Treasure well

Chapter 99 Carp with Beautiful Mountains and Clear Waters (Part 3)

Chapter 99: Thousand-faced carps with beautiful mountains and clear waters (third update)

PS: This is the third update yesterday. It was not uploaded due to some reasons, but if it is wrong, it is wrong. Beichen apologizes to everyone. Instead of explaining why he made a mistake, it is better to make some substantive compensation. This week, I I will pick a day and add another chapter as compensation, but I can’t do it today. I have something to do today. From here, everyone can see that Beichen didn’t save the manuscript. Ah, I’m going to cry, it’s just so hard!Please support, favorite and recommend!
The sky was clear, and Chu Yunqiu drove everyone to the Chu Family Village. Looking at the picturesque scenery, Lu's father and Lu's mother stretched out their heads and looked at the scenery outside through the window!
Because there is still one month before summer, the wheat seedlings have grown very tall, exuding the fragrance of wheat grass. On both sides of the road, the trees are green and green, and in the orchard, some beautiful flowers have begun to fall. , give birth to fruit.

In the forest, there are various beautiful forest birds standing on the trees, seeming to be lining up to welcome them, making clear chirps.

Lu's father and Lu's mother couldn't care less about talking to Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing. They were looking at the surrounding scenery while exchanging something, pointing fingers, and seemed very happy.

Lu Zhiqing turned her head and introduced it to her parents.

When passing through Yueming Bay, Lu's father and Lu's mother were completely shocked by the surrounding green mountains and green waters. It was like special effects made by a computer. In Wonderland, it's a pity that the film world is not filmed here.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Yueming Bay, twisting and turning, like a spirit snake, winding forward.

"Yunqiu, wait a moment, let's go down for a walk," Lu's father said to Chu Yunqiu, he really couldn't hold back his yearning for such a beautiful scenery, and wanted to go down for a walk.

"Okay", Chu Yunqiu nodded, parked the car at the side of the village intersection, and walked down with Lu's father and mother.

Lu Zhiqing snuggled up to Lu's mother, showing off her experience in the village to Lu's mother.

Chu Yunqiu smiled lightly, without saying a word, and followed Lu's father, acting as a guide.

"Dad, this is the largest water source in our Chu family village. It has been passed down for thousands of years. It is called Yueming Bay. Our Chu family village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant. There are mountains and waters. The scenery is picturesque. It can be said that the mountains and rivers are beautiful. The folk customs are honest and simple", Chu Yunqiu has the meaning of a queen's wife selling melons, selling melons, boasting, anyway, bragging is not illegal, and besides, Chu Yunqiu did not lie.

Father Lu kept nodding, and the group came to a stone bridge. The structure of this stone bridge was very similar to the Zhaozhou Bridge, but it was obviously not as famous as the Zhaozhou Bridge, and it was not made by a famous person.Very ordinary.

Although the stone bridge is not as old as Zhaozhou Bridge, it is not young. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. As for who built it, the people in Chujiazhai don't know.

The bridge still exists today.

I don't know if it's because of the historical relics, or because the bridge is a bit old and afraid of danger, the government has protected the entire bridge and closed it to traffic.

Instead, when the road was being built, the government funded the construction of a flat bridge, which was very flat like a road and stood on Yueming Bay.

As for how many roads there are and which construction company built them, no one cares about these things.

Everyone stood on the bridge and looked around, taking in the surrounding scenery.

In Yueming Bay, there are constantly swimming fish swimming in the clear stream. Looking down from the bridge, you can even see the swimming fish clearly, with ripples rippling in the water.

"What kind of fish is this?" Looking at the swimming fish in Yueming Bay, Lu's mother pointed to a colorful fish and asked, "It's not like a koi. Koi doesn't have such scales on its body, like a carp, but Carp are not so colorful, and they are not goldfish, goldfish are not so big." Mother Lu sorted out one by one, and found that none of them were suitable.

"This kind of fish is called thousand-faced carp in our local area, because its appearance is very similar to carp, and it has carp-like scales. Its whole body is colorful and green, forming various patterns. The shapes of these patterns are different. Various They appear in different positions, some appear on the tail, some appear on the back, and some appear on the abdomen, and the colors change alternately, almost none of them are the same, so we call them thousands of faces, because These different patterns change their faces, but don’t underestimate these carps with thousands of faces. They are not simple. There are some toxins hidden in their meat. If you eat them rashly, you will vomit and diarrhea In severe cases, allergies all over the body, and all kinds of small beans, which have been taught by the ancestors of our village from generation to generation, but you also understand that there are always a few wonderful flowers in the world who are not afraid of death, and the words of the old man are still in the wind. At that time, a few buddies in the village almost didn’t die at home. Fortunately, they were sent to the hospital in time, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable. Since then, I have deeply understood a truth, if you don’t listen to the old man’s words, you will suffer in front of your eyes.” , Chu Yunqiu said with great admiration.

When I was a child, when my family caught thousands of carp, Chu's father and mother would put the thousands of carp in the fishing net back into Yueming Bay, because it was tasteless to eat, and it would be poisoned, so I couldn't eat it.

At that time, Chu Yunqiu was very curious about why father and mother of Chu released the fish they finally caught. Only then did he know that this kind of fish is poisonous and cannot be eaten by humans.

"But all things grow and restrain each other. This kind of carp with thousands of faces is not without its nemesis. Bears are their biggest nemesis, because carp with thousands of faces is the best food for bears. As for whether there are other animals that like to eat, I don't know. I knew that bears like to eat them, it's strange to say that bears seem to have a natural resistance to carp with thousands of faces, no matter how many carps with thousands of faces they eat, there will be nothing wrong with it," Chu Yunqiu told Father Lu and Mother Lu Said.

"There is such a thing." Mother Lu obviously became very interested in this kind of carp with thousands of faces.

"Let's go for a walk." Compared to Lu's mother who is interested in the colorful carp with thousands of faces, Lu's father appreciates the surrounding natural landscape more.

In the eyes of Lu's father, the charm of nature is obviously much stronger than these colorful carp with thousands of faces. Instead of admiring the treasures of nature, they focus on a drop in the ocean in the lake. Unwise behavior!

Lu's father and Lu's mother's aesthetic views are obviously different, and it can also be seen from this that Lu's father and Lu's mother have different attitudes towards life.

As a male, Lu's father is the kind of eclectic person who is more inclined to see the big picture. For the ultimate direction, he can be informal. This kind of person is usually a high-level leader, and he doesn't care about everything. When it comes to small things, Open one eye, close one eye, and take control of the situation.

As a woman, Lu's mother is precisely the kind of person who pays attention to details. Some people say that details are doomed to success or failure. A small detail may be the key to success. Lu's mother likes to solve small problems first, and then turn big problems into big problems. Break it down into a few small problems and overcome them one by one. When all the small problems are solved, then the big problem will no longer be a problem, and the difficulties you face will be easily solved.

Between the two attitudes towards life, we cannot say which one is better and which one is worse, we can only say which one is suitable for us. Both roads can lead to success, the key depends on walking on the road.

Males are bolder, while females are more delicate, and Lu's father and Lu's mother can complement each other very well!

Mother Lu felt the same as Father Lu, but watching the child's face, Mother Lu couldn't say anything more. She reluctantly looked at the thousand-faced carp in Yueming Bay, and then followed Father Lu.

Father Lu looked at the mountains, looked at the water, and breathed in the fresh air around him. He felt so comfortable, as if the air was full of spirituality, and he felt comfortable, "It's so comfortable. If only the weather in Beijing could be so good. What a wonderful thing that would be." Father Lu opened his hands, looked up at the blue sky, opened his hands, and embraced the world!

Lu Zhiqing pushed Father Lu from behind, "Dad, look at your virtues, how far is this? When you reach Baiyun Mountain, that is the real beauty? I guarantee you will never forget it for the rest of your life." Lu Zhiqing was terrified said.

"Really? Where is Baiyun Mountain?" Father Lu couldn't help asking!
(End of this chapter)

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