Treasure well

Chapter 339 Arranging the Scarlet Cage of the Magic Circle

Chapter 339 Arranging the Scarlet Cage of the Magic Circle

On the periphery of the Yasukuni Shrine, a strict line of defense was set up. On the periphery, journalists from various countries closely watched the scenes inside the Yasukuni Shrine. Although they dared not go in, they could wait outside.

And in order to obtain first-hand information and let the public know the truth, they even installed high-definition, 360-degree high-power cameras in every corner during the day, trying to capture all the scenes inside.

What's even more shameful is that these shameless reporters actually set up a live broadcast. The world's major media, China Central Television, CBS in the United States, BBC in England, etc., almost broadcast the whole process live.

Undoubtedly, the ratings of these TV stations have skyrocketed. Many office workers don’t work hard and secretly watch live broadcasts. This thing is much better than movies.

This move has undoubtedly made these media and TV stations a lot of money.

These cameras are the most advanced cameras in the world. They not only have a strong ability to resist external interference, but also have a powerful ability to charge for 5 minutes and shoot for two hours.

One day of solar light during the day allows them to shoot continuously for a month without worrying about energy issues.

At night, all the guards outside the Yasukuni Shrine were informed. No one dared to stay here at night, including soldiers.

On the outskirts of the Yasukuni Shrine, many people had already moved out, and it was empty, adding to the eerie environment.

Chu Yunqiu looked around, and walked straight in with his things.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know that the moment he approached the Yasukuni Shrine, his figure was teleported to thousands of households.

In a hotel far from the Yasukuni Shrine, everyone received the signal from the camera, and their hearts were excited. Could it be that someone who is not afraid of death has come again.

When they saw the figure of Chu Yunqiu, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's Chu Yunqiu, why is he here? Doesn't he know that this is a place of great danger?"

A reporter from Huaxia saw that it was Chu Yunqiu, and said with a bit of hatred.

"OhMyGod", a foreign friend opened his mouth.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know anything about the outside world. He looked at the watch in his hand and found that there were still two and a half hours at twelve o'clock, and he wanted to arrange everything immediately.

Chu Yunqiu took off his backpack, which was filled with various materials, including top-grade cinnabar, chicken blood, black dog blood, bronze swords bound together with five emperors' coins, bells, talisman seals, etc. Wait, of course, there is the last big killer - the Eight Diagrams Sealing Magic Card.

Chu Yunqiu spread out the things one by one, put them on the ground, and then started his own movements.

Chu Yunqiu took out an empty bowl and mixed a small amount of chicken blood and black dog blood together in a certain proportion.

Chickens and dogs are restless, chicken blood and black dog blood are both things that can exorcise demons, and if they are mixed in a certain proportion, they will emit powerful power.

Then, Chu Yunqiu poured the prepared top-grade cinnabar into the bowl and began to mix.

When Chu Yunqiu sat there, the whole world fell into silence.

The whole world, yes, the whole world is silent, on the streets, in restaurants, in squares...all the scenes are Chu Yunqiu's scenes.

They held their breath and watched Chu Yunqiu's movements closely, not daring to breathe.

In Huaxia, thousands of households stay in front of the TV, staring at the computer screen. Some people who work overtime turn on the computer or mobile phone and watch the live broadcast directly. They stare at Chu Yunqiu's movements without saying a word. .

Lu Zhiqing stayed in the hotel, her eyes filled with worry, she folded her hands together, silently praying for Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu's parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers-in-law, and younger sister watched Chu Yunqiu on TV with sad expressions on their faces. Of course they knew where it was, but they didn't expect where their son went. It wasn't courting death. ?
Everyone's faces were full of worries and worries, for fear that something unexpected would happen to Chu Yunqiu.

Only Xiao Niuniu didn't understand anything, and she was very happy to see her uncle appearing on the TV show, "I saw my uncle on TV."

Chu Yunqiu's college classmates and roommates have gone their separate ways after graduation, but they are still worried about Chu Yunqiu.

After Chu Yunqiu adjusted the materials, he took out two brushes, dipped them in cinnabar, moved his hands together, bowed left and right, and not only wrote various runes on the ground.

Chu Yunqiu's speed was so fast that it could even be said to be amazed. After a while, the entire courtyard was covered with runes, and at this time, the cinnabar prepared by Chu Yunqiu was also exhausted.

Chu Yunqiu put it on the brush, and then pulled out a red string from a small bottle. The red string was as bright as blood, as if it had been infected by something.

In fact, the red rope was indeed soaked in blood, and it was also soaked with the blood of a black dog mixed with water from a treasure well.

Red silk threads were all around like a dragnet.

Seeing Chu Yunqiu's skillful technique, people who knew Chu Yunqiu were full of amazement, while those who didn't know Chu Yunqiu's face had inconceivable expressions besides shock. They couldn't believe it. Knowing how to do this, I've never heard him say it.

Chu Yuhe and Chu Yulian looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief. The three grew up together and never knew that Chu Yunqiu would do this.

Not to mention Chu's father and Chu's mother, their eyes were wide open.

At 11:30, Chu Yunqiu arranged everything, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground.

Chu Yunqiu sat on the ground, took out a cigarette from his pocket, took a good puff, and then began to puff.

After being busy for so long, he was tired, so he happened to smoke a cigarette and take a rest.

Seeing Chu Yunqiu smoking happily there, the whole world was shocked, whether to be so sixty, or to be so pretentious, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?
Tucao sounded in everyone's hearts one by one.

In the far east—Chu’s Village, Mother Chu looked at Chu Yunqiu, who was puffing out the clouds, and frowned, "When did he learn to smoke? It's all up to you." Mother Chu stared fiercely. Father Chu took a look.

Father Chu, who was worried about smoking, was stunned for a moment, and the cigarette butt in his hand was extinguished resentfully.

Just as Chu Yunqiu was puffing out the clouds, a gust of dark wind blew between the sky and the earth. The smoke that Chu Yunqiu spit out slowly drifted towards the sky, and then slowly disappeared.

Everyone could clearly see a figure slowly appearing in the air, looming.

"Ah", everyone exclaimed, they saw this figure again, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously.

But the more scared they are, the more they want to watch.

Mother Chu and the others clenched their hands tightly, and their bodies couldn't help shaking. At this moment, they were full of worry.

Grandma Chu even held Buddhist beads and kept chanting sutras to pray for her grandson.

PS: Thanks to the "Texas Rattlesnake" brother for the reward, thank you brother!
(End of this chapter)

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