Treasure well

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Dabai and Xiaohei obviously didn't know what Chu Yunqiu was thinking, and they were enjoying themselves in the sky right now!
Chu Yunqiu looked behind him, Lu Zhiqing and other women who were chatting excitedly there, couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Daughter-in-law, hurry up, you'll be thankful if you grind any longer."

"Oh, I got it, I'll be here right away." Lu Zhiqing pulled Shen Mengjie and the other three girls to catch up, "Let's go quickly, we won't be too late later."

Lu Zhiqing looked like Chu Yunqiu was too slow!
The sky is big and the earth is big, and his wife is the biggest, Chu Yunqiu pouted, let's go!

After a long climb, the group of people couldn't bear it except Chu Yunqiu, especially Gong Feng, a fat man who was not even as good as a woman. He still rested after resting!

"Let me tell you, Brother Feng, if you can persist in climbing this mountain every day, within a month, you will definitely lose weight," Chu Yunqiu said with a smile.

"Losing weight, whoever wants to lose weight, I will not lose weight, this is wealth", Gong Feng pinched the fat on his stomach, with a proud face!

"You are not called wealth, but a burden." Liang Ganzhi gave Gong Feng a blank look!
"Humph", Gong Feng looked disdainful!

"It's coming soon, everyone hold on for a while." Chu Yunqiu felt sorry for his wife, and stepped forward to help Lu Zhiqing.

"Hmph", Lu Zhiqing was in such a good mood, she kissed Chu Yunqiu lightly, "Let's go".

After going through "thousands of difficulties and dangers", everyone finally climbed up to the last little high collar. Looking at the Baiyun Lake not far away, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw the sparkling water in Baiyun Lake, like dense scales one after another. The lake surface was glowing with clear light, like mirrors reflecting side by side. The water was clear and bright. From a distance, it looked like a treasure.

On the other side of the lake, there are reeds and water plants that can't be seen at a glance, just like a pearl in Baiyun Lake. The grass is luxuriant and exudes an intoxicating blue color. Under the breeze, it is swaying and moving. !
Among them, the most attractive are of course the rare birds in the lake. The red-crowned cranes lower their heads to catch the fish in the water, the white swans stretch their elegant posture, and the crested ibis slowly falls on the water from the air...
There are too many for the human eye to see!

"It's so beautiful, ah..." Lu Zhiqing yelled and ran down.

"Hey..." Chu Yunqiu grabbed a blank, "Hey", Chu Yunqiu sighed, and hurriedly followed.

Because of Lu Zhiqing's voice, there was a commotion in Baiyun Lake, ducks and birds flew away, and fled to the distance in an instant.

"Why did you run away?" Lu Zhiqing pouted, her face full of disappointment.

"You are so busy, of course they are going to run away, you know, there are very few people on the mountain, they are afraid of life", Chu Yunqiu came to Lu Zhiqing's side.

"What should we do?" Lu Zhiqing couldn't hide her disappointment.

Chu Yunqiu felt distressed, "Don't worry, I have a magic weapon", Chu Yunqiu took off the backpack on his back, reached into the backpack, and took out a special bamboo tube.

"What?" Lu Zhiqing looked at it, very curious.

"Good thing, you open the bamboo tube, then pour half of it into the water, and then the miracle will appear." Chu Yunqiu didn't say it clearly, he wanted to surprise Lu Zhiqing!
"What is it?" The other people just followed, when they saw Lu Zhiqing running away with a bamboo tube, they were very curious!
"You will know in a while", Chu Yunqiu continued to keep it mysterious!
Lu Zhiqing came to the lakeside of Baiyun Lake alone, looked at the clear bottom of the lake, opened the lid of the bamboo tube, and saw that it was full of clean water.

Lu Zhiqing immediately became angry, "Chu Yunqiu, what do you mean, why give me water, I'm not thirsty".

"You'll know if you try it," Chu Yunqiu shouted loudly.

Lu Zhiqing glared at Chu Yunqiu fiercely, and thought viciously in her heart: "If it doesn't work, let me see how I can deal with you." I don't know if she thought of something interesting, but Lu Zhiqing actually laughed, and the disappointment on her face also disappeared. gone.

With a slight tilt of her hand, Lu Zhiqing poured all the water in the bamboo tube into Baiyun Lake.

"Oh", Chu Yunqiu felt distressed, "You prodigal bitch, what are you doing pouring so much, isn't it enough to pour half a bucket?"

"Oh", Lu Zhiqing stuck out her tongue, a little embarrassed, "No, who did you call a prodigal bitch just now?" Lu Zhiqing's face changed, and she looked at Chu Yunqiu with murderous eyes.

"Uh..." Chu Yunqiu wanted to slap himself in the mouth. You knew you couldn't say it out loud. It was so miserable. "Look," Chu Yunqiu suddenly pointed behind Lu Zhiqing.

"Oh shit!" Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng's eyes widened, while Shen Mengjie, Lingzi and Meizi exclaimed even more, and covered their seductive mouths in disbelief!

Lu Zhiqing turned around in a hurry, and saw carp churning on the lake, and shrimps and crabs battling each other, as if they were constantly scrambling for something. At this moment, the red-crowned cranes seemed to sense something, and flew back in groups, as well as white swans, Black swans swam over in groups, and crested ibis, kingfishers, wild geese, etc. all rushed over.

Chu Yunqiu picked up his camera and hurriedly recorded the grand occasion. Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng were not stupid and hurriedly took pictures.

This time, several people were prepared and came with a "selfie stick".Seeing such a spectacular scene now, of course they would not let it go, and the three daughters, Shen Mengjie, felt as if they were living in a dream, constantly taking selfies.

Only Chu Yunqiu silently captured the sweet scene of Lu Zhiqing and recorded it.

Lu Zhiqing was so happy when she saw groups of red-crowned cranes flying towards her. Two days ago, it was turtles, and today it was cranes again. This is the rhythm of her longevity.

This time, these rare birds were not afraid of Lu Zhiqing, and they all grabbed fish in the water to eat. One red-crowned crane even walked up to Lu Zhiqing's side, looking at her in bewilderment.

Lu Zhiqing was extremely excited now, her heart was pounding, she stretched out her right hand tremblingly, for fear of scaring the other party away.The moment Lu Zhiqing touched the red-crowned crane, she almost jumped up in joy.

Lu Zhiqing looked at Chu Yunqiu, full of excitement.

Chu Yunqiu took the opportunity to press the shutter, and a beautiful picture was imprinted. The people are beautiful, the things are beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful!
Lu Zhiqing's heartfelt smile made Chu Yunqiu feel happy, so many days of hard work were not in vain!

It turned out that in order to let these rare birds be wary of humans, Chu Yunqiu exercised and ran up the mountain every morning, fed these rare birds, and disarmed them. The red-crowned crane just now was the result of these few days, and he had developed friendship with humans.

Of course, Lu Zhiqing didn't know about this, because she was still under the covers!The little days are quite moist!

After Chu Yunqiu finished taking pictures, the other person, Lu Zhiqing, stretched out her thumbs up, "Don't be so busy taking selfies, let's go together, they should run away later", Chu Yunqiu took the camera and ran towards Lu Zhiqing .

"Yes, yes, let's go." Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng followed Chu Yunqiu and ran over. Shen Mengjie and Uemura Ayako also followed. At this time, Uemura Ayako was no longer so shy and shy, and followed everyone Laugh together.

Everyone came to Baiyun Lake, looked at all kinds of rare birds in and around the lake, and did not care about chatting.

Chu Yunqiu put his arms around Lu Zhiqing's fragrant shoulders, "How about it, it's a big surprise."

"Hmph", Lu Zhiqing said "little" like Chu Yunqiu with a happy look on her face.

"Hey, is there any reward?" Chu Yunqiu licked his face.

"For the sake of your good performance this time, I'll give you a reward." Lu Zhiqing lightly stamped Chu Yunqiu's cheek.

"My wife is good." Chu Yunqiu touched his cheek, feeling full of strength. "Hey, let's take this opportunity to take a photo together." Looking at everyone's backs and smiles, Chu Yunqiu suddenly wanted to record this moment.

"Yeah, we have such a group of people, we must take a group photo, this is a good suggestion," Liang Ganzhi was taken aback, and immediately agreed.

"I agree too"!
"Okay, you guys stand up first and wait for me for a while." Chu Yunqiu ran to the side not far away, took out the stick from the backpack, set up the camera, adjusted the focus and time and other factors, and then hurried back to Get into the ranks!
At this point the team had already taken their positions.Liang Ganzhi stood in the center, because he was the shortest, and Shen Mengjie was on the right. He was hugging Shen Mengjie's willow waist, and the two snuggled together sweetly!
On Shen Mengjie's right is Uemura Ayako, and on the right are Gong Feng and Uemura Miko. Gong Feng is sandwiched between the two sisters, hugging left and right, really envious of others!That high-spirited look made Liang Ganzhi want to go up and kick him!
On Liang Ganzhi's left was Lu Zhiqing, who was waiting for Chu Yunqiu's arrival.

Chu Yunqiu ran directly behind Lu Zhiqing, hugged her tightly from behind, put his hands on her lower abdomen, and then rested his head on Lu Zhiqing's shoulders, their faces were pressed tightly together, feeling Lu Zhiqing's tenderness. With the warmth and fragrance coming from his body, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help tightening his arms.

Lu Zhiqing also relaxed her body, leaning on Chu Yunqiu's chest, feeling the strength in Chu Yunqiu's arm, showing a happy expression.

The two looked at the camera happily and sweetly.

Liang Qianzhi and Shen Mengjie were in the middle, making a heart shape with their hands!
"Crack", the camera records this most beautiful moment and becomes eternal!
(End of this chapter)

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