Treasure well

Chapter 4 Blood Phoenix Coral Goddess of War

Chapter 4 Blood Phoenix Coral Goddess of War
"This is..." The red light shone on Chu Yunqiu's face. Matching the shocked expression, his eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open, looking very terrifying. If someone saw Chu Yunqiu's current It looks like it will definitely be regarded as a ghost lock soul.

Chu Yunqiu's hands were trembling and he was speechless with excitement. He stared at the contents of the box.

There are two items lying quietly in the box, one is blood-red coral, the whole body, without a trace of variegated color, without a trace of miscellaneous marks, blood-colored coral lying quietly in the box, each one seems to be flowing It looks like blood, and what is even more amazing is that the coral looks like a phoenix spreading its wings, which is lifelike.

This is a treasure of nature, a miracle of nature.

Even if Chu Yunqiu didn't understand it, he understood the preciousness of this thing, and what made Chu Yunqiu fancy even more was the second item, which was a square ruby, but it was carved into the shape of a goddess. Chu Yunqiu took a closer look and saw that this goddess was wearing armor, holding a spear in one hand, and a shield in the other. She had beautiful long hair, and she looked very much like Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom in the legend of Athens. ,

The carving technique is very delicate and sophisticated. The inscriptions on the body armor and the goddess's hair blown by the wind are all clearly shown!

Under the two items, there are several layers of animal leather. On the top of the animal leather is a layer of animal fur, which is very soft and avoids damage to the two items due to bumpy roads. Around it, there are twelve A diamond is extremely precious, but it is regarded as a decoration.

Chu Yunqiu slowly closed the box, he knew that he had sent it, and any one of these two would be a priceless treasure.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade. Chu Yunqiu understands this truth. Before he has the strength, he will not expose the two treasures. Once he has a certain reputation and reputation, he may let everyone in the world come. Admire this legendary gem.

Good things should be shared. It's not Chu Yunqiu's character to cherish them.

Chu Yunqiu looked around. At this time, he was no longer thirsty. He ran back to the house with the box in his arms, closed the doors and windows, and opened the box again to look at it carefully.

Chu Yunqiu took out the blood phoenix coral first, and touched it gently with both hands, for fear that it would be hurt if it was heavier.That expression seemed to be stroking the delicate jade skin of the goddess, and she couldn't bear to hurt it.

"It's so beautiful. It's a miracle that nature can create such a beautiful thing." Chu Yunqiu couldn't put it down. He has never seen such a beautiful thing since he was a child. Of course, he will have to play with it for a while.

After a while, Chu Yunqiu put down the blood phoenix coral and picked up the goddess "Athena" whose entire body was carved from rubies. After picking it up, he discovered that it was actually carved from a piece of ruby. , there is no gap bonding in the middle, such a large ruby ​​is really unheard of.

Chu Yunqiu carefully picked up the twelve diamonds around him and put them in a packing box. These twelve diamonds were arranged in the zodiac. Maybe he hoped that the twelve diamonds would protect these two treasures, and Chinese people paste door gods on doors, and draw patterns such as wild animals on utensils, just for peace of mind and auspiciousness.

Chu Yunqiu guessed that the sailing ship should be a visiting ship on an envoy to another country, and this small wooden box should be a treasure to pay tribute to the king. It was also looted.

Chu Yunqiu packed up his things, put the small wooden box under his bed, then spread a layer of cloth on top, put two pairs of sneakers on it, and arranged it into a simple shoe rack.

Lying on the bed, Chu Yunqiu couldn't calm down for a long time. What happened to the well in the backyard?Why do things from the sea end up in the well in my backyard?And what's going on with that light and sound...
Mind full of questions, Chu Yunqiu thought about it and fell asleep. His body was exhausted and his emotions went through strong ups and downs. Chu Yunqiu, who had never snored before, was snoring like thunder this time.

In the early morning, the morning in the countryside is less noisy and more natural than in the city. The rooster jumps on the henhouse and raises his proud head to announce the arrival of the day. The birds in the forest also flutter their wings, looking for food. As the sun rises from the foot of the mountain, the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth. People get up one after another, smoke curls from the kitchens, and thousands of families light fires.

A day's life begins here.

At this time, Chu Yunqiu was hugging the quilt tightly, like a child. It took an unknown amount of time before Chu Yunqiu sat up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and yawned big. He looked at the time on the phone beside the bed, closed his eyes and squinted for a while, and then slowly got up.

After exercising his muscles and body in the yard, Chu Yunqiu went into the house and put on his coat.The countryside in early spring is much colder than the city, there is no emission of various pollutants, and there is no heating, so we can only wear more clothes.

Although it is cold, the air in the countryside is fresh, and you can see the stars in the sky at night, which is tens of thousands of times better than the city.

Chu Yunqiu took out the box of diamonds from the room. They were all top-quality in terms of color and size. Chu Yunqiu took out an ordinary diamond from it. He planned to go to the provincial capital to try the diamonds and sell it if the price was right. Then use it to develop your hometown.

Chu Yunqiu now has confidence in his heart and is no longer anxious to go out to find a job. Seeing the landscape of his hometown, he decided to become his own boss, develop his hometown, and make the people in his hometown rich.

Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, and don't forget the people in your hometown when you are rich.

Chu Yunqiu went down the mountain and returned home, just in time for the meal, "Dad, Mom, save some for me." Chu Yunqiu moved a stool, picked up the chopsticks, and started to gobble it up. He was really hungry.

"Look at you, those who don't know think we have abused you, you are such an adult, it's like giving it back to a child." Chu's mother glared at her son.

"Hey, it's mainly because my mother is good at cooking." Chu's mother's cooking skills are really nothing to say. For so many years, apart from looking after children and doing farm work, she has devoted almost all her time to cooking. With Chu's father making money at home, she is only responsible for cooking. Serving the young and old in the family, there is nothing to say about cooking.

"Of course." When it comes to cooking skills, Chu's mother is very proud. If she wants to grab a man's heart, first grab his stomach. She has a lot of experience in this point.

Not only Chu's mother, the three brothers and sisters of the Chu family are all good at cooking. When the farming is busy, the parents are in the field, and the three little guys cook by themselves. Over time, they can also cook well.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to Quancheng today to handle some business and raise some money by the way," Chu Yunqiu said while eating.

"What are you going to do?" Father Chu looked at his son. There are two daughters, the eldest daughter is married and the second daughter is still in school. Years, finding a job, building a house, marrying a wife... don't worry about any of them.

They still don't know that Chu Yunqiu talked about a daughter-in-law at school.

"I have some things to do, so I can come back at night, but I have to go to the county to see my little sister first, and wait until I come back tomorrow." The city has built a high-speed rail, which is very convenient.

Chu Yunqiu can take the bus directly to the city, and then take the high-speed train to Quancheng, which takes less than an hour.

"Well, do you need any money?"

"No need, I have," Chu Yunqiu shook his head.

"Your sister complained to me some time ago, saying that you don't love her anymore, and you haven't gone to see her for so long, so don't fight when we meet this time," Mother Chu reminded.

When they were young, the three Chu Yunqiu brothers and sisters often fought over each other for snacks. However, as they grew older, the three Chu Yunqiu brothers learned to be humble, learn to love each other, and shared whatever delicious food they had, especially with the youngest Chu Yu. Chu Yunqiu loves him even more. If anyone dares to bully his sister, he promises to give him a good meal the next day.
Chu Yulian's name was also given by Grandpa Chu, from "Acacia rain every year, who is pity day and night".

Thinking of his sister, Chu Yunqiu's heart warmed up, and he said unforgivingly, "If this girl dares to make trouble, let me see how I can fix her."

Father Chu glared at Chu Yunqiu and said, "Get out of here after you finish eating."

Except for ID card, bank card and other documents, Chu Yunqiu didn't take anything with him. He stopped a bus at the entrance of the village with ease and set foot on the road to Quancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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