

"This geography question is not bad. It's the first time I've seen it. It looks ordinary, but it is actually very realistic. This question can be used as a final exam question. The question is simple. It is to let students understand the three northeastern provinces. To answer the question, we will analyze the geographical location of the three northeastern provinces, starting from the agricultural layout, or from the direction of agricultural development..."

Netizens were making unashamed guesses, but they were slapped in the face in the next second!

——Requirements for the topic: Please summarize the above 7 regional agricultural developments, and give detailed answers without any mistakes.

After seeing the requirements of the topic, netizens will go crazy!

"My day, your uncle!"

"7 regional agricultural development...and give detailed answers?"

"Can't there be even the slightest mistake?"

"What the hell is this!"

"What about the agreed geographical location? What about the agreed agricultural layout? What about the agreed agricultural development direction? Why do you ask to write about regional agricultural development? Is it so difficult? The co-author has said so much before. Give an answer without the slightest mistake!"

"Shen Ping, you are too cruel!"

"Fuck, I knew the rewards weren't that easy to get!"

With the release of the first geography test question, netizens grinned angrily. They have seen many geography questions, but they have never seen such a difficult one. Is this a geography question or a political question?

Due to the difference in the world, Shen Ping did not take out the exact same questions from the system, but slightly modified them. For example, the set of questions presented now is a very common sophomore geography question in the world called "Earth" in the system. Knowledge questions, but the geography knowledge of the second year of high school in this world is completely inferior to the geography knowledge of the second year of high school on earth, but it has no super-class at all, and it belongs to a very cold knowledge point. Let alone students, even teachers generally don’t pay attention to it. , even if such questions are never included in exam papers, these exam questions are never valued by the world's education circles, but they are Shen Ping's strongest trump card. All the geography exam questions in the whole world are all on Shen Ping. How could you not win?
But for Weibo netizens, it is really too difficult!

"If you can't answer this question, if you have the ability, you can do the second one!"

"That's right, you ask the second question!"

"I don't believe I can't answer!"

"That's right, I must get the reward and give the students questions!"

 Today's first update, first of all, thank you for the 100 reward from "Dad whose name is really difficult to pick", thank you very much.

  Secondly, continue to ask for collection recommendation tickets and rewards, as well as book lists~~
(End of this chapter)

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