Treasure well

Chapter 383 Ace of Hearts Secretly Sneak Attack

Chapter 383 Ace of Hearts Secretly Sneak Attack
While Chu Yunqiu was cursing in his heart, he secretly decided that he must try to trick the other party in order to avenge his hatred.

The white man used a tool to break a hole in the bulletproof glass outside the statue of the Goddess of War, stretched out his hand, and took out the Goddess of War.

Looking at the statue of the Goddess of War in his hand, a trace of extreme excitement flashed in the eyes of this international thief, as if money, wealth, fame and fortune were all within his reach.

The international bandit took out a white cloth pocket from his pocket and put the statue of the Goddess of War into it.

Then tied it to his waist.

What left Chu Yunqiu speechless was that after the international thief finished all this, he took out a bunch of hearts playing cards from his waist and put them in the original position of the statue of the Goddess of War.

This is a very common technique among international thieves to leave the mark of themselves or their thieving group.

It gives people a feeling that even if you know it's us, you can't do anything about us, you are high above us, as if you are playing with others.

In order to make their reputation more famous, many thieves will choose this method, which can make them famous in a very short time.

Of course, only international theft gangs who are very confident in their own strength will do this, and ordinary small theft organizations will not be unable to do this at all.

Otherwise, it's not called showing off, it's called being stupid.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the opponent's actions and couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect the opponent to make such a move. Chu Yunqiu looked carefully and found that the poker thrown into it was the ace of hearts.

"Could it be the sixth-ranked Ace of Hearts thief group in the world?" Chu Yunqiu remained silent.

Heart Ace Thieves Group, ranked sixth in the world, but ranked second in Europe, is a very powerful thief group.

This group of thieves can be said to have become famous in one fell swoop. The first battle was to steal a masterpiece of master Picasso from the Louvre in France, and put an ace of hearts on the original position of the painting, which was very arrogant.

The French government thought it was provoking itself. In fact, the other party was indeed provoking. France sent many detectives and police to investigate and arrest them. But what makes people feel speechless is that Mao failed to investigate for three whole months. France lost face.

Later, in order to calm down the matter quickly, France transferred back the dispatched police, agents, detectives, etc., and then made a reward, but ignored it, and the incident was soon forgotten.

However, the Ace of Hearts thief group also left a certain reputation in Europe.

Later, the Ace of Hearts made another move and extended its hand to Australia. It is said that it is a huge diamond, which is treasured in a museum, and the defense is very strict.

However, he was still won by the Ace of Hearts and left his own iconic playing card in the original position of the diamond.

Later, in just a few years, the Ace of Hearts visited England, the United States, Shanghai, Fuso and other countries. It had no goal at all and only focused on picking good things to start with.

Later, the United States released some clues of its own investigation. Ace of Hearts is an international theft organization headquartered in Europe. The United States did not investigate the specific country, but for some members, they know some information.

Some are from England, some are from France, some are from Germany, and some are from Italy. Many talents from various European countries are in it. There are hackers who can invade many systems. There are memory masters who can remember at a glance. There are many details, there are detective masters, who can clearly investigate the surrounding environment, layout, etc., it can be said that there are a lot of talents.

Although Ace of Hearts comes from Europe, and from various European countries, but for Ace of Hearts, there is no mention of hometown, it should be stolen, and there is no sympathy at all.

Therefore, although the Ace of Hearts is very famous, it is somewhat infamous and is hated by many countries.

It never occurred to Chu Yunqiu that the Ace of Hearts reached out to Huaxia, and the first business he made was himself.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help swearing secretly that he must make the other party look good.

After the white international robber succeeded, he said a few words into the headset.

At this moment, the alarm system in another part of the nine-story ancient pagoda suddenly sounded.

Hearing the alarm system in the distance, the guards below were startled and stepped forward one after another.

And at this moment, the people on the top of the nine-story ancient pagoda slipped down secretly, and were escorted away by the people below.

The two moved quickly along a small path. Although it was a bit rough and dangerous, there were no guards, and with their skills, there was no problem at all.

"I'll go." Chu Yunqiu, who was ambushing at the side, was a little dumbfounded. He never thought that the other party would choose such a rugged mountain path and lie in ambush for nothing.

Chu Yunqiu hurriedly stood up and headed to another place. He wanted to snatch the statue of the Goddess of War back before the opponent went down the mountain.

On the mountain range, the guards found nothing, but at this moment, news of a system failure from the logistics security department came from the headset, making everyone return to their original positions and stand ready.

Soon, the guards of the nine-story ancient pagoda restored order. Only the people in the logistics and security department were stunned. They couldn't figure out why the alarm sounded for no apparent reason.

Chu Yunqiu quickly chose the place to ambush again, and took out a big bone stick from the kit bag, this time, he wanted to sneak attack.

Because the two chose the path, which was more rugged and narrow, it took longer.

Chu Yunqiu hid in the darkness, waited for a while, and finally got the two of them down.

Chu Yunqiu took a deep breath, sneaked around behind the other party, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness and directly went up with a hammer.

Because it was too dark and the two of them were rushing down the mountain, they didn't even notice what was happening behind them, and they didn't even think that someone would be ambushing them here.

This is sneak attack.

Chu Yunqiu stepped forward, supported the other person, slowly lowered his body, and brought out the statue of the Goddess of War. With a quick step, he walked towards the first person in an instant.

All actions took no more than three seconds, knocking him unconscious, putting them down, collecting the items, and then following up.

Just as Chu Yunqiu continued to sneak attack, an accident happened. Chu Yunqiu did not expect that the other party would turn around suddenly.

Chu Yunqiu hit the opponent on the forehead with a stick, knocking him unconscious.

Only at this time did Chu Yunqiu understand why the other party turned his head. It turned out that there was a voice in the headset to remind the other party.

Chu Yunqiu didn't think too much. After getting the things, he just walked away and ignored the rest.

Not long after, a group of people came up, found the two people who were unconscious, hurriedly carried them down the mountain, and then disappeared.

PS: Thank you for the support of the two monthly tickets of Brother "Bright Tomorrow Sword" and Brother "Erythrina Dragon", thank you for your support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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