Treasure well

Chapter 404

Chapter 404
The full moon hangs high in the sky, no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot arouse Chu Yunqiu's heart. In Chu Yunqiu's heart, only the moon in his hometown is the roundest and brightest.

Chu Yunqiu returned to the room, washed his body, and then returned to the bedroom.

The next morning, Chu Yunqiu didn't get up because he slept too late, and he didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Residence is filming in an orderly manner. They first finished filming the scene with the castle, and then moved to other places.

In the afternoon, several cars stopped in front of the castle.

It turned out that with Johnson's contact and help, several companies provided housekeepers, servants, maids and other staff for Chu Yunqiu's castle.

The housekeeper has been specially trained and takes the interests of his employer as his paramount interest. Everyone else has also been trained and is very familiar with various tasks in the castle.

Chu Yunqiu didn't expect the opponent's actions to be so fast. It's only been a few days, and they've been assembled like this. It can be said that the entire castle is short of guards and chefs.

It's easy for the guards to say, Father Lu is already dealing with it, and it's even better for the chef to hire a few directly when the time comes.

Hire three who can cook Chinese cuisine and two who can cook Western cuisine. If you want to eat Chinese cuisine, you can eat Chinese cuisine, and if you want to eat Western cuisine, you can eat Western cuisine.

Because of the influx of people, the crew had to suspend filming, and Liu Tao also came out to help Chu Yunqiu deal with the matter, arranging everyone, like the hostess of an ancient castle.

Chu Yunqiu had nothing to tell the housekeeper, he was more professional in this aspect, so Chu Yunqiu said a few words to the housekeeper, and then let the housekeeper go to work.

This butler is not an ordinary person. His ancestors came from France and later settled in England. Uh... it can be said to be a family of butlers, because many of his ancestors were engaged in the butler industry, and many of them were in some prominent nobles. Served, has a good reputation throughout France and England.

The butler's name is Giselle. He is a middle-aged man with a mustache. He wears a butler's gown and gloves. He looks like Master Chaplin. He is kind and makes people feel good.

After Chu Yunqiu left, Giselle began to perform her duties as a housekeeper, and began to arrange for everyone. After a while, the huge manor became orderly.

Responsible for weeding and weeding, and pruning branches and leaves, Giselle contacted a supermarket and asked it to deliver a large amount of ingredients to the castle.

Today is different from the past, hundreds of people poured into the entire castle, and it suddenly became full.

The bigger the place, the more people who need it, so if you are not really rich, don't buy a castle, because the usual expenses are a lot of big expenses.

It's like someone who can afford a car but can't afford gas.

With the arrival of the support staff, the crew started to operate again, and this time the shooting was more mellow.

Why do I say that, because when I was filming before, I always felt that something was missing. The huge old castle was turned over and over with only three or four servants, which was a bit too shabby.

The current castle is the real castle.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know that when he was busy with work, a member of the film crew leaked the matter of Chu Yunqiu's purchase of the castle in England to the gossip newspaper because of a temporary benefit.

So on the second day, there was a gust of wind on the Internet.

This newspaper is not only powerful, but also extremely scheming. First, it told about Chu Yunqiu's "suspected" purchase of the castle in England.

After attracting attention, he went directly to the picture to get evidence, proving that Chu Yunqiu had indeed purchased an ancient castle covering a huge area in England.

After the matter was confirmed, everyone was shocked. They knew that Chu Yunqiu was rich, but they didn't expect to be so rich. It was a huge castle, and they bought it as soon as they said it.

Therefore, domestic gossip magazines flew to England overnight to interview Chu Yunqiu.

The evidence photo on the castle was also taken by the staff member, for which he received a reward of [-] pounds.

There was a lot of talk in the country about Chu Yunqiu's purchase of a castle in England, and celebrities who were related to Chu Yunqiu were also booing for fear that the world would be in chaos.

Teacher Huang Lei was the cause. At that time, he left a message on Weike with a ridiculing tone, "Oh, Xiao Chu actually bought a castle in England. He is so rich. When are we going to treat him to a guest? You know, Duoduo wants to eat the food you cooked." Under the sentence, there is a photo of Duoduo, pouting, very cute.

Everyone knew that Duoduo was Lu Zhiqing's goddaughter. As Lu Zhiqing's husband, Chu Yunqiu could not erase this relationship even if he wanted to.

What is surprising is that under the message left by Teacher Huang Lei, Lu Zhiqing actually replied with her own microgram.

"Don't worry a lot, when the godmother finishes her work, the godmother will take you there in person." Although Lu Zhiqing's Wei Ke fans are not as many as Chu Yunqiu's, there are quite a few, especially some male fans.

Not long after, Teacher Huang Lei issued a microgram again, "Thank you godmother".

Everyone knows that Duoduo sent it with the help of Mr. Huang Lei.

Originally, it was because of a joke, but it attracted Lu Zhiqing's reply, which confirmed that Chu Yunqiu bought the castle in England.

If this was false, Lu Zhiqing would never say such a thing.

Many netizens could see that those celebrities were not stupid, and they also confirmed the authenticity of the news from Lu Zhiqing's words.

So none of them could sit still.

Yang Mi, who had the best relationship with Lu Zhiqing, also said, "Sister Zhiqing, you can't forget your good sister for such a good thing", followed by a few cute expressions.

In addition, there is also the goddess Gao Yuanyuan, who also teased on Wei Ke, and suddenly pushed the incident to the forefront.

Lu Zhiqing did get the news one step ahead of everyone else.

After Chu Yunqiu finished calling Father Lu abroad, Father Lu told his wife the news, and then Mother Lu told Lu Zhiqing, and finally Lu Zhiqing got what happened from Chu Yunqiu.

On the second day in England, a large number of media reporters suddenly came in front of Baiyun Castle. Because there were no guards, these media came in easily.

Fortunately, these media still have some sense and know that this is England, not China. They dare not break into private houses because England is very strict about things that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of citizens such as breaking into private houses.

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, is this really the ancient castle you bought? May I ask where Mr. Chu got the money? Did he embezzle the public funds of the Chu family village? Or secretly sold the national treasure of the nine-story ancient pagoda."

"Mr. Chu, can you accept our interview? We want to know why Chu Yunqiu spent so much money on a seemingly useless old castle."

With long guns and short cannons, they all surrounded Chu Yunqiu, making Chu Yunqiu's face look very ugly.

"Whoever told you that I bought this is pure nonsense."

PS: Thank you to "Time and Space Yunfei" brother for your support with one evaluation ticket. Thank you, brother, thank you. Thank you to "Fire Element Mage" brother, "shfsg" brother, and "Novel Fan Hunmi" brother for your support with two monthly tickets. Thank you to "Man Wu" Brother" brother, "Yangxia J Poqu" brother, and "Flying YU" brother support each other with a monthly ticket. Thanks to "book friend 150530063305187" brother for the reward of 500 starting coins. Thank you for your reward and support. Thank you all brothers, Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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