Treasure well

Chapter 71

Chapter 71
It's not that if you love flowers, you are willing to die. I'm afraid that the flowers will grow old.The branches are easy to fall one after another, and the young leaves bloom carefully.Thick flowers and scattered pistils are afraid of the riverside, and they are afraid of the spring when they walk and walk.Poetry and wine can still be driven, and there is no need to take care of the white-headed people.Looking to the east, Shaocheng is full of flowers and smoke, and the tall buildings with hundreds of flowers are even more pitiful.Who can open the golden cup with wine and call the beautiful women to dance and embroider the feast.

As the sun gradually moves westward, the scenery in the mountains takes on another kind of beauty. The trees have a hint of confusion. Looking from a distance, they seem to be shrouded in a halo. The sky is still so beautiful, with a red sunset. , hanging on the horizon, the blue sky, white clouds, and red sun intertwined to form an intoxicating landscape.

Under the sky, a beautiful scenery blooms here. Above the mountains, figures, holding cameras, looking up at the sky, seem to imprint this intoxicating beauty forever!
"You may not have heard of this, because there are very few of them. This one is called Qilin Huoyu, because it has the horns of a Qilin on its head, and its body is like a fish, and its whole body is fiery red. The record of this kind of creature reads: Unicorn, no scales, sound like crying, its body is fiery red, thin like a baby's arms, four legs and one mouth, its shape is like a fish, at first I thought it was strange, its body is poisonous, because its horn is like a lin , whose body is like fire, and whose shape is like a fish, hence the name: Qilin Huoyu, who lives when he learns about it, and dies when he hurts it." Chen Guobin recited a passage from the "Huaxia Dijing" to three people.

"Just this little thing is poisonous, I didn't see how dangerous it is." Liang Ganzhi was a little unbelieving.

"Don't think so. The more beautiful some things are, the more terrifying they are. Don't be fooled by their appearance. Just this little thing, don't think it's small. If you dare to eat it, I guarantee you won't survive. One hour," Chen Guobin smiled lightly.

"It's so powerful." Liang Ganzhi's eyes widened. "It's a pity that such a cute little fish is so poisonous." Liang Ganzhi shook his head regretfully.

"It is also their outstanding appearance that brought them the disaster of extermination. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, they were sent to the palace in large numbers. Later, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, and the living environment of these little things was polluted by artillery fire. , They also slowly withdrew from the stage of history, but there is nothing wrong with you holding them like this, but you just can’t eat them.” Chen Guobin stretched his hand into the stream, and lifted the unicorn fire fish up from the stream, After a demonstration, it was put into the water again.

"It's so cute, I don't think there are many people who can say it." Zhou Guotao's eyes were full of love.

"That's not necessarily the case. Are there any things that can't be eaten now? Just like the seven-step snake, which is so poisonous, people still eat it. There are also shiitake mushrooms. The more beautiful the shiitake mushrooms are, the stronger the toxins they contain, and some people still don't want to die." , Chen Guobin sincerely feels heartbroken for those rare birds on the dining table, and also for those people who are still stubborn!

"This is also an extinct creature?" Chu Yunqiu really didn't know. He also had photos of these little guys on his phone, but he didn't know they were so precious.

"Of course, I have recorded everything above. According to my preliminary estimate, there are about [-] to [-] unicorn firefish. If they are well protected, their number should increase." Chen Guobin flipped through the records in his notebook .

"Wait a moment, I'll take two photos first." Zhou Guotao once again took out his magic weapon. Before coming here, he had prepared a lot, and even brought a camping tent.

"Professor Chen, I don't know what kind of unknown creature you are talking about, can you let us have a look?" Liang Ganzhi is more interested in unknown things!

"Yes, but on the top, we need to go up," Chen Guobin nodded.

"I don't know which one it is?" Chu Yunqiu was full of curiosity.

The three of Chu Yunqiu followed Chen Guobin, stopped and stopped along the way, listening to what Professor Chen said. The others didn't care when they saw the four people walking up the mountain, and they were going to come down anyway.

Several girls saw Chen Guobin and others leaving and walked towards the other side. On that side was a valley with many strange-shaped big rocks. Although there were not many strange ones, it was the first time for everyone to see them, so they were a little strange and playful. It's a joy.

Chen Guobin led everyone out for a long distance, which was about a thousand meters away from the previous location. This was a fault, and the slope was much steeper than the one below, so the water flow was relatively fast, and there was also a small half-meter high The waterfall forms a curtain of water that continues to flow downward.

Under the illumination of the setting sun, the light is constantly reflecting, and there is a shimmering feeling, which is very beautiful.

And in this torrent, groups of small fish are constantly shuttling in it. They can even swim against the current and jump out of the water curtain, and the jumping speed is not low. They keep jumping out of the stream, like A carp leaps over a dragon's gate.

"Look, it's this group of fish, and there are quite a few of them. Because the observation time is too short, I don't know their living habits and food now, but their appearance is very special. Let people take a look. Then forget it," Chen Guobin pointed to the small fish jumping in the stream.

Chu Yunqiu and others looked at the small fish jumping out of the stream. They had seen this kind of fish last time, and Chu Yunqiu was very familiar with this kind of fish. When he was a child, he would see this kind of fish every time he sneaked up the mountain.

"Professor Chen, I know this kind of fish." Chu Yunqiu smiled lightly. Although this kind of fish is not too much in the Chu family village, it is not too rare. Almost everyone in the Chu family village has seen this kind of fish.

"Oh, you know?" Chen Guobin looked at Chu Yunqiu very differently.

"Yes, actually there are not many precious ones, because their vitality is very tenacious, and their living habits are not so harsh. It can be said that this kind of fish is the most common in mountain streams. This kind of fish is named by our locals - jumping fish. Because they like jumping very much. In addition, we prefer to call him another name, called - knife fish. Don't you think their appearance looks like a sharp knife?" Chu Yunqiu squatted in the stream. Next to me, I looked at the school of fish swimming upstream and climbing up, and my eyes were full of admiration.

The length of the swordfish is no more than ten centimeters at most. It is narrow and flat in shape. The outside of its body is tightly wrapped by a layer of silver-white fine scales, like a layer of soft armor.The scales are not as hard and thick as the scales on the carp, but are very soft and very smooth in appearance. The surface of the scales is covered with a layer of lubricating substance that does not dissolve in water, but can separate water and allow Allows it to move quickly in the water.

Moreover, the existence of this layer of lubricating substance makes it difficult for them to be caught. Even if they are caught in their hands, they will break free and jump out. Moreover, the thin silver-white scales are very difficult for people to catch in the stream. Look for traces of him, unless they jump out on their own.

Their bodies are small and flat, but their tails are very large, and they are full of strength. There are three factors that allow them to walk against the current so easily, and even jump so high in the upstream.

One is their powerful tail, which provides the power to move forward; the second is their shape, which is flat and thin, and the resistance they receive is very small; the third is the lubricating substance outside the skin, which can separate the water around the body , let them jump higher!
If you don't look carefully at this kind of fish, when they jump into the air, they are almost exactly the same as fruit knives without handles. The biggest difference is the tail, which is also the biggest hole in their camouflage, completely exposing their identities.

"This kind of fish survives in adversity, rushing up the current, and likes to jump out of the water constantly, as if they are trying to escape their own fate. Because they have no meat on their bodies, no one eats them. Because they are small and have no attack They are strong, so they like to live in groups, and they usually live in places with fast-flowing water, constantly challenging themselves. The reproductive rate of saury is very high, and they will reproduce a lot every year, but they are too arrogant and don’t know how to hide their strengths and bide their time. Hundreds of birds, so many die every year. Generally speaking, they can maintain around a thousand birds every year. In terms of number, it is the second largest ethnic group after shrimps!" Chu Yunqiu said some information he knew come out!
PS: Double [-] is tomorrow, have you decided what to buy?
(End of this chapter)

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