Treasure well

Chapter 297 Five Yue Duzun Life and Death Rescue

Chapter 297
Mount Tai, which belongs to Dongyue among the Five Mountains, is the place where emperors of all dynasties consecrated Zen. It is known as the "Five Mountains Solely Honored". There are countless tourists every year. Although there are also countless tourists in Chujiazhai, compared with Mount Tai, there are no Comparability.

Leaving aside the noble honor of the emperors of all dynasties enshrining Zen on it, it is not comparable to the Chu family village to say that the ancient sages left on Mount Tai.

The cultural heritage of Chujiazhai is nothing in front of Mount Tai.

Chu Yunqiu climbed Mount Tai, but Chu Yulian didn't. Looking at the top of the mountain from a distance, Chu Yulian couldn't help swallowing.

She was worried that she would not be able to climb up.

Chu Yunqiu took the camera and backpack, bought a small crutch for Chu Yulian, and dragged him up the steps.

To climb a mountain, one must be brave enough to climb.

The two of them watched the scenery along the way while climbing the mountain. Because it was not a holiday, the people on Mount Tai were far less crazy and less crowded than holidays.

The two stopped and went, and after many hours of climbing, they finally arrived at the Jade Emperor Hall.

Standing on the top of the Jade Emperor, Chu Yulian was really dying, and sat on the ground, refusing to leave.

Chu Yunqiu looked at his younger sister sitting on the ground, beating her legs, and felt a little distressed, "Will you come next time?"

"Come on, why don't you come?" Chu Yulian did not admit defeat at all, "It's just too high, brother, can we take the cableway back when we go back?" Chu Yulian looked at Chu Yunqiu pitifully.

"You, fine," Chu Yunqiu couldn't bear the suffering of his sister.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to a higher place." Chu Yulian was so happy.

Chu Yunqiu was holding the camera, which was full of photos of the younger sister.

Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yulian played on the top of the mountain for a whole day and did not go down the mountain. They finally came to Mount Tai, how could they not watch the sunrise.

They planned to rest at the top of Mount Tai for one night and go back down the next morning.

Chu Yunqiu found a hotel on the top of Mount Tai and asked about the price. It was expensive. It was really expensive. Chu Yunqiu gritted his teeth in distress and finally paid.

In the early morning of the next day, just after dawn, Chu Yunqiu called out Chu Yulian, and when the sun came out, the two of them lost all previous efforts.

Although Chu Yulian wanted to stay in bed, Chu Yunqiu beat her up.

After the two washed up, they went straight to Guanri Peak, and they wanted to occupy a favorable position.

Looking at the misty sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be a clear dividing line between night and day. Chu Yunqiu handed the camera to Chu Yulian, stood behind her, and resisted the crowd who wanted to crowd behind her.

Chu Yulian looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, held the camera, and took continuous shots.

As the sun gradually rose and fell, the crowd began to get excited.

Chu Yulian also yelled happily, unable to contain her excitement.

After the sun was fully exposed, the crowd began to disperse, and Chu Yunqiu also started to leave.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and they all moved towards one place.

Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yulian looked at each other. It seemed that something happened in front of them. They walked forward with the crowd.

In a crevice of the cliff in front, a little boy was stuck in it. He was holding two raised rocks with both hands, and his feet were stepping on the rocks on both sides. On the palms, blood was continuously flowing. At this time, the little boy The boy cried out in fright.

The little boy looked to be eleven or twelve years old, wearing a black down jacket with rips all over the quilt.

The little boy is still wearing a white hat, which is crooked and hasn't fallen off, and the little boy is very handsome.

However, the little boy's face turned a little pale and he was crying.

Although it was summer, the morning on the top of Mount Tai was not as cold as usual. They were basically wearing rented military coats. Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yulian were no exception. They were wrapped in military coats like a rice dumpling.

Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yulian squeezed away from the crowd, looked at the little boy stuck in the rock crevice, and couldn't help but gasped.

The rock crevices are very narrow, and there are many rocks protruding out. Most people will not come here to play, because this place is indeed dangerous.

The little boy stood in the crevice of the rock, holding several protruding rocks with both hands. Under his feet, there was a raised rock. It was impossible to climb up. Even if he went down to rescue, it would be very difficult.

Chu Yunqiu was very curious, how did this brat fall, he was too careless, is it for children to stay in such a dangerous place?The same goes for the parents, why don't you be more careful.

Beside the cliff, a couple in their 30s looked anxious, they should be the parents of the little boy.

The little boy's father was on the phone, as if asking for help, while the little boy's mother was crying and comforting the child, telling him to persevere.

In the morning, there was a cold wind blowing from Mount Tai. This wind was even more obvious on the cliff. Because of holding on to the rocks for a long time and being frightened, the little boy's arms had begun to tremble, as if he would have to persevere in the next moment. Can't live.

It takes more than ten minutes for the rescue team to go from downhill to uphill, even if they take the cableway at the fastest speed.

Seeing that the little boy was about to lose his hold, the people around were all anxious.

This brat, it's okay to play around in such a dangerous place, isn't this a death sentence?

Chu Yunqiu looked at the little boy and frowned. He couldn't wait any longer. If he waited any longer, the little boy would really fall.

The little boy's mother stretched out her hand, trying to save the little boy, but it was impossible.

The situation is critical and time waits for no one.

Chu Yunqiu took off his backpack and took off the military coat he rented. "Yulian, watch it for me." Chu Yunqiu pretended to put his hand into the backpack and took out a ball of hemp rope from the Qiankun bag of the brocade bag. Then walk to the edge of the cliff.

"The child is weak and won't last long. I have a rope here, so we can only go down by ourselves." Chu Yunqiu took out a ball of thin hemp rope.

The kit bag, Qiankun bag, has now become Chu Yunqiu's treasure bag, which basically has everything in it, and the variety is very complete.

"It's great that you have a rope." Seeing the thin hemp rope in Chu Yunqiu's hand, the child's father was so happy that the child's mother stopped crying and sat up from the ground.

"At this point, we can only rely on ourselves." Chu Yunqiu handed the hemp rope in his hand to the child's father. "Now someone needs to go down, grab the child's arm, and drag the child up." Chu Yunqiu said Qiu looked at the little boy's position. It was very deep and a little narrow. Rescue was difficult and the only option was to take risks.

"Okay, let me do it", the child's father was very responsible.

"It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of the child. Let me do it." The child's mother grabbed the rope.

"You are a woman, why are you fighting?" The child's father loves his wife very much.

"Stop arguing, time is limited, let the child go, she is light, and we can hold her back." Chu Yunqiu saw two people chattering and arguing, and couldn't help yelling at them road.

The two also knew that the situation was critical, so they stopped arguing.

"Tie it tighter", the child's father was worried, and tied another button.

"Don't worry, I've got two layers of insurance. As long as the rope doesn't stop, I'll keep it safe." In order to ensure safety, Chu Yunqiu wrapped a circle around the opponent's waist and another circle around the opponent's ankle .

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth, how could the rope be broken?" The child's father heard Chu Yunqiu's unlucky words, and immediately bawped a few times.

"Everyone, come out and help out with strength, I thank you all," the child's father greeted.

"I'll do it", a few strong men stepped out from the crowd, and they pulled the other end of the rope.

"I'm going down", the child's mother slowly climbed down.

"Baby, don't be afraid, hold on for a while, and mother will come right away." Although the child's mother wanted to hurry up, she couldn't.

The mother of the child is not going down straight down, but with her head down and her feet up. As long as the mother of the child holds the little boy's arms with both hands, everyone can rescue him.

Everyone slowly lowered the rope, and after a while, the child's mother was let down.

PS: Thanks to brothers "A Rhinoceros with a Horn" and brothers "Chenxiyu", thank you to the two brothers for their support of the two monthly tickets, thank you to the brothers "A000759" and "☆格⑤Ⅱ一☆", thank you for your support, thank you "Stupid kid who likes to read books" big brother's support of 588 starting point currency, let the brother spend a lot of money, thank you for your support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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