Treasure well

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
When Chu Yunqiu heard that the other party was leaving, he took out his wallet from his pocket, took out all the cash in it, and handed it to the female college student.

It never occurred to Chu Yunqiu that the scene in the early morning would reappear exactly, but it was him who paid the money, and someone else was the one who was thanked.

"Beauty, I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare anything. You take these and buy something to eat." Chu Yunqiu handed the cash in his hand to the female college student.

The cash in Chu Yunqiu's hand was at least three or four thousand, a thick stack, definitely not too small.

Unexpectedly, when the female college student saw the cash in Chu Yunqiu's hand, her face suddenly changed, "What do you mean?" The female college student glared at Chu Yunqiu.

"What... what's wrong?" Chu Yunqiu felt a little puzzled, "I just want to thank you, nothing else."

Hearing Chu Yunqiu's words, the female college student's face softened a little, "No, you'd better keep it for yourself," the female college student said, picked up her bag, and was about to leave.

"Girl, just keep it. If you don't accept it, we feel a little sorry." Seeing that the female college student wanted to leave, Chu's mother couldn't help but said, she just wanted to thank the other party.

"Yes, thank you for saving my daughter. You don't know, our family is very worried, but we can't find the child. Thank you so much." Chu Yuhe hugged Xiao Niuniu with a grateful expression on his face.

"Thank you, big sister." Little Niuniu cried for a while, but stopped crying under the comfort of everyone, and lay quietly in her mother's arms.

"Hey, don't run around anymore," the female college student pinched Xiao Niuniu's cheek, "But I really don't need it, this is what I should do," the female college student insisted on her own ideas.

"Brother Chu, Niu Niu has been found." At this moment, several Mercedes-Benz and BMW cars drove in from outside and filled the small yard.

Then, Gong Feng and Gong Liang got out of the car, besides the two of them, there were more than a dozen brothers following behind.

When Gong Feng got out of the car, he yelled and drove away, with a loud voice, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

When the female college student heard Gong Feng's voice, her complexion changed instantly, turning pale and ugly.

Just when the girl was about to leave, she found Gong Feng and Gong Liang walking in. The girl looked around, but there was no place to hide, so she had to hide behind people.

After Gong Feng and Gong Liang walked in, they saw the little girl lying in Chu Yuhe's arms.

"You little girl, you will make trouble for your parents." Gong Feng stretched out his hand, wanting to pinch Xiao Niuniu's face, but Xiao Niuniu turned her head and avoided it.

"Humph", Xiao Niuniu snorted coldly when she heard Gong Feng say that, with a displeased expression on her face.

Some police officers and officers in the surrounding area gasped when they saw the BMWs in the yard, what day is it today, and why are there so many good cars here.

In normal times, not to mention such a row of BMWs, even a BMW has never been driven in.

Some police officers and officers who didn't know the situation began to speculate in the office. Anyway, nothing happened.

"Yunqiu, where did you find Niuniu?" Gong Liang asked involuntarily. He gathered his brothers together, but was suddenly told that they had been found.

"It was a girl who sent Niuniu back." Chu Yunqiu didn't know the specifics, so he must ask carefully when he went back.

"Oh, I don't know which girl it is, but I must thank her well." Gong Liang didn't expect Niuniu to be so lucky, and was sent back to the police station directly.

"Yes... hey, where is he?" Chu Yunqiu turned his head, only to find that the girl was gone.

"Hey, why did you hide behind? These are my friends Gong Liang and Gong Feng." Seeing the girl hiding behind, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help walking over.

"It's you..." Gong Liang and Gong Feng were taken aback when they saw the girl in front of them, obviously they knew the girl in front of them.

"Hi, boss." The girl had the urge to cry, but she didn't expect to meet Gong Liang here.

" know each other?" Chu Yunqiu's face was full of surprise.

"Well," Gong Liang nodded, "I didn't expect you to help Niuniu, thank you for helping my friend, and I will give you a promotion and salary increase after you go back," Gong Liang said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss, thank you." The girl, who was still worried and frightened, immediately let go and bowed quickly.

"What's the situation? How do you know each other?" Chu Yunqiu looked at Gong Feng with some surprise.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when I get back," Gong Liang winked at Chu Yunqiu.

"Oh", Chu Yunqiu understood a little.

What is this place, the police station.

"Director Chen, thank you so much this time." Chu Yunqiu walked up to Director Chen and held his hands gratefully.

"It's okay, this is my phone number. If you encounter any situation, you can call me." Director Chen took out a business card from his body and handed it to Chu Yunqiu.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't be polite." Chu Yunqiu accepted Director Chen's business card.

Beside, the director of the police station looked envious.

Chu Yunqiu and others did not stay at the police station for too long. They stayed for a while and then walked out.

And the female college student bid farewell to Gong Liang and left directly.

In the car, Chu Yunqiu also learned about the specific process.

During the day, Xiao Niuniu chased the balloon seller and ran out, but she had no money, and he would definitely not give it to her for nothing, which made her very sad.

The seller of balloons is okay, let Xiao Niuniu call her parents and ask her parents to bring her to buy.

When Xiao Niuniu wanted to go back, but couldn't find the way back, she had to turn around the same way.

Later, in a garden, Xiao Niuniu happened to meet a female college student passing by in the garden.

The female college student saw Xiao Niuniu wandering around in the park by herself, aimlessly, and was very curious, so she stepped forward and asked.

Xiao Niu Niu is still young, and she has no "heart" in this regard.

After the female college student knew that Xiao Niuniu was lost, she kept her face calm. She would put pressure on Xiao Niu Niu, and she would lose control of her emotions and cry, and it would be hard to explain when the time came.

The female college student comforted Xiao Niuniu and said that she took her to find her mother, but actually wanted to send Niu Niu to the police station for help.

But at this time, Xiao Niuniu said heartlessly to the female college student that she was hungry and wanted to eat.

This snack, when is it, I still want to eat it!
The female college student was stunned when she heard Xiao Niuniu's words, and promised to take Xiao Niuniu to dinner soon.

Then, the female college student bought some food for Xiao Niuniu, and then took Xiao Niuniu to the hospital.

It turned out that the girl's father had inhaled a large amount of radioactive chemical elements into his lungs because of his long-term work in a chemical factory, which led to canceration and lung cancer.

The female college student went to visit her seriously ill father.

After dealing with her father's matter, the female college student brought Xiao Niuniu to a nearby police station and explained the situation.

The officer who received the notice was so excited when he heard the news, he hurriedly reported it to the director, and the director was also very excited, and reported it directly to the director, so the previous incident happened.

After knowing the whole story, Chu Yunqiu had no choice but to admire Xiao Niuniu for being courageous and lucky.

Not being trafficked, it's really a blessing!
PS: Thanks for the support of brother "★领★" with two monthly tickets, and brother "gongzhy" and sister "fish130486" for their support of a monthly ticket.Thanks to Brother "Zhao Xuanjun", Brother "Xi Chen", and Brother "Stupid kid who likes to read books". Thank you to the three brothers for their tipping of 100 starting coins.Thank you all, I can't thank you enough!

(End of this chapter)

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