Treasure well

Chapter 294

Chapter 294
The current Chujiazhai is very lively every day, and the traffic is full. If you see a few foreigners in the crowd, don’t be surprised. This is a very normal thing.

However, the excessive passenger flow also highlighted other problems. Chu Yunqiu had to recruit more staff to maintain law and order on the one hand and protect the environment on the other. People in several surrounding villages have solved a lot of employment problems, which has increased the city's GDP to a certain extent.

For this reason, Chu Yunqiu also won honorary titles such as "Honorary Citizen", "Advanced Individual" and so on. Even, Chu Yunqiu applied for university but did not apply for the qualification of "Party Member". It can be said that in just a few short years God, Chu Yunqiu has many halos on him.

Chu Yunqiu knew very well in his heart that Father Lu and Grandpa Lu were behind all of this. If it weren't for their identities and face, even if Chu Yunqiu had this honor, he might not be able to get it. .

There are people in the court who are good at handling things, which has been handed down in China since ancient times.

Chu Yunqiu did not refuse the benefits from his superiors, and all kinds of honors came one after another, and Chu Yunqiu swallowed them all in one gulp.

"Yunqiu is here, what are you doing here?" Seeing Chu Yunqiu walking out, everyone's faces were full of surprise.

"I walk around," Chu Yunqiu couldn't help smiling.

"Yunqiu, are the fruits still for sale? We want to buy some fruits." Just as Chu Yunqiu was about to turn a corner, several people rushed out and stopped Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the few people in front of him. They were all middle-aged men, wearing cool sleeveless shirts and carrying a backpack. They should have come from a certain place.

"You guys are here to buy fruit, right?" Chu Yunqiu looked at the people in front of him.

"Yeah, your family has a dog, so you dare not go in, and you don't have your phone number, so you can only wait here." The leading middle-aged man nodded, "We bought from you last time, but I ate it in a few days, and to be honest, it was really delicious." Speaking of the fruits Chu Yunqiu planted, the middle-aged man couldn't help but get excited.

"Thank you for your compliment," Chu Yunqiu smiled slightly.

"It's not flattery. If I can grow fruits like the ones you sell, I will open a fruit company and try my best to manage such fruits and form a brand effect so that people all over the country can taste the fruits I grow," said the middle-aged man. Said with a longing face, he understands, he just thinks about it.

"I thought about it too, but the road needs to be walked step by step, and the steps need to be taken step by step. Now is not the time." Of course, Chu Yunqiu understood what the other party meant, and wanted to expand his scale.

"Brother, the fruit must not have been sold out," another man couldn't help asking.

"I also bought fruit from you once. You don't know, my daughter likes to eat it. I just wiped out that batch of fruit yesterday, but she urged me to come to you again. I sat for more than six hours The train just arrived at your place," the middle-aged man complained.

"Well, I still have a batch of fruits at home. Come with me." Chu Yunqiu had nothing to do at first, but now that the business is coming, there is no reason to push it out. Inside, several baskets of fruit were brought out.

Looking at the unspoiled fruit in the basket, everyone couldn't help reaching out and tasting it.

After tasting it, their eyes lit up immediately, "Well, the taste is exactly the same as the original, without any change, Yunqiu, how did you preserve it, it's amazing."

"Yeah, Yunqiu, it's a pity that you don't participate in the annual international competition in Yuandu because of the quality of the fruit." The leading middle-aged man gnawed a strawberry unceremoniously and said with some regret.

"Coincidentally, I really plan to participate this time, and I will see the big scene by the way." Chu Yunqiu smiled slightly. A few days ago, he deliberately found out the previous video reports about the Kite Capital Competition, which felt very good, and After Grandpa Chu found out, he also encouraged Chu Yunqiu to make him famous as the Chu Family Village.

After his reputation spread, Grandpa Chu persuaded the people in Chujiazhai to grow fruits and vegetables.

With fame, there will be sales, and with sales, there will be money.

Vegetables and fruits make much more money than wheat and corn. Grandpa Chu wants the people in the Chu family village to become richer and richer.

This also made Chu Yunqiu make up his mind, go, definitely go.

"Really, that's great, and I'll be there too." The middle-aged man was so happy when he heard Chu Yunqiu's words, and he had a kind of like-minded charm, "I have a feeling that your fruit will definitely He became a blockbuster and stole the show at the Yuandu Competition."

"Thank you for your good words. You can take as much as you need, and the price will be the same as before." Chu Yunqiu took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to several people.

"I'll go, special offer, brother, you are so awesome, where did you get it?" Looking at the cigarette in Chu Yunqiu's hand, a knowledgeable person exclaimed in surprise.

This is a special offer, not a cheap item sold on the street.

"It's really a special offering." Looking at the cigarette in Chu Yunqiu's hand, everyone's eyes changed.

When Grandpa Lu was about to go back, Grandpa Chu gave the other party a jar of fine amber wine. Grandpa Lu also reciprocated. After returning home, he sent some of the special cigarettes he had saved to Grandpa Chu.

Chinese people pay attention to reciprocity, and Grandpa Chu didn't refuse, and just put it away.

He didn't know how precious the cigarettes were, but someone did. Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened when he saw it. Although he doesn't smoke, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

He can give it away if he doesn't smoke, so this guy "naturally" followed a few things from it.

When everyone saw the special cigarettes in Chu Yunqiu's hands, their faces changed. This is not something that can be bought with money. Without a certain status, it is delusional to want to smoke it.

"Thank you, thank you." Everyone looked at Chu Yunqiu, took the cigarette with both hands, and their faces became more respectful.

"Okay, the fruits are here, you can choose what you want to eat, and we'll settle the score later," Chu Yunqiu said as he was about to leave.

"No need, no need, we want all of these." Before Chu Yunqiu left, the leader stopped Chu Yunqiu. They had discussed it before, and this time Chu Yunqiu took it out. They will eat as much as they want, and after eating, several people will discuss the issue of distribution.

This proposal was immediately supported by everyone.

Chu Yunqiu was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Okay, since you have discussed it, it will save me trouble." Chu Yunqiu took out a scale from the room and weighed them one by one. This time, Chu Yunqiu directly made money. Nearly one hundred thousand.

After everyone paid their bills, they each carried a fruit basket and walked out. A small truck was parked at the gate of the Chu family village.

"Yunqiu, this is my phone number. If you popularize the fruit business here, you must tell me." Before leaving, the middle-aged man gave Chu Yunqiu a phone number.

"Okay", Chu Yunqiu harvested it and put it in his pocket.

PS: Thanks to the brothers "雷神@之半", "Lanyin" brothers, "☆格⑤Ⅱ一☆" brothers, "lzrruizhi" brothers, "Wind*Rain*Dian" brothers, "SK.CDC" brothers, "Scared Cai "Brother, brother "Li Hong", thank you brothers for your monthly support, thank you, thank you sister "Louise~~Queen" and brother "qwe89457" for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you two, let you spend money up,

(End of this chapter)

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