Treasure well

Chapter 283 Touring the Ancient Pagoda

Chapter 283 Touring the Ancient Pagoda
Chu Yunqiu took Grandpa Lu and others to the back of the nine-story ancient pagoda, where pigeons and various birds were released.

When a group of people came here, the place was not too small, but it was full of people. Some people held birdcages in their hands, their faces were full of joy, while some people stood outside, purely watching the fun.

Grandpa Lu stood in the distance, looking at the scene in front of him.

On one side of the cliff, a family of three gathered together. In front of them was a metal cage with two turtledoves jumping around inside the cage.

The little boy looked at the turtledove in the cage. Accompanied by his parents, he raised the cage in his hand high and opened the door of the cage.

The little boy's father took a mobile phone and recorded all this, and showed it to the child as he grew up.

The two turtledoves in the cage saw the door of the cage open, without thinking about it, they scrambled to fly out.

After the two turtledoves flew to the sky, they couldn't help singing happily. They flew to the sky and to the distant forest.

Looking at the birds flying in the sky, the little boy couldn't help laughing happily.The faces of the parents are also full of happiness. They sincerely hope that their children can also fly higher and higher like the birds in the sky, free and happy.

On the other side, stood a young couple. The two were very lucky and got a pair of magpies, so they were very happy.

The two snuggled together, looking at the two magpies in the cage.

At this moment, the two people made an oath of eternal friendship, and even agreed to stay together for a lifetime.

Looking at the two magpies in the cage, the boy stretched out the birdcage in front of the girl.

The girl was not polite, she gently opened the cage door and released the two magpies back to nature.

Looking at the pairs of magpies in the sky, the two people seemed to see their future selves, staying together and never leaving.

"Come on, let's go too." Grandpa Lu took Grandma Lu's hand and walked forward.

"Grandpa, come with me." Chu Yunqiu had prepared some bird cages in advance, but he didn't expect so many people to come, it was simply beyond his expectation.

Chu Yunqiu took Grandpa Lu to a separate place where there were more than a dozen cages, with two birds in each cage.

Grandpa Lu chose a pair of white pigeons, and Father Lu was not too polite and chose a pair of larks.

Xiao Niuniu chose a pair of orioles, and this pair of orioles was exactly the pair of orioles that Chu Yunqiu was feeding in the yard. Even if they were released, they would fly back to the yard again.

Holding the birdcage in both hands, Xiao Niuniu happily came to Chu Yuhe and Zhao Yanfeng's side, asking her parents to release the bird with her.

Chu Yulian was also polite, and picked a pair of white pigeons from the inside, and came to the side of the cliff by herself.

Chu Yunqiu walked up to the crowd and said, "Secretary Lin, Mayor Feng, please come together," Chu Yunqiu invited everyone.

"Well, let's not be disrespectful." Secretary Lin and Mayor Feng were very happy. They also chose a cage each, walked to the side, and let the bird fly.

Behind everyone, several media who have been following all this heartily recorded all this.

Chu Yunqiu stood aside, looking at all this, one of them was originally prepared for himself, but he didn't expect so many people to come, so he had no choice but to let it out.

Even so, he had not prepared enough birds.

Father Chu and Mother Chu stood where they were, while Grandpa Chu and Grandma Chu looked at the crowd.

Meng Qingyou and Chu Yulian stood together, and the two of them were extremely happy.

Looking at the birds flying all over the sky, most of them flew towards the forest, while the rest fell directly in front of the Bagua Square, watching the people coming and going.

"That's right," Grandpa Lu looked at the bird flying out of the cage, with a smile on his face, "Yunqiu, let's go, take me to the ancient pagoda, I want to see what you have gained over the years."

"it is good".

When Chu Yunqiu led Grandpa Lu and others to the nine-story ancient pagoda, Professor Chen Guobin took his granddaughter's hand and took his wife, son, and daughter-in-law to the nearby hill.

He is very familiar with the road here, even more familiar than Chu Yunqiu. He knows every scenic spot, where every road leads to, and where there is fun...he knows everything.

In order to cultivate the interest of his granddaughter Qianqian, Chen Guobin took the trouble to tell her about the rare wild birds in the mountains.

Qianqian lived up to her expectations and became very interested.

Chu Yunqiu took Grandpa Lu and others to the first floor [Bronze Pavilion] of the nine-story ancient pagoda. In addition to the Yanzhou tripod, there are Xuande furnaces from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, and imperial copper furnaces made by the court during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. , in addition to these three items, there are bronze hollow peony flower smoke balls from the Song Dynasty, bronze ancient mirrors from the Tang Dynasty, etc., and the rest were selected by Chu Yunqiu from the treasure of King Chuang. It is the best of the best.

The people who watched were hooked, and those media even brought a close-up of each treasure, so that all the treasures were presented to the audience in front of the TV.

After wandering around the rooms on the first floor, everyone went down the stairs to the second floor [Wen Dian Zhai].

Although there are few treasures in the nine-story ancient pagoda, each piece is a boutique, even a national treasure. Its quality is so high that it is hard to find in the world.

【Wen Dian Zhai】There are bookshelves one after another inside, like a library is generally classified, the only pity is that there are many empty shelves on the second floor, even if the shelves are not empty, there are only a few scattered books.

Grandpa Lu was standing in front of the glass, and a staff member was watching. Chu Yunqiu waved to him to let him rest for a while.

"The "Pictures of the Sea Country" annotated by Mr. Lu Xun, the family letter written by Zeng Guofan in the Qing Dynasty, the classics of Liang Qichao... and the "Biography of Guo Jia" annotated by Qin Taizu." After reading it, at the end, my eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Yunqiu, can you give me this book?" Grandpa Lu stretched out his hand, blushing a little.

Chu Yunqiu was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Grandpa Lu would make such an invitation.

The direction that Chu Yunqiu followed Grandpa Lu's hand turned out to be the "Guo Jia Biography" annotated by Qin Taizu.

Chu Yunqiu suddenly realized that Grandpa Lu was actually a fan of Qin Taizu.

Qin Taizu is a person who admires Guo Jia very much. He mentioned Guo Jia many times in political meetings, and hopes that everyone will read "Three Kingdoms·Guo Jia Biography" more, and be resourceful and decisive. Qin Taizu himself has read "Guo Jia Biography" many times. And leave your own insights and insights on the books.

"Of course", Chu Yunqiu could not refuse, nor could he.

Chu Yunqiu took out the key, and went through a series of cumbersome steps to open the bulletproof glass, remove the "Guo Jia Biography" in it, and remove the marking information on it.

"Son, I'm embarrassing you." Grandpa Lu also felt very embarrassed, but he really wanted to get a copy of "Guo Jia Zhuan" annotated by Qin Taizu. He had been looking for it all these years and couldn't find it, so he had to shamelessly ask Chu Yunqiu for it.

"Grandpa, what did you say?" Chu Yunqiu waved his hand.

Grandpa Lu took over "The Biography of Guo Jia" very happily, stroking the cover of the book with his hands, his eyes full of love.

Among the group of officials standing behind Grandpa Lu, some had eyes full of envy, while others showed thoughtful expressions.

It can also be seen from this that some people are content with the status quo, while others have a strong aggressiveness.

PS: Thank you sister "Zitang Qiuxue" for your support with two monthly tickets, brothers "kpkkan", "sunjianguo", and "Shenshu Kuangmo", thank you three big brothers for your support with a monthly ticket, and thank you "Yinyang Gekun" Brother's support of 200 starting coins, thank you for your support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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