Treasure well

Chapter 63

Chapter 63
PS: For no other reason, please ask for favorites and recommendations, please!
The sun rose directly above, illuminating the earth, and at noon, through the skylight, a beam of bright sunlight slanted down, illuminating the entire room.

There were crowds of people outside, shoulder to shoulder, one by one, constantly watching the situation inside, the sound of whistles, shouts, and conversations gathered together.

Just after the robber landed, the police and officers and soldiers reacted quickly. Several people rescued the female hostage, some lifted the wounded on the ground and ran to the ambulance, and some put handcuffs on the prisoner.

"Hurry up and send these injured people to the ambulance, and we must ensure their safety."


"Where is the hero just now? Who saw it?" The leader wanted to thank Chu Yunqiu, but found that there was no trace.

"I don't know, I was just busy saving people just now, so I didn't pay attention." Several officials around looked at each other, all in a daze, busy trying to claim credit, who paid attention to that.

"You", the leader stretched out his right hand, pointed at the people around him, and said with a look of resentment, "That is our hero, why did you let him go so easily?"

"Boss, it's all right. Don't you still have a mineral water bottle? We can find this unknown hero through fingerprint comparison," said a small police officer.

"Fingerprint comparison?" The leader hurriedly searched on the ground, but the bottle was gone. "Where is the bottle? Can people not see the bottle?"

"Chief, there are reporters outside who want to interview." A small police officer ran in from outside.

"I got it, I'm telling you, no one is allowed to talk nonsense." The leader glared at everyone and walked out first.

Chu Yunqiu quietly walked out of the crowd with a mineral water bottle, and then threw the empty bottle away, "This man is so cruel, he actually drank the whole bottle, hey, I don't know how much sleep I'm going to have."

Chu Yunqiu returned to the car, where Lu Zhiqing and Yang Mi were chatting passionately and chirping.

"Husband, what happened in front?" Lu Zhiqing was very considerate to accompany him because she was afraid that her best friend would reveal her identity.

"It's hard to explain in one word. I'll make a long story short, just the key points." Chu Yunqiu briefly explained what happened. Of course, he didn't mention anything about himself, just saying that the hostages were rescued by the police.

"Hey", after hearing Chu Yunqiu's words, Lu Zhiqing was silent. After a long time, she raised her head and looked at Chu Yunqiu: "Husband, you must love me well, cherish me, and love me, otherwise..." Otherwise, I will die for you."

"Don't worry, I will love you and love you well, besides, you have always bullied me, cooking is mine, washing dishes and housework are mine, don't I love you enough?" Chu Yun Qiu was afraid that Lu Zhiqing would be overwhelmed.

"En", Lu Zhiqing nodded, women, it's easy to think wildly, "Leave the housework to me in the future, so you don't have to say that I bully you."

"Really, it's good to be brave." Chu Yunqiu was so happy, watching the crowd slowly disperse, he could leave after waiting for a few minutes!

"You really want me to do it, I'm just being polite, you don't hurt me." Lu Zhiqing pouted and turned her head to the side.

"I'll go." Chu Yunqiu was speechless, looked at Lu Zhiqing, but didn't speak.

"Why don't you comfort me?" Lu Zhiqing noticed that Chu Yunqiu didn't make any movement and couldn't help but look over.

"Do you need it? That's fine, let's go," Chu Yunqiu curled his lips, and would make himself petty.

"Hmph, Mimi, look, it's just this kind of virtue that has caught me, that's how it is." Lu Zhiqing hugged Yang Mi's arm and began to complain.

"Okay", Yang Mi smiled lightly, she could tell that the relationship between the two of them was very good.

Chu Yunqiu drove slowly through the crowd, and then accelerated.

"Hmph, it's all up to you, if you insist on going this way, it's already noon," Lu Zhiqing looked at Chu Yunqiu, and murmured.

"It's up to me? Daughter-in-law, we can't act like this. It's you who showed us the way, okay?" Chu Yunqiu was wronged.

"That's up to you, hee hee, drive faster." Lu Zhiqing looked at Chu Yunqiu's face and was extremely happy.

When the three of them returned to Chu's Village, it was already past one noon. Chu Yunqiu parked the car at the door and helped Yang Mi unload her luggage, "This is my residence, come in and have a look."

"It's so big." Yang Mi was shocked when she looked at Chu Yunqiu's ancient house. "Why don't you build a villa?"

"I prefer the ancient Chinese buildings, they are quite good." Chu Yunqiu shook his head. This was the property left by his ancestors and he would not touch it.

"Stop talking, let's go in quickly, Mimi, you don't know, my house is beautiful." Lu Zhiqing took Yang Mi's hand, "Husband, put your luggage in Mimi's room first, and I will show her around Visit our house," Lu Zhiqing gave Chu Yunqiu a look.

"Okay", Chu Yunqiu nodded, took the luggage and left, Lu Zhiqing's meaning was very simple, she took a photo of Yang Mi, and then asked the other party to upload it to the phone.Yang Mi has such a large number of fans, so retweeting and retweeting will definitely attract many die-hard fans.

This is propaganda, silently.

After all, Lu Zhiqing's heart is still towards Chu Yunqiu!
When Chu Yunqiu walked into the yard, Da Wang, Xiao Wang, and Da Xue ran in front of him, and Da Bai and Xiao Hei also landed on his shoulders.

Now the five little ones are getting bigger and bigger, and it is no longer the time when he could hug when he wanted to.

Chu Yunqiu touched Daxue's head, Dabai and Xiaohei kept rubbing Chu Yunqiu's head, while Dawang and Xiaowang pulled Chu Yunqiu's trouser legs, very intimately.

"Ah, this is a snow mastiff, and there are snow sculptures." Suddenly, an exclamation came from outside the door. Yang Mi and Lu Zhiqing, who were chatting behind, came in. Just as they entered the door, they saw Daxue and Dabai five guys. There are wolves." Seeing Da Wang and Xiao Wang, Yang Mi took them as wolves and was startled.

"This is not a wolf, this is a wolf dog." Chu Yunqiu squatted down, stroking Da Wang and Xiao Wang, and Yang Mi couldn't be blamed, in fact, people who saw Da Wang and Xiao Wang for the first time would regard them as wolves.

Wolfdogs have the ferocity of wolves, and Dawang and Xiaowang, who often drink water from Baojing, seem to have some signs of returning to their ancestors. They look very wolf-like in appearance. If you are not a professional dog lover, you will not be able to tell whether it is a dog or a wolf. !

"Mimi, it's really a dog, do you want to take two photos?" Lu Zhiqing encouraged.

"Is it possible?" Yang Mi looked at Lu Zhiqing expectantly, she really seemed to be taking a photo with some little guys, especially Snow Mastiff.

"Of course." Lu Zhiqing nodded, "Wait a minute, I'll get the camera, don't worry, they won't bite, you can try to communicate with them." Lu Zhiqing ran into the house and took out the camera .

"Go ahead." Chu Yunqiu stretched out his hand and let Dabai fall into his hand. "Do you want to give it a try?"

"En", Yang Mi nodded hastily, she is not courageous, but has confidence in Chu Yunqiu.

"Extend your hand", Chu Yunqiu walked to Yang Mi's side.

Yang Mi looked at Dabai and stretched out her right hand.

Chu Yunqiu put Dabai in Yang Mi's hand, "It's heavy. If it feels heavy, you can let them stand on your shoulders. Although they can't speak human language, they can understand it."

"Really", Yang Mi looked at the snow sculpture in her hand, "Come on my shoulder".

The snow sculpture looked at Yang Mi, and slowly climbed onto Yang Mi's shoulder.

"Ah", Yang Mi covered her mouth lightly, she didn't expect it to be true, she was so excited.

Seeing Lu Zhiqing coming out with the camera, Chu Yunqiu asked Xiao Hei to find Lu Zhiqing, and took the luggage and put it in the room prepared for Yang Mi. The room was very complete and all new.

"Mimi, stand still, I'll take two pictures for you," Lu Zhiqing yelled, turning into a photographer.

"I'm back." At this time, Gong Feng's voice came from the orchard.

(End of this chapter)

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