Treasure well

Chapter 400 Nine Songs Pearl Huaxia Heavy Treasure

Chapter 400
A luminous pearl was taken out, and it looked very gorgeous, no different from other luminous pearls.

China is a country rich in luminous pearls. From the Spring and Autumn Period to the present, basically every dynasty has luminous pearls. Some were paid tribute by foreign countries, and some were discovered by ministers. Basically, they were all belongings of the palace and dignitaries.

There are more luminous pearls now, and you can buy one on Taobao, but modern luminous pearls are all handicrafts, and most of them are fake and shoddy, which is very different from ancient luminous pearls.

So after Ye Mingzhu came out, several Chinese people didn't show too much excitement, they also have this thing, and they are not alone.

One more is not much, one less is not more.

A few people from Europe and the United States are not very interested.

But Chu Yunqiu is different. He has a pair of multi-treasure pupils, and he can see information that others cannot see.

Chu Yunqiu held the hand of the maid beside him very excitedly, exerting force.

"Ah", the girl couldn't help crying, her hand was hurt by Chu Yunqiu's grip.

She doesn't understand, isn't it just a night pearl?Do you still have few things in Huaxia?

"Sorry, sorry", Chu Yunqiu hastily sent his hand away, he was so excited.

Because this luminous pearl is not an ordinary luminous pearl, but the famous nine-curved pearl in Chinese history.

The Jiuqu Pearl is different from the Night Pearl, but it has magical power.

After knowing that it was the Jiuqu Pearl, Chu Yunqiu was so excited that he couldn't help exerting strength in his hands.

In Chu Yunqiu's multi-treasure pupils, the information of Jiuqu Zhu was undoubtedly exposed.

Jiuquzhu, a Chinese national treasure.

Surrounded by nine curves inside the nine-curve bead, the pores form corridors, and the body contains colorful rays of light, which is pregnant with its god.

Period: Spring and Autumn Period.

Great collection value.

Many stories about Jiuquzhu have been fabricated, one of which is the most famous because it has something to do with Confucius.

It is said that once, Confucius left the state of Wei and wanted to go to the state of Chen.

But on the way, he saw two women picking mulberry trees.

On a whim, Confucius recited a poem to the two women: "The peach trees in the south are graceful and the flowers have long branches."

A woman said casually: "Master, you will run out of food when traveling in Chenchen. You can't wear the nine-curved pearl. When you come back, ask me to pick mulberries."

Confucius didn't understand what he meant, and later he came to Chen Guo and was not welcome.

The doctors of Chen Guo and Cai Guo not only refused to let Confucius leave, but also sent troops to besiege Confucius, and sent a nine-curved pearl for Confucius to pass through with a thread. If it could not pass through, the siege would not be lifted.

No matter how hard Confucius and his disciples tried, they could not get the thread through.

In his desperation, Confucius suddenly thought of the words of the mulberry picking girl, "I can't wear the nine-curved pearl, so come back and ask me the mulberry picking girl."

At this time, Confucius suddenly realized, so he sent Yan Hui and Zi Gong back to the way they came from to ask the mulberry picker for advice.

When Yan Hui and Zigong arrived at the woman's house, her family lied that the woman was out and entertained them with a melon. The clever Zigong saw that this was a riddle and said, "The melon is inside, and the woman must be at home." .”

The mulberry picking girl came out to meet the guest when she saw that he had solved her riddle.

The mulberry picker said to the two: "To wear the Nine-curved Pearl, you can use a method: apply honey next to the pearl hole at one end of the pearl, then tie an ant with a thread and put it on the other end of the pearl." At the pearl hole, attracted by the sweetness of the honey, the ants will follow the passage of the pearl and climb to the side with honey. If the ants refuse to drill, use smoke to smoke it.”

Confucius followed the method suggested by the mulberry picking girl, and indeed he threaded the nine-curved pearl on the thread and escaped from the siege.

Chu Yunqiu smiled apologetically at the companion maid beside him, then fixed his eyes on the Jiuqu Bead above.

"I got this luminous pearl by chance. It has a long history. All of them are sold for [-] US dollars, and the price increase is no less than [-] US dollars each time," the middle-aged man said with a smile.

This time the middle-aged man directly set the currency as US dollars.

"11", a white man held up the wooden sign in his hand.

"13", a yellow man also raised the wooden sign in his hand.

As soon as the price of US$13 was announced, the scene suddenly became much quieter, and no one followed up with any bids.

"It's 13, is there any more price increase?" The middle-aged man looked at the crowd below, holding a small wooden hammer in his hand.

"This is China's luminous pearl. Think about it, maybe you can get more benefits if you change hands," the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"15." Sure enough, a white man was moved and shouted out the price of 15.

"It's 15, it's 15 now, is there anything else?" the middle-aged man said loudly.

"20", Chu Yunqiu waited for a long time, everyone was not very interested, Chu Yunqiu decisively called out the price.

Hearing Chu Yunqiu's price, not only the middle-aged man at the auction was happy, but the female companion next to Chu Yunqiu was also very excited, because out of the 20 yuan, [-]% of the remuneration belonged to her.

If Chu Yunqiu bought more things, her income for one night would be enough to equal her income for a year.

"20 US dollars, is there any higher?" The middle-aged man was a little greedy, and he didn't drop the hammer for a long time.

Seeing that everyone was not very interested, and the middle-aged man was not very disappointed, he directly dropped the gavel and announced the deal.

With the final word, the transaction can be said to be basically completed, and the rest is to pay for it and deliver the goods.

Then, several treasures appeared one after another, including Chinese things and foreign things.

They were auctioned off by everyone, and Chu Yunqiu also bought one. It was a wood carving of Maitreya Buddha, with a charming demeanor and some collection value.

This woodcarving of Maitreya Buddha was more expensive than the Jiuqu beads auctioned by Chu Yunqiu. It cost Chu Yunqiu 25 US dollars, a full [-] US dollars higher than the auction price of the Jiuqu beads.

"I got the next one by chance. It took me a lot of effort. I hope you like it." At this time, a huge clock was lifted out by four beautiful maids.

This is a mechanical clock from the [-]th century. It looks very old. Even the enamel color on the outer layer of the clock is a little off, and the preservation is not very good.

But it is also certain that the history of this watch is definitely not recent.

What is even more amazing is that this clock is still ticking. I have to admit that things from ancient times are good and works of conscience.

The moment they saw the clock, several Europeans and Americans sat up straight instantly, with expressions of interest in their eyes.

As usual, Chu Yunqiu used his multi-treasure pupils to look at the clock.

In addition to a red light, a more intense golden light suddenly appeared, which was very rich.

PS: Thanks to brothers "Recasting Six Ways" and "Passionate Night" for their support of a monthly pass, and thanks to brothers "Huihui and Huihui" for their support of 100 starting coins!

(End of this chapter)

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