Treasure well

Chapter 265 The Reporter Visits the Mysterious Guest

Chapter 265 The Reporter Visits the Mysterious Guest
Chu's father and Chu's mother contacted Juan'er and Liu Xing after obtaining Chu Yuhe's consent last night, saying that Chu Yuhe's store was short of staff, and asked them if they would like to help, and told them about the salary and treatment. one time.

After the two women finished listening, they nodded happily. It is so difficult to find a job in this age, not to mention the conditions are so good, so after breakfast, the two women came to Chujiazhai and started to work.

The two don't need much training, just teach them to use the cash register.

Zhao Yanfeng didn't care about such matters at all, not because he didn't want to care about it, but because he was too lazy to care about it, so he was happy to be the hands-off shopkeeper and let Chu Yuhe handle it.

Last night, after Chu's father and Chu's mother went back, they told Chu Yuhe, Chu Yuhe hesitated and agreed.

The business in the store is getting better and better, and she and her husband are really busy.

After that, Chu Yuhe told her husband again to let him know about it.

"Sister, let's go quickly," Chu Yulian said to Chu Yuhe, holding a big box in her hand.

"Wait a minute for your brother-in-law, go to the toilet, it seems like you fell into it", Chu Yuhe couldn't help complaining, how long has it been, is there something wrong?

"I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I have diarrhea." Zhao Yanfeng looked embarrassed. It was really embarrassing to have so many people waiting for him.

"Take the good things, let's go." Chu Yuhe gave her husband a blank look, and walked forward first.

The whole family, including Chu's father and Chu's mother, all walked towards the mountain with one or more boxes in their hands. They did not open it and did not know what was inside. They knew that Chu Yunqiu asked them to take it to the mountain. Mountain top.

The cutest one is Xiao Niuniu. Although she is small, she is not to be outdone, holding a small wooden box and following her mother and father.

The most charming person was Karen Meng. She was accompanied by a parrot and a parrot. The two guys were flying in the sky and chirping in the air, attracting the attention of a large number of people.

The most pitiful ones were Dawang, Xiaowang and Daxue, who were left at home by Chu Yunqiu to look after the house.Today is a special day, there are too many tourists here, in order to avoid unnecessary disturbance, Chu Yunqiu decided not to let Da Wang and Xiao Wang go out.

The little white fox family is the most well-behaved, and they don't run around in the yard. Now, several little white foxes have grown up, and some are even taller than their mother. They are Xiao Niuniu's favorite.

These things in everyone's hands are treasures carefully selected by Chu Yunqiu. They are the first batch of treasures to enter the "Nine-story Ancient Pagoda", and they are also the first batch of treasures to be exposed to the world.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know that Niu Niu was holding something in her hand, if he knew, he would definitely not play so calmly, if Xiao Niu Niu was unhappy and threw the small wooden box away, Chu Yunqiu would cry.

When Chu Yunqiu's family members were walking towards the white clouds, Lu Zhiqing finally found the person she was waiting for.

"Hello, sister Zhiqing", a white interview car stopped in front of Lu Zhiqing, and then, a man and a woman got out of the car, the woman had short hair, was wearing a professional suit, and wore a black mask on her face. The glasses frame looks very capable.

Behind this woman is a tall, white boy with a very quiet appearance.

"Hello", Lu Zhiqing stretched out her hand and shook hands with the two, "Welcome to you, this should be your first time here."

"It's my second time," the tall, thin man smiled slightly.

"Oh", Lu Zhiqing was a little surprised.

"The last time I came to Ludong for an interview, after the interview, I took my girlfriend to climb Mount Tai, looked at the Confucius Temple, and then came here to play." The thin and tall man had nothing to hide.

"Oh, is your girlfriend here today?" Lu Zhiqing really didn't expect it.

"She has a job, so she didn't follow," the tall, thin man shook his head.

"That's such a pity. Wait a moment. Reporters from several TV stations are rushing over to delay your time. I think it should be here soon." Lu Zhiqing looked down at her watch and apologized to the two of them. smile.

In the end, Lu Zhiqing waited for her father before the reporter arrived. Judging from the scene, they seemed to have come by car. Besides Father Lu and Mother Lu, Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu also came out of it.

"Grandpa, grandma", Lu Zhiqing's eyes lit up when she saw the two old people, what a surprise, she just said it to her parents, but she didn't expect to alarm the two old people.

"You child, you don't even tell grandma about such a big deal, it really hurts you for nothing." Grandma Lu took Lu Zhiqing's hand dotingly.

"Hey, isn't this grandpa's poor health? I'm afraid you will be tired." Lu Zhiqing vomited her own ****.

"So this time grandpa came out to walk around, exercise his body, climb mountains, enjoy the scenery, rejuvenate his mind, and put his love on the mountains and rivers," Grandpa Lu smiled.

After listening to Lu's father talking about the beauty and scenery of Chu's village last time, Grandpa Lu felt itchy and panicked. He was very curious about the beautiful scenery that Lu's father said.

After Grandpa Lu tasted the wine Father Lu brought, he suddenly became restless, and immediately decided that he must take him with him next time he has a chance.

The wine Father Lu brought to Grandpa Chu was exactly the fine wine that Grandpa Chu had treasured for decades. It added a lot of medicinal materials and tiger bones, which not only strengthened the body, but also enhanced immunity.

"Grandpa, grandma, let's go home first," Lu Zhiqing decided to take her grandparents home first.

"No need, I'll ask your dad to take me around first, and you can do your work first." Grandpa Lu shook his head, "After sitting all the way, I'm already tired. Get out of the car and take a walk. I'll be with you later." Dad will go to see where you live, you just wait for us at home." Mr. Lu spoke quickly and left.

"Zhiqing, you do your work first, I'll take your grandparents around." Mother Lu looked at her daughter with a smile on her face.

"En", Lu Zhiqing nodded. Coincidentally, the interview cars of several other TV stations and Internet media stopped in front of Lu Zhiqing.

"Welcome you all," Lu Zhiqing hurriedly stepped forward, but she couldn't come, so one came, said, it's all done.

"Hello, I'm really sorry. We encountered a traffic jam on the road." The reporter from Leku Online Media was a little embarrassed, with an apology on his face.

"Yeah, there are too many vehicles coming to your side. I found that almost all of the roads are coming here. It's too congested. If you charge tickets, you'll give them away." A beautiful reporter from Ludong TV Station Nodding his head, he said very boldly.

"Zhiqing, who are those two who walked over just now?" The beautiful reporter from the TV station couldn't help swallowing, walked up to Lu Zhiqing and asked softly.

"My grandfather has retired a long time ago and does not hold any position now." Lu Zhiqing shook her head and told the beautiful reporter. She really did not expect such a coincidence. The other party not only met her father, but also met her grandfather.

"En", although the beautiful reporter didn't say anything, her heart was overwhelmed.

"Zhiqing, wait." Just as Lu Zhiqing turned to leave, a voice like a yellow warbler sounded from behind, and a bright red scarlet wing stopped in front of Lu Zhiqing.

"I'm going, whose car is this? It's too rich, it turned out to be the Scarlet Wing." Some people around couldn't help but gasped. You know, the cheapest Scarlet Wing costs more than 500 million. It is one of the most famous luxury cars in the world, fully serving the upper class.

"Yeah, who is such a famous person?" Some people who came by taxi were a little jealous.

But the one who came by bus burst into tears.

PS: Thanks to brother "Heartbreaker" and sister "Louis~~Queen", thanks to the support of the two monthly tickets, thanks to brother "Mengguimeng", brother "Vegetable Garden", and brother "hezigang", thank you three I would like to thank the sister "Louise~~Queen" and other big brothers for their support.Beichen is a man of science and technology, a serious man of science and engineering, who studies civil engineering, and is related to the traditional brick-moving man, running in the wind and rain.This is Beichen's last year, and he will be graduating soon.Beichen's graduation project was unqualified during the review and needed to be redone. I admit that it took a lot of time to go out and find a job, so the graduation project was not very serious. However, Beichen worked hard for four years and could not get a graduation certificate. I can't get it, so starting from tomorrow, I will update it every day. I also have difficulties, so please forgive me and let me finish the last period of college.Life is just this time, I don't want to do it again.Leave good things and leave no regrets.I would like to say sorry to all the supporting brothers and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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