Treasure well

Chapter 388 Accidental Exposure Goodbye Xia Lao

Chapter 388 Accidental Exposure Goodbye Xia Lao

After lunch, Chu Yunqiu sent Chu Yulian back to school. What he was supposed to do had already been done, and the rest was up to Chu Yulian himself. I think that when he entered school, no one but his uncle could do anything. Without him, everything was done by him alone.

Chu Yunqiu took Lu Zhiqing and her sister, Xiao Niuniu, to the Forbidden City directly, because the new students started school, the already congested capital was even more congested, stop and go, 10 minutes away, and it took more than two hours to walk .

The four of them came to the Huaxia Museum under the scorching sun.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know, who spread the news that Chu Yulian was his own sister, which caused Chu Yulian a lot of trouble, more suitors, more friends, of course, envy, jealousy and hatred The number of people also increased, making Chu Yulian unbearably disturbed.

Just like in the movies, there are some superheroes and there are super criminals!

Those who don't like Chu Yulian, can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, "I have a good brother, what is there to be proud of, and it's not my own ability."

If Chu Yunqiu is willing to recognize them as younger sisters, even if they are not relatives, I am afraid that these beauties will flock to them, wishing to recognize Chu Yunqiu as older brothers, but the reality is that this is a delusion.


Chu Yunqiu took his partner, sister, and a small tail, and looked at the various treasures and national treasures in the Huaxia Museum. There are many exquisite products, all kinds of legendary national treasures are among them, Dayu Ding, Yuchang Sword, Li Mo, a whole set of Kangxi colorful flower god cups, etc., each of which makes the Huaxia Museum envious. Now, Chu Yunqiu has discovered it again. A hibiscus artifact - Yata mirror, set off a frenzy.

It's a pity that photography is not allowed in the museum, otherwise Chu Yunqiu's camera would have been shooting like crazy.

Chu Yuhe hugged little Niuniu and told her various things. In fact, she didn't understand anything, just coaxing children, that's all.

Chu Yunqiu really understood. At this moment, his eyes were flickering with lights, and various cultural relics information in the museum kept emerging.

The Huaxia Museum is the Huaxia Museum, and there are so many exquisite items in it that Chu Yunqiu can't see them all.

Lu Zhiqing held Chu Yunqiu's hand, and explained to Chu Yunqiu chatteringly, which seemed to mean "playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong". Lu Zhiqing made many mistakes, but Chu Yunqiu did not correct them.

What he enjoys is this process, what he appreciates is this kind of feeling, this kind of happiness, which cannot be bought by money.

I don't know if it was because of Lu Zhiqing's beauty, or because Chu Yunqiu was a bit high-profile, but after a while, someone discovered Chu Yunqiu's identity.

Looking at the cultural relics in the museum, you are wearing big sunglasses, are you stupid? Chu Yunqiu's weird behavior made many people can't help but take a second look.

After looking twice and twice, he was finally recognized by a die-hard fan of Chu Yunqiu.

This guy is really a die-hard fan, he didn't pay attention to the occasion, and shouted out loudly.

Where is the Huaxia Museum?

Then, they saw the yelling person running towards a person excitedly, and shouting a person's name.

When they heard the other party's name, everyone was surprised. What happened, it turned out to be Chu Yunqiu, whether it was real or not. After they carefully looked at Lu Zhiqing wearing a hat and Chu Yunqiu wearing sunglasses, they finally confirmed it. , really they are.

The Huaxia Museum is here, and you can come if you buy a ticket, but Chu Yunqiu is different, he has legs, it is not easy to see Chu Yunqiu, even if you go to the Chu Family Village, you may not be able to see Chu Yunqiu .

So between Chu Yunqiu and Huaxia Museum, they chose the latter.

It's a pity that cameras are not allowed inside, and only mobile phones without flash can be used.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the excited elder brother in front of him, and felt speechless in his heart, "Brother, you really tricked me to death."

There were more and more people, and Chu Yunqiu and the others were soon surrounded. Little Niuniu lay in her mother's arms in fear, not daring to look.

Chu Yunqiu protected Lu Zhiqing, her sister and niece, and kept them by her side.

And that Chu Yunqiu fan seemed to realize how big a mistake he had made, and followed Chu Yunqiu, acting as a temporary bodyguard to protect Chu Yunqiu's relatives.

The Huaxia Museum is heavily guarded. It can be said that the staff are everywhere. When they saw what was happening, no one acted rashly. If someone took advantage of the chaos and committed a crime, he would be punished.

Of course, they had emergency plans in place, and quickly made the most reasonable arrangements with the walkie-talkie.

Everyone performed their duties, and they were stricter than usual. After a while, a pair of security guards with weapons came up.

"Invite" Chu Yunqiu and others out of the museum.

Without Chu Yunqiu, the crowd also slowly dispersed, what to do.

Chu Yunqiu sat in the reception room, a little silent, and the buddy who caused trouble was also invited in, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Chu Yunqiu chatted with him, but to Chu Yunqiu's surprise, the other party turned out to be a chef. If he hadn't heard from the other party, Chu Yunqiu would have been unable to contact him with the chef.

After a while, the door was opened again. An old man came in first, and then several old people came in one after another.

Among the several old people, Chu Yunqiu recognized a few of them at a glance, especially one of them, who had dealt with Chu Yunqiu before.

It was Mr. Xia, a highly respected old man who almost dedicated his life to the country. He was a respectable old man.

Chu Yunqiu hurriedly stood up, stepped forward with the attitude of a junior, and stretched out his hand.

These old people are all leaders of the Huaxia Museum, one of them is the curator, the rest are deputy curators, and there are several honorary consultants. After they heard that Chu Yunqiu was here, they all came from After walking out of the workplace, they knew that Chu Yunqiu had a lot of good things in his hands?
Even if nothing can be knocked out, the relationship can be deepened. When the time comes to lend one or two national treasures in the nine-story ancient pagoda, the number of tourists will definitely increase significantly.

"Xialao", Chu Yunqiu tightly held Xialao's hand with both hands, he was the most familiar with Xialao among the crowd.

At the opening ceremony of the nine-story ancient pagoda last time, Chu Yunqiu had invited the other party, and at that time, Xia Lao had appraised the Kangxi Five-Color Flower God Cup on the spot and wanted to buy it.

Chu Yunqiu respected him very much. This old man, who was not much different from Grandpa Chu's age, dedicated himself with his actions.

"Yunqiu, you will really cause us trouble," Xia Lao said with a smile, and only Xia Lao dared to speak to Chu Yunqiu so casually.

PS: Thanks to the three big brothers "She De Cai", "?_Taibai°," and "Zhaijiaruffian" for their support of two monthly tickets, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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