Treasure well

Chapter 76

Chapter 76
PS: Thank you "Cold Rain and Frost Leaf" for the three hundred rewards, thank you for your support, I really appreciate it, I wish all book friends happy every day and all the best, thank you "Cold Rain and Frost Leaf" for your support, new week A new start, let's encourage each other!

The moonlight hung high above the horizon, and under the sky, a man stood by the foot of the mountain, looking at the things in his hands.

The moonlight seemed to understand Chu Yunqiu's thoughts, and it bloomed with even greater light. The silver glow tilted, reflecting Chu Yunqiu's shadow.

Chu Yunqiu opened the second box. This box was a bit small, and the things it contained were not big things.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the thing inside, it was a square object, similar to the battery in a mobile phone, but thicker and larger, of course, the material was different, the outside of this thing was all wrapped in metal, Heavy, like a gold nugget.

There are a total of three pieces installed in this kind of thing, but you can't underestimate this thing, don't underestimate the smallness, the power contained in it is not small.

It can be said to be the battery with the largest power in the world. Everything on it is in English. This is the latest high-tech developed by the United States. The power contained in one battery is enough for a family to use for two months. Of course, if you want to use this battery Special tools must be used.

Just like mobile phone batteries, there seems to be nothing that can be used except for mobile phones. This kind of battery is the same. It is a matching, that is, a special battery. The reason why Yunqiu asked Gong Feng was because he couldn't get this thing.

And this thing is not cheap, just such a small piece, about the size of a palm, is as high as 1000 yuan, and the unit is still in US dollars!

You may not be able to buy this kind of thing if you have money, but if you don’t have money, it’s even worse.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the battery in his hand. According to Gong Feng, it seemed to be called a "lithium-titanium" metal battery. It was said that a lot of space metal was added into it, and it was generally used in spacecraft and space operations, so it was very expensive.He is not too clear about the specific information, he only knows that this thing is very expensive, so it should be used sparingly.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the watch on his hand. It was nine o'clock. He quickly got to work. He was late when he returned home. It was time for his wife to complain and chatter endlessly.

Chu Yunqiu took out a huge wooden barrel from the Qiankun bag in his kit bag, which was still on the ground, and then took out a waterproof apron and tied it on his body. After everything was ready, Chu Yunqiu picked up an "energy battery", Swipe lightly on the hilt, and a switch pops up automatically.

After Chu Yunqiu inserted the battery in his hand, turned off the switch, and took the barrel to the red wild boar.

Chu Yunqiu pressed the green switch first, and a green light emerged directly from the hilt of the sword, emitting a soft light, which looked very bright in the dark night.

Gong Feng introduced to him that such a battery can last for twelve hours with green sword light, six hours with yellow sword light, but only three hours with red sword light. times reduced!

Seeing the green sword light, Chu Yunqiu stabbed directly at the belly of the red wild boar.No matter what kind of animal it is, the belly is generally the softest place and the best place to start.

"Pfft", there was a soft sound, and the green light stretched directly into the belly of the ferocious wild boar. Chu Yunqiu scratched around, feeling very strenuous, but at this moment, the blood slowly flowed down, and he lay down Inside the barrel.

Chu Yunqiu originally thought that the blood that flowed out should be cold, after all, he had been dead for an unknown amount of time, but to his surprise, the blood that flowed out was still steaming, as if he had just died.

Chu Yunqiu was greatly surprised, not because of the beast itself, but because of the bag of kits. Chu Yunqiu took out the bag of kits from his bosom, and his hands couldn't help but tighten.

Chu Yunqiu swiped again, like a blunt knife cutting through meat, with great effort.

Chu Yunqiu pulled out the hilt of the sword and pressed the red button. The green light on the hilt turned into a red light, and the short awn that was originally three inches (about ten centimeters in length) instantly increased to nine Inch long, unlike just now, the red light is completely restrained, and the light scattered outside cannot be seen at all.

Chu Yunqiu tried it again. It was like chopping melons and vegetables. It was very sharp and there was no obstruction at all.

Chu Yunqiu cut open his stomach first. Fortunately, he is good at cooking, so he is very good at using knives and knows how to cook.

Chu Yunqiu took the ferocious beast in front of him completely as his food, and unleashed it boldly.

Chu Yunqiu put on gloves and separated the belly. There is no way to shed the hair now, so Chu Yunqiu can only do a simple division.

When the barrel was filled with blood, the blood of the wild boar and ferocious beast was basically drained away. Chu Yunqiu put the barrel into the Qiankun bag of the brocade bag. These are all treasures.

There is a saying that the emperor's farts are delicious.The same is true for ferocious beasts, they are covered in treasures, including blood of course.

Although Chu Yunqiu doesn't know what it does, he can be sure that it is definitely not ordinary blood.

Chu Yunqiu separated the head and limbs of the ferocious wild boar like a butcher. It was too big. Each head was taller than Chu Yunqiu, so Chu Yunqiu's work was very troublesome.

Chu Yunqiu cut off all the tusks in the wild boar's mouth and the sharp points on its neck, and put them aside.

Chu Yunqiu had been busy for a long time, and before the huge body was dealt with, it was almost ten o'clock. Chu Yunqiu looked at the time and said that he had to go back, otherwise there would be no way to explain it, and the matter was not in a hurry.

Chu Yunqiu cut off a huge piece of meat from his stomach, closed the hilt of his sword, and put everything into the space. He planned to eat this tomorrow, taste it, and then give it to his parents and grandparents down the mountain. taste.

It happened that Chu Yuhe was here, and the younger sister Chu Yulian was also on vacation the day after tomorrow, so I had a taste.

When Chu Yunqiu returned home, the lights in the room were still on, and Lu Zhiqing and Yang Mi were still awake.

After not seeing each other for so long, the two of them were very excited, how could they go to bed so early, chatting about recent events.

"I haven't slept yet." Chu Yunqiu walked into the room and looked at the two girls.

"Well, if you are tired, go to sleep first. Mimi and I will chat for a while." Lu Zhiqing looked at Chu Yunqiu, her nose slightly shrugged, and she frowned, "What have you been doing? How do you smell? ?”

"Nothing? I'm going to take a shower." Chu Yunqiu felt a chill in his heart. Women's noses are really sensitive. He has been very careful, okay?

"No, it does have a smell, it seems to be...the smell of blood, you killed someone." Lu Zhiqing stared at Chu Yunqiu in disbelief.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but roll his eyes at the other party, "You really dare to think about it. You are thinking too much. I will give you something good to eat tomorrow, and you will understand what I smell like." Chu Yunqiu walked into the bedroom and put on his pajamas. , walked into the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Mimi and I haven't taken a shower yet?" Seeing Chu Yunqiu walking into the bathroom, Lu Zhiqing suppressed her curiosity and shouted towards the bathroom.

"I'll go, what have you been doing?" Chu Yunqiu was speechless.

"Let's chat, giggling", Lu Zhiqing and Yang Mi giggled from outside!
Chu Yunqiu cleaned up the peculiar smell on his body, and walked out, "Daughter-in-law, you go and wash", Chu Yunqiu turned and walked into the bedroom.

"Understood", Lu Zhiqing looked at her watch, it was almost ten o'clock, it was time to go to bed, "Mimi, wash first, I will take you to see the room after washing", Lu Zhiqing took out the pajamas that Yang Mi had prepared a long time ago And slippers and so on.

"Okay, I'll go first." Yang Mi also felt a little tired. She stood up, stretched her waist, and walked into the bathroom with the clothes that Lu Zhiqing had prepared.

Lu Zhiqing entered the bedroom and saw Chu Yunqiu talking on the phone.

"It's so late, who is it?" Lu Zhiqing sat by the bed and questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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