Treasure well

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

"Come on, introduce yourself to the two big brothers." Gong Feng is called You Fan, this is a real man!

"My name is Ayako Uemura, I'm from RB Tokyo, I'm my sister," the girl on the left bowed and said brightly.

"My name is Miko Uemura, and I'm my younger sister," the girl on the right said pretty.

"RB girl", Liang Ganzhi and Chu Yunqiu were taken aback, and Lu Zhiqing and Shen Mengjie were also a little surprised.

"Well, how about it? It's not bad. Let me tell you, I've already taken a fancy to them two. For them, I've lost the strength of my boss."

"Cough", Chu Yunqiu coughed lightly, Gong Feng, a bastard, committed a crime again, and said everything, didn't he see that there are women here?It was as if he was giving goods, Chu Yunqiu wanted to go up and kick him!
"Gong Feng, I convince you this time, let's go in." Liang Ganzhi gave Gong Feng a thumbs up, because Gong Feng did what he wanted to do but failed.

Finding a RB goddess has always been his dream.In Liang Qianzhi's intertwined dream, he seized love with a sword, snatched the goddess of RB's man's dream, and then refused to marry her, just left her alone, and envied others to death.

But before he started dreaming, he was woken up by his father's slap, "If you dare to find a wife of RB, I will break your leg."

"Admiration", Gong Feng touched his big bald head, he is so happy, this is the thing he is most proud of, "Wait a while, I bought a gift for the aunt and uncle", don't look at Gong Feng sometimes making mistakes. , but he is very good at doing things, has a straight temper, says whatever he wants, and is very enthusiastic.

"Mom, let's order more dishes today, and a few more friends are here," Chu Yunqiu shouted to Chu's mother.

"Understood." Fortunately, Chu Yuhe was here to help, otherwise Chu's mother would really be too busy alone.

"Mom, you call grandpa and the others, don't let them come, I'll pick them up, sister, you also tell brother-in-law, let him wait at the third uncle's house, it's so lively after all, who can't be missing " Seeing Gong Feng and Liang Ganzhi's car, Chu Yunqiu's mind changed.

"Hey, I'll call your third aunt." Mother Chu nodded, and Chu Yuhe also took out her mobile phone and called her husband.

"Is Dad coming? It's really great!" Xiao Niuniu was so happy, she jumped up and ran wildly all over the yard.

"Brother Liang, Brother Feng, let's go, follow me to pick up someone." It's a pity that such a good coolie will not be used.

"Oh, I'm going. I just arrived. Let me drink some water first." Gong Feng sat down on the stool with his big ass, picked up the kettle and poured himself a glass of water, and took a sip. The water here is sweet, you don’t know, after returning from you yesterday, my whole body is full of energy, and my two little girlfriends fought until midnight, putting..."

"That's enough, I don't have time to listen to your great achievements." Chu Yunqiu interrupted without waiting for Gong Feng to finish speaking. There are so many people here, and they don't pay attention to the influence. This bastard, "Hurry up" .

Gong Feng was as white as Chu Yunqiu and drank all the water in the bowl.

"Can't you be energetic? This water is from Baojing, and it's good for your body." Looking at Gong Feng's smug face, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Chu Yunqiu transported all the water in the house from the mountains bucket by bucket. He wanted his parents to drink more water, which would be good for their health.

"I'll drink it when you come, I'll keep it for you", Liang Qianzhi looked at it as if you had never seen the world, full of contempt!

"Okay, let's go." Gong Feng stood up and walked out.

"Zhiqing, chat with Mengjie and Ayako Miko for a while, and I will go pick them up with Brother Liang and Brother Feng," Chu Yunqiu said to Lu Zhiqing.

"Go ahead, I will definitely treat them well." Lu Zhiqing nodded, and took on the look of a hostess.

Lu Zhiqing dragged Shen Mengjie, Lingzi and Meizi back to the house, where the four girls chatted.

The two sisters Ayako and Miko don't know if it's because they are not very proficient in Chinese, or because they are shy and inferior, so they don't talk a lot. Usually, Lu Zhiqing and Shen Mengjie are talking there, and the two of them are listening!

Chu Yunqiu also drove out his own car, and planned to go to Qingshi Village with Gong Feng and Liang Ganzhi.

"Wang", at this moment, Xiaoxue Mastiff broke in directly, squatted on the car, looked at Chu Yunqiu cutely, but refused to get off.

"Stay well for me, you know?" Chu Yunqiu looked at Xiaoxue Mastiff's appearance, and did not drive him out of the car.

"Woof", Xiaoxue Mastiff nodded excitedly.

"Uncle, wait a minute, I'm going too." Before Chu Yunqiu moved, Xiao Niuniu ran over and slapped the car window.

"Get in the car", Chu Yunqiu opened the car door and put Xiao Niuniu on the co-pilot, but he didn't expect that the big Wang and Xiao Wang took the opportunity to run up, and the whole car was almost like a dog's nest.

The three little guys were very honest, lying in the car, motionless.

The three of Chu Yunqiu were very fast, and they arrived at Qingshi Village in a short while. Chu Yunqiu took Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng, and parked the car at the gate of Grandpa's house. Xiao Niuniu couldn't wait to run out first.

"Father", Xiao Niuniu saw her father and ran away.

"Niuniu, why are you here?" Zhao Yanfeng picked up his daughter, very curious.

"Well, I asked my uncle to bring me here." Xiao Niuniu lay in her father's arms.

"Grandpa, grandma, these are my two friends, here to pick you up." Chu Yunqiu walked in front of grandpa and grandma. Among the crowd, the two were the oldest.

"Good boy, good boy," Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu smiled.

"Let's go." Chu Yunqiu made a rough arrangement. He can accommodate four people in his car, but since he has a dog, he can only accommodate two. Fatty's Land Rover and Liang Ganzhi's Ferrari are similar.

Chu Yunqiu planned to take his grandfather and grandmother with him, while Gong Feng took Zhao Yanfeng and Xiao Niuniu, besides his uncle, aunt and third aunt, while Liang Ganzhi was very relaxed, taking his second aunt and uncle, the whole group No more staying, just get in the car and go!

But the way back was obviously not so smooth. Not far from the village, at a fork in the road, Chu Yunqiu suddenly heard crying and help.

Chu Yunqiu looked left and right, but saw nothing, so he parked the car on the side of the road and walked down. When he passed the big stone monument at the intersection, he couldn't help but gasp at the scene in front of him.

I saw a big wolf dog chasing a young woman. The woman was holding a little boy in her arms. The little boy's legs were dripping with blood. It seemed that he had been bitten by a dog. At this time, the little boy was crying loudly. The woman His face was pale, and he was crying with tears streaming down his face. Beside him, a bicycle was thrown on the ground, which seemed to be blocked by a big wolf dog.

At this stage, there are very few pedestrians on the road, so there is no crisis of women and children.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yunqiu's grandpa and grandma also got out of the car. When they saw the scene in front of them, they gasped, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Save people." Grandpa Chu slapped his grandson.

"Yes, yes, yes," Chu Yunqiu was stunned by the brutal scene just now, and then he came back to his senses, looked around, picked up a wooden stick from the ditch, and rushed up.

"Get out", Chu Yunqiu didn't arrive, so he yelled first, what if the dog was scared away?
But he thought too much, this wolf dog is very ferocious, with blood on its mouth, "Wow", the sound of the wolf dog is very loud, this is a mad dog from head to toe.

Chu Yunqiu came to the woman's side, and directly hit her with a stick, but the dog missed it, so the wolf dog pounced on her.

Seeing Chu Yunqiu stop the car, Liang Ganzhi and Gong Feng were very different, "What happened?" They parked the car on the side of the road and walked down.

The two happened to see Chu Yunqiu rushing towards the mad dog with a wooden stick.

"I'm going, mad dog, help me," Liang Ganzhi gasped and shouted hastily.

Zhao Yanfeng hurriedly covered Xiao Niuniu's eyes, not wanting to leave a psychological shadow on her.

But Xiao Niuniu didn't understand, her chubby little hands kept pawing at the hands above her eyes, wanting to see what happened.

"Auntie, help me look at Niuniu, I'll help." Zhao Yanfeng hurriedly handed Niuniu to the third aunt beside her.

"Okay, okay, be careful." These old ladies were so frightened that they all backed away, not daring to move forward.

Liang Ganzhi and the others were looking for rocks and sticks, and they all rushed up, with more people and more strength.

"Wow, woof, woof", at this moment, the three little guys rushed past them.

It turns out that two legs can't run with four.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the mad dog that was rushing towards him, and felt a pain in his arm, and he didn't know where the strength came from, so he kicked up and ruthlessly on the mad dog's stomach.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", the mad dog barked, but Chu Yunqiu's blow aroused his ferocity even more.

"Oh, let me go, why is this dog so powerful?" Seeing the mad dog's crazy eyes, exposed teeth, and bloody saliva, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help swallowing, he felt his lips were a little dry , the calf is a little weak, hemp egg, scared!

And the woman collapsed on the ground, holding her son tightly in her arms, not wanting him to be hurt again.

The mad dog rushed forward again, and Chu Yunqiu tightened his grip on the wooden stick, which was his only weapon.

He looked at the timing and waved again.

"Kacha", because of too much force, the wooden stick broke when it hit the mad dog's body.

But because of this blow, the mad dog jumped to the other side. Looking at the half stick in his hand, Chu Yunqiu felt the urge to cry!

Being attacked by Chu Yunqiu twice in a row, the mad dog became even more frantic, with saliva dripping from his mouth continuously.

Seeing the mad dog attacking again, Chu Yunqiu...

PS: Three thousand words!

(End of this chapter)

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