Treasure well

Chapter 86

Chapter 86
In the Water Curtain Cave, seven colors of light shrouded the entire cave, and white water droplets continued to drip from the stalactites above. Some of these stalactites are very huge, like a huge wall clock, and some are very narrow. , above the pointed stone tip, surrounded by ripples.

Under the shining of the seven-color light, the stalactites above show seven colors, extremely gorgeous!
Under the stalactites, there are many crystals densely covered, some thick, some small. They are all deeply embedded in the earth, with the sword tip pointing upward, as if they want to open the seal and hold the sword towards the sky!
Most of each crystal has six sides, of course there are four sides, eight sides, and even twelve super crystals, densely packed, all of which are angular mirrors!

Chu Yunqiu walked in the direction of Toad and Turtle, just in time to see Chen Guobin's tearful side.

"Professor Chen, what's wrong?" Chu Yunqiu stepped forward.

"It's okay, I'm just too excited", Chen Guobin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Guo Tao, you must take clearer pictures, I will use them when the time comes".

"Don't worry, I'm not boasting about my shooting skills. I've won awards internationally." Zhou Guotao smiled and even temporarily acted as Chen Guobin's assistant.

"That's good." Chen Guobin nodded, "Xiao Chu, can I walk in and have a look?" Chen Guobin was still a little scared when he looked at the huge monster.

"Of course. Although he is a carnivorous animal, he will never bite." Chu Yunqiu nodded, took out the water from the treasure well from his backpack, walked up to the toad and turtle, and gently stroked his head. Feed it the water from Baojing.

Toad and Turtle drank the water from Baojing and fell into silence again.

Chen Guobin stepped forward, took out a meter ruler from his bag, and kept measuring it.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Lu Zhiqing pulled Yang Mi and Shen Mengjie up!

"We are looking at the tortoise. Professor Chen is testing the tortoise. It is said that this may be the only tortoise in the world," Chu Yunqiu said.

"Really, let's take a look too!"Lu Zhiqing and the two girls were there to point and point!

She was so busy that Lu Zhiqing couldn't take it anymore, "Honey, I'm hungry, I want to go home for dinner!"

"What? So fast, what time is it? Didn't you eat a lot in the morning?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but look at Lu Zhiqing.

"I'm just hungry, I don't care." Lu Zhiqing hugged Chu Yunqiu's arm and began to act like a baby. She would say that she wanted to eat red-maned wild pork again.

"Okay, let's go down immediately, you can't go back", Chu Yunqiu looked at everyone.

"I want to go back." Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng raised their hands first. They had long wanted to taste the delicious food Chu Yunqiu was talking about.

"We're going back too. We've finished eating the food we brought yesterday, so we can't go back." Zhou Guotao wanted to stay on the mountain, but his stomach wouldn't allow it.

"I won't go back, just bring me some when you go up the mountain in the afternoon." Chen Guobin felt that it was too troublesome and didn't want to go up.

"Okay, I'll come up after dinner," Zhou Guotao nodded.

When Chu Yunqiu and others came out, many tourists had already gone down the mountain to eat in advance. In order to let Professor Chen have a quick meal, they didn't stop, and rushed all the way down the mountain.

"Okay, Guotao, let's just separate here." Chu Yunqiu guessed that the elder sister hadn't cooked at this time, and she ate late. When Chu Yunqiu arrived at his hometown in the morning, the elder sister and the others had just had dinner!

"Well, I'm going back first." Zhou Guotao, Chu Yunqiu and others separated and walked to the other side!
Chu Yunqiu took his wife Lu Zhiqing, Yang Mi, Liang Qianzhi, Gong Feng and others back to his old house.

In the yard, Chu Yuhe was sitting in the yard basking in the sun, reclining on a wicker chair, holding a cute little white fox in his arms. At this time, the little white fox was curled up in Chu Yuhe's arms, feeling warm It's very cute to fall asleep.Not far in front of Chu Yuhe was a small table with a pot of tea and a water cup on it, and a mobile phone was placed horizontally in front of it. A TV series was playing on the mobile phone, and the sound of chattering came from inside. .

Chu Yuhe was carving melon seeds, watching TV dramas, lying on the rattan chair, basking in the sun, what a leisurely one.

"Sister, we're back." Chu Yunqiu walked in with everyone.

"Why is it so early?" Chu Yuhe sat up, turned off the phone in front of him, and put it on the table.

"The main reason is that I'm hungry." Chu Yunqiu picked up the kettle on the table, poured a glass of water, and drank it. "There is a cup in the house. If you are thirsty, take it yourself." Chu Yunqiu said.

Gong Feng didn't need to be reminded by Chu Yunqiu. He ran into the house and took four or five cups. "Come on, come on, drink some water." Gong Feng poured a cup of water and sat on the stone bench!

"Sister, where's Niuniu? Are you still playing?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't help asking.

"Well, it's in the house." Chu Yuhe nodded.

"I'll go and see her." Chu Yunqiu walked to the study room and saw Xiao Niuniu sitting on the chair very obediently, her eyes staring at the computer screen without blinking. Chu Yunqiu took a closer look, It turned out to be the computer version of "Angry Birds". Seeing that serious expression, Chu Yunqiu couldn't bear to bother him!
"Niu Niu, do you still want to eat?" Chu Yunqiu stroked Xiao Niu Niu's little head.

"Uncle," Xiao Niuniu raised her head, her eyes lit up when she saw Chu Yunqiu, and she yelled obediently.

"How is it? How many levels have you passed?" Chu Yunqiu sat on the chair, hugged Niu Niu in his arms, and looked at the screen on the computer screen.

Angry Birds was Lu Zhiqing’s favorite game when she was in college. She downloaded several versions for this purpose. Unfortunately, the other versions were too unchallenging and she could pass the game just by playing. So After downloading and uninstalling several times, the last version of "Angry Birds" is left on the computer. According to Lu Zhiqing, it is the latest version. Both the graphics and the game settings are very good. Interesting, I didn't expect to be found out by the little girl Niu Niu.

Hearing Chu Yunqiu's words, Xiao Niuniu pouted, "What, it's not fun at all".

"It's not fun for you to play for so long." Chu Yunqiu looked at the little girl in disbelief.

"Hmph, I just want to play, I must shoot down all these pig heads to prove my strength," Xiao Niuniu yelled.

"Just look at what a little bear you are. Don't play for too long. Uncle will prepare delicious food for you. When you are tired of playing, go to the yard to accompany Daxue and the others. Do you understand?" Chu Yunqiu squeezed it dotingly. Little girl’s face.

"Oh, uncle, you pinched my cheek again. I'll tell grandma to fix you." Seeing that Chu Yunqiu began to pinch her pretty little cheek again, the little girl got angry and stretched out her fleshy little hand. Pulling Chu Yunqiu's hand off, he said viciously.

"All right, uncle, stop pinching," Chu Yunqiu smiled softly, not knowing where his mother heard that pinching a child's face can easily make the child drool, so he resolutely refused to pinch the little girl again. Xiao Niuniu just happened to hear her words again, so from now on, I can no longer pinch my little niece's cheeks!
"Also, Daxue and the others don't know what's wrong, they all hide in their nests and sleep, and don't play with me." Speaking of this, Xiao Niuniu got a little angry, she was so cute, they ignored her, went to Go to sleep and never play with them again.

"Really?" Chu Yunqiu was a little curious, "Uncle, let's go take a look." Chu Yunqiu put the little girl on the seat and walked out.

Sure enough, Da Wang and Xiao Wang were all lying on the nest, Da Bai and Xiao Hei were also lying on the roof, motionless, and the little white fox family in the bedroom were all sound asleep.

"Sister, is the little white fox in your arms sleeping all the time?" Chu Yunqiu walked up to Chu Yuhe and couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, this little guy can sleep quite well, and he hasn't woken up." Chu Yuhe smiled lightly, stroking the hair on the little white fox.

"It should be the problem of the red-maned wild boar, but why don't we have anything to do? Are there still species?" Chu Yunqiu frowned, "I hope it's a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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