Treasure well

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
What the deceased police officer recorded before his death faithfully recorded what happened last night.

After reading this record, the entire police department fell silent for an instant.

It never occurred to them that it was really a ghost, and the thing they were most worried about happened.

What is the scariest, unknown things are the scariest, I don't know anything about him, I know he is coming, but there is no good way to deal with him.

It's like waiting quietly for death, except helpless, still helpless.

After watching that short video, their faces still had disbelief, as if they didn't believe in ghosts and gods in this world.

The entire meeting room was silent for nearly a minute, and the director of the police department spoke, trying his best to block the news and not let the news out.

If it is known that "ghosts are making trouble at the Yasukuni Shrine", the whole world will laugh madly, and they will laugh at Fuso and the Yasukuni Shrine even more. What's more, the government of Fusang will ban the Yasukuni Shrine because of the pressure from the world.

This is a scenario they don't want to see.

But some things will not be transferred because of people's will, such as this matter.

As the death toll rises, as the incident intensifies.

Finally, the news got out. It was a cowardly policeman who couldn't stand the pressure. He told his wife after drinking, and the wife of the other party was a big mouther and loved to show off. She told her husband I told my best friend about the matter, so I spread it to ten, ten to hundreds, and the spread of the whole news became wider and wider.

Some families who are relatively close to the Yasukuni Shrine have even moved directly. Some wealthy people living in Tokyo are even more worried about immigrating directly. They have money, but they are afraid of death.

Following the news, many media outlets around the world began to flock to the gate of the police department, demanding to release the video. As for the matter of Chu Yunqiu, they had long since forgotten about it.

Where is Chu Yunqiu at this time? He is staying leisurely in the hotel with him, and Lu Zhiqing is sitting next to him.

After Lu Zhiqing learned about Chu Yunqiu's news, she couldn't feel relieved. After the exam, she flew to Tokyo overnight. Besides her, there were several lawyers with her, and one of them was her and Chu Yunqiu's senior sister. They graduated four or five years earlier, but during these four or five years, they have gained a great reputation in the legal profession.

With the help of the school teacher, Lu Zhiqing came directly to Tokyo with her own world and a few lawyers.

But it's a pity that because of the Yasukuni Shrine, no one is pursuing Chu Yunqiu anymore. No, it should be said that the attention is less.

Under pressure from many aspects, the Fuso police had no choice but to release the video.

When the video was released, just like the situation in the conference hall, the whole world fell silent for an instant.

Those who have been talking about science without ghosts and gods are also silent, they can't believe this thing.

Instead of dying in silence, it erupts in silence. In the end, the world erupts, and the whole world becomes noisy. It seems that human values ​​have been distorted and subverted, as if a revolution is about to erupt.

But at this moment, the most important thing is not this, but how to eliminate or even control ghosts.

At this moment, the whole world is watching this place, especially some ambitious Americans. They are one of the countries that most want to get ghosts. They want to get ghosts, and then conduct research in an attempt to get some mysterious things.

Of course, not only the United States, but countries all over the world want to get ghosts. If they can research something, they will really be developed.

Therefore, ancient Egypt invited pharaohs, Vietnam and other places invited Thutuo, South Africa and other countries invited priests, America invited church priests, India invited Buddha, and China invited professional Taoist priests, etc. wait.

Of course, not only Taoist priests were dispatched by Huaxia, but also some eminent monks from various temples, trumpets of Tantric Buddhism and so on.

It can be said that the whole Fusang is extremely lively with the wind and clouds moving.

The entire Yasukuni Shrine lacked any solemnity, and was extremely lively, like a vegetable market.

Some people even got into fights because of some things. Fortunately, they all knew the purpose of this trip, so they didn't go too far.

Chu Yunqiu has also been watching the development of things on TV. He doesn't know if there are any eminent monks who can suppress ghosts and spirits. If there are, of course he welcomes them, and he himself is not at ease.

What surprised Chu Yunqiu was that among the figures, he actually saw the original Master Wu, the monk who had been haunting him. He did not expect to appear in this place.

It seems that this master Liaowu must be a master-level expert, otherwise, why would he be sent for such an important matter? Isn't this sending cannon fodder?

Everyone was actively arranging the venue, some with mahogany swords, prayer beads, and crosses.

The entire Yasukuni Shrine was messed up together, anyway, it's not my own place, so it doesn't hurt to cause some damage.

Especially those in Huaxia, they wished they could just tear it down.

As night fell, the entire Yasukuni Shrine was silent and terrifying. At twelve o'clock in the evening, when the cloudy air was almost at its heaviest, the cloudy wind blew in the courtyard.

Because of the murder, the ghost became more terrifying, and his strength changed drastically. He didn't seem to be afraid of anyone. Looking at those priests and Toutuo, it was as if he had seen something delicious.

"Here we come," one of the priests seemed to have an unusual status and spoke fluent English.

The priest was wearing a priest's black robe, holding a huge cross in his hand, facing the ghost in the air.

"Devil, I will destroy you on behalf of God." The priest kept spitting out sentences from the Bible.

"Ha", the articles in the "Bible" did have a great impact on him, and it gave Ghost a headache, but it was just a headache.

It's not because the "Bible" doesn't work, but because this person's knowledge is too shallow.

The ghost stretched out its sinful claws towards the priest, and saw streaks of gray light forming in the void, attacking the priest.

"Be careful", seeing this situation, several people behind the priest said at the same time, they all saw that this ghost was different.

"Evil beast", a Chinese Taoist priest pulled out the peach wood sword from his back, bit out a mouthful of blood on his fingertips, wiped it on the peach wood sword, and slashed at the ghost.

An eminent monk took out a wooden fish and beat it.

A bishop dressed in red took out a bloody cross and held it up to the ghost.

Everyone worked together.

PS: I just finished my defense in the morning. I don’t know if I can pass the first defense. I’ve been busy reviewing, defending, and graduating for the past few days. I don’t ask for your forgiveness. The busiest thing is basically over. If there is no need for the second debate or other things, starting tomorrow, Lao Bei will try his best to restore the rhythm of the second shift every day!
(End of this chapter)

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