Treasure well

Chapter 367 Super rebound is sure

Chapter 367 Super Rebound [-]% Sure
Chu Yunqiu took out a box of steel nails and handed it to Chen Xiyu.

"No, no, I'll leave this matter to you," Chen Xiyu shook his head hastily, "I don't want to be ashamed anymore, you better come, I will tell you first, this time is a bit dangerous, you'd better Take a shield in front of yourself," Chen Xiyu reminded.

"Dangerous, how dangerous is it?" Chu Yunqiu didn't believe it.

"As dangerous as it is, I'll dodge first." Chen Xiyu ran away very shamelessly.

Chu Yunqiu curled his lips, "How dangerous is this?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't believe it, and the steel nail in his hand shot out instantly, and bounced towards the Yata mirror.

"Ding", there was a crisp sound, but then, something that shocked Chu Yunqiu happened, and the steel nail was bounced back, attacking Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu instantly dodged to the side and dodged the steel nail that bounced back.

He got out of the way, but the door behind him suffered.

"Crack", there was a crisp sound, the glass on the door was directly penetrated, and then shattered to the ground.

Chu Yunqiu maintained the same dodge position with his mouth wide open. The blow just now was really terrifying.

It was as if a bullet was attacking him.

Chen Xiyu sneaked his head out from the side, looked at Chu Yunqiu's surprised appearance, and smiled slightly: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, this Yata mirror has a very strong rebounding ability."

"Objects such as stones and wood will be instantly shattered by the red rebound force of the Yata Mirror, while hard objects like steel will bounce back at a faster speed under the rebound of the Yata Mirror , so it's easy to get it without knowing it, and fortunately you react quickly." Chen Xiyu looked at the broken glass on the ground.

"How could this happen?" Chu Yunqiu was incredulous. Just now, he could clearly see that there were still no marks on the mirror.

"Because of the material", Chen Xiyu finally said the reason.

"Because of the material?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't believe it.

"Yes, because of the materials, in addition to the casting process." Chen Xiyu nodded and said, "The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period was a period when our Chinese civilization exploded. A hundred schools of thought contended, and three religions and nine schools of thought prevailed. During this period, our Chinese craftsmen's technology also reached To a new level, the Gongshu family, the Mo family, the Ouyezi family, etc., especially the Ouyezi family, many of the top ten famous swords in China are also related to him. There are countless famous swords forged in his life, and they have not decayed for thousands of years. Even in modern times, This level cannot be achieved, but Qin unified the seven countries, not only ended the troubled times, but also collected all the treasures in the world."

"Emperor, you also understand that all the good things in the world should belong to him. The most beautiful beauties in the Seven Kingdoms are his women. They are placed in the Efang Palace. It can be said that they are grooms every day. The medicinal materials prepared in the Seven Kingdoms are also His, he refines the elixir of life, similarly, the best ore in the world is also his, and he casts it, and this Yata mirror was cast at that time," Chen Xiyu said to Chu Yunqiu.

"That's how it is." Chu Yunqiu nodded. At that time, the first emperor received the soldiers of the world and cast twelve bronze men. He didn't need too much weapons. At that time, he didn't have any worries about other things. Yata mirror, defending the world The attack is indeed a good talisman.

It's a pity that Xu Fu took it away and took it to Fusang.

Presumably, Ying Zheng felt that it would be dangerous for Xu Fu to go to the overseas fairy island to seek medicine, so he took out the "Yataka Mirror".

It can only be said that the desire for longevity blinded his eyes, causing the Yata Mirror to disappear forever.

Chu Yunqiu stepped forward and took the Yata Mirror off the wall, but he didn't dare to try again, he was afraid if it happened.

"Brother Xiyu, the experiment is also finished, how sure are you this time?" Chu Yunqiu couldn't help asking.

"[-]% sure", Chen Xiyu was very sure this time.

"Oh, it's so sure," Chu Yunqiu was surprised.

"That's necessary. I think I can be sure that this Yata mirror is genuine. I can guarantee it with my reputation," Chen Xiyu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I believe you can't do it."

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Xiyu returned to Kyoto accompanied by Chu Yunqiu.

The two agreed on a date to hold a press conference, but Chen Xiyu borrowed the Yata Mirror for two days. He wanted to show it to several respected elders in Huaxia and get their affirmation. In this way, at the press conference In the future, they will have greater confidence and cause a greater sensation.

Chu Yunqiu believed in Chen Xiyu, so he handed the Yata Mirror to Chen Xiyu with great confidence. He believed in the other person's character.

When Chu Yunqiu returned home, when he saw Lu Zhiqing sitting on the sofa, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, wife," Chu Yunqiu said with a flattering look on his face.

Not flattery is not enough, yesterday "for no reason" smashed the big glass on the door, which made Lu Zhiqing very angry, last night the bed was not allowed to be touched, Chu Yunqiu also went all out for the future "happiness".

Lu Zhiqing gave Chu Yunqiu a blank look, "Brother Chen has already left, can you tell me now?"

"Yes." Chu Yunqiu told Lu Zhiqing exactly what happened.

"You mean, the broken mirror you brought back is the legendary Yata mirror," Lu Zhiqing expressed disbelief.

"Really, I'll post four," Chu Yunqiu stretched out four fingers and said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you, I forgive you for not daring to lie to me," Lu Zhiqing said to Chu Yunqiu very proudly.

"Hey, forgive me." Chu Yunqiu rubbed his hands.

"What do you want to do, what is your expression?" Lu Zhiqing covered her chest with her hands, with a vigilant expression on her face.

"Hey, I have to make up for what I didn't do last night." Chu Yunqiu pounced on himself.

"Ah, bastard, close the door." Lu Zhiqing stretched out her jade hand and twisted Chu Yunqiu fiercely.

"It's okay, Daxue is guarding outside, he will call someone," Chu Yunqiu said, taking off Lu Zhiqing's clothes.

"You bastard, put on a condom, I don't want to take pills".

"Oh, why are you so troublesome?" Chu Yunqiu had no choice but to get up and go to get things. After a while, the sound of fighting rang out in the room.

In the evening, Xiao Niuniu came to Chu Yunqiu's house with a small convenience bag.

The small convenience bag is full of snacks, including biscuits, French fries, and jelly, which are very rich.

"Uncle", Xiao Niuniu yelled loudly as soon as she entered the door, for fear that others would not know that he was here.

"Hey, Niuniu is here, have you eaten yet?" Chu Yunqiu came out from the room.

"Mom said, I won't be cooking today, let me come to eat at Uncle's," Xiao Niuniu said childishly.

"Hey, let's move on." Chu Yunqiu was used to this kind of thing.

"Uncle, where's auntie?" Xiao Niuniu looked around, but didn't find Lu Zhiqing.

"Your aunt, I'm so tired, I'm going to bed, go play by yourself first, and uncle will cook right away," Chu Yunqiu said, washing his hands and walking into the kitchen.

"Well, I want to eat fried pork loin, so long cumin and chili", Xiao Niuniu raised her hand and asked.

"Understood," Chu Yunqiu smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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