Treasure well

Chapter 280 Charging Policy Public Welfare

Chapter 280 Charging Policy Public Welfare
Looking at the treasures on the tray, everyone couldn't help being stunned. They never thought that it would be a statue, and it was an extremely beautiful statue. The whole statue was glowing red, as gorgeous as gems.

Some people who are more interested in Western history or Greek culture recognized it instantly. The figure depicted on this statue is the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology—Athena!

The Chinese people are okay, they don’t know much, but those foreign tourists are different. Looking at the statue of the Goddess of War on the tray, their eyes light up, and they want to take it for themselves. They took out their cameras or mobile phones, and looked at it. Take pictures of the Goddess of War statue above.

And one of the foreign beauties, looking at the statue of the Goddess of War, couldn't help shrinking her pupils, her eyes showed an unbelievable look, as if she saw something she shouldn't see, she gently covered her mouth, trying not to let it go. Make a sound yourself.

Seeing everyone taking out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures, she calmly raised the high-resolution camera in her hand, pulled in the lens, and took a picture of the statue of the Goddess of War on the tray.

After the photo was taken, the blond foreign beauty and her friend apologized and left directly. No one noticed the shocked but surprised look in the girl's eyes when she left.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the statue of Athena on the tray, and briefly introduced to everyone: "I believe many people have recognized it. Yes, the figure on this statue is the Western goddess Athena. The material of this statue is made of ruby. It is made without any flaws, and the whole statue has no connecting or pasting parts, that is to say, the statue of the Goddess of War is polished and carved from a whole piece of ruby.

From the size of the statue, you can also see how big the ruby ​​needed to carve the goddess of war is. It is definitely the largest ruby ​​in the world so far.Even if nothing else is said, the statue itself is enough to become the largest ruby ​​in the world." Chu Yunqiu held the statue of the goddess of war in his hand.

Under the sunlight, the statue of the Goddess of War is extremely pure and beautiful, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Gemstones are rare in the world, and pure rubies are even rarer, so they are even more precious.

Chu Yunqiu did not stop, but continued: "As you all know, Western body sculpture art is very superb all over the world, especially Michelangelo, the master sculptor during the Renaissance, is well-known internationally. There are countless Western sculptures that have been handed down, such as [Bronze Sculpture of Discus Thrower], [Sculpture of David's Body], [Venus with Broken Arm], etc. Although this statue of the Goddess of War is not a sculpture, it is also from Those hands of everyone belong to the best of them.

Of course, the Goddess of War is a statue after all, not a sculpture, so from an artistic point of view, it cannot reach the perfect realm of those sculptures, but don't forget that everything is the same, human aesthetics cannot be changed, and this war In addition to the self-worth of the goddess statue itself, what I value more is the cultural value contained in him." Chu Yunqiu's rhetoric here is a bit misleading to the public.

The crowd below was very quiet, quietly listening to Chu Yunqiu's narration.Especially some foreign friends and women, their eyes seemed to be fixed on the statue of the Goddess of War on Chu Yunqiu's hand.

They really want to knock off a piece of the Goddess of War statue and make it into a ring or a necklace.

After Chu Yunqiu handed over some information about the goddess of war, with everyone's reluctant eyes, he asked the No. 11 beauty to take her to the eighth floor of the nine-story ancient pagoda [Wanhua Palace].

"Okay, the next thing is the highlight", Chu Yunqiu attracted everyone's attention again.

"The nine-storey ancient pagoda has nine floors in total, and all of them have been settled. Here, I also have an announcement that is not bad. After seven days, the Chu Family Village will enter the charging stage." As soon as Chu Yunqiu finished speaking, everyone was shocked. stunned.

"Are you asking for money? Why did you start charging?"

Then, the tourists below began to fall into discussions.

"Everyone, please listen to me. Not all places charge fees. There are three places in Chujiazhai that charge fees. The first place is Shuiliandong, the second place is Baiyun Lake, and the third place is the nine-story ancient village. The pagoda, other than that, are all free and open places, and everyone can rest assured that the fee will not be very expensive, and there are various discounts, which are equivalent to buying tickets for scenic spots." Chu Yunqiu hurriedly appeased everyone.

"And the purpose of the entrance fee can also tell everyone that 50.00% of the entrance fee will be used for the construction of Baiyun Mountain, planting trees, introducing rare creatures, and building homes for these rare birds. They are taken from the forest and benefit the forest. In addition , and part of it is used for environmental construction, as well as the salaries of sanitation workers, security personnel and other staff. These expenses will be paid out of this 50.00%, and the remaining 50.00%. I plan to establish a public welfare charity organization called Baiyunshan Charity The fund is used to support investment in education and to support the mountainous areas in the west. Although I personally don't have much ability, I also want to use my light to illuminate a small piece of sky." Chu Yunqiu will charge a simple fee for the entrance fee I explained it.

The tourists who were still somewhat reluctant fell silent after hearing this.

Grandpa Lu couldn't help applauding, and then everyone applauded. They supported Chu Yunqiu and Chu Yunqiu's actions.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Chu Yunqiu was very touched. He never expected it to go so smoothly, "Thank you, thank you. Everyone knows that Baiyunshang is contracted by me. It can be said that it is private. Let me tell you the truth. The construction of Baiyun Mountain has basically exhausted my capital. Here, I can also promise to everyone that I will put all the three charging places on Baiyun Mountain on the website. The public welfare fund is completely transparent, and everyone can Check it on the official website of Chujiazhai. Also, in order to avoid corruption and waste, the Baiyunshan Public Welfare Fund will not be handed over to a third party, but will be used directly for investment and construction. As I said just now, the main direction of the Baiyunshan Public Welfare Fund It is used in the direction of education, so-called no matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor in education, and no matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer children. Our foundation is applied to school housing construction, book purchases, school uniforms, etc. In addition to education, we will also use part of it for medical care. It is a preliminary plan, which will be rectified later according to the actual situation.”

While Chu Yunqiu was boasting on the stage, the original eleven hostesses gathered and acted again, and the screen above the stage was slowly turned off.

But at this time, everyone was completely immersed in Chu Yunqiu's words, and only a few people noticed this situation.

PS: Thanks to the brothers "Shenshu Maniac", "Legend of Feather Yi Xueren", "Bright Tomorrow Sword", "Kazami 588", and "Raytheon@zhiyi", thank you five brothers for their support with a monthly ticket , Thank you for your support, thank you "Sunny Rogue Rabbit" for your reward of [-] starting coins, thank you for your support, and let your brother spend money, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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