Treasure well

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

Tianhuang jade is a natural gemstone, a treasure that nature gives to human beings, and a kind of wealth to human beings.

Tianhuang jade is one of China's "Three Treasures of Sealing Stones". Yellow is the most common and widely used. Among them, Emperor Qianlong loved Tianhuangshi the most, and many of his seals were carved from Tianhuangshi.

Sanada yellow is like solidified honey, full of fat and oil, and is the essence of soil.It is extremely rare and distinguished.Emperor Qianlong regarded it as the top grade of "supreme".

His fondness also caused a wave of enthusiasm among the ministers under him, and they rushed to follow suit.

However, Tianhuang stone is only mined best in Shoushan Township, FZ City, Fujian Province. With the extensive mining of Tianhuang jade, the number of Tianhuang jade is getting smaller and smaller, and the value of Tianhuang jade is getting higher and higher. Now, Field yellow jade is even several times more expensive than gold, and it is priceless in the market. Now the field yellow jade has reached the point of exhaustion.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the Tian Huang Jade in his hand, his eyes full of intoxication. He happened to be missing a seal, but he didn't expect that God would send him one right away, and it was also Tian Huang Jade.

Chu Yunqiu secretly decided in his heart that after his carving level improved, he must carve a seal by himself.

Even though the level is not as good as those of the old-timers, the meaning alone is different if it is carved by one's own hands.

Chu Yunqiu held the Tian Huangshi in his hand, and words appeared in his eyes, which were really information about this Tian Huangshi.

Name: Tian Huangshi
Evaluation: Gold is easy to get, but Tianhuang is hard to find. It is called the "King of Ten Thousand Stones". Its color is warm and lovely, and its texture is fine. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has been regarded as the "King of Sealing Stones" by Indians, and it is loved by many scholars. .

Introduction: This jade was mined in the period of the Republic of China. Due to the outbreak of the civil war, it was exiled among the people. Although a batch was found, most of them were treasured.

This jade is completely transparent, like solidified honey, extremely moist, and has a smooth surface. It belongs to the top grade of Tianhuang jade - Tianhuang frozen stone. However, it is yellow with red in the middle and has a bright color, so it belongs to the "golden yellow" of Tianhuang jade. ", since Emperor Qianlong, it has been loved by all emperors.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help being overjoyed when he got the detailed information of Tianhuang jade stone. Chu Yunqiu planned to use this piece of Tianhuang jade stone for himself. Such a large piece is enough to carve a seal and several seals by himself.

Chu Yunqiu put Tianhuang Dongshi into the bag of kits, and then took the wooden box out of the wooden box.

This wooden box is very ordinary, it is an ordinary wooden box in ordinary people's homes, because it has been a long time, and even a piece of ground has grown bacteria.

Chu Yunqiu opened the wooden box, and there were three ink ingots neatly placed inside.

Two of the pieces are in the shape of a cuboid, while the last piece is in the shape of an ellipse.

Chu Yunqiu picked up one of the rectangular ink ingots and kept looking at the whole body of the ink ingot. On the back, there was a dragon pattern on the left and right sides. It was magnificent, but the expression was very reserved, without the slightest domineering attitude. On the front of the ink stick, there are four large characters written in a graceful and graceful font, as if written by a woman, full of everyone's style.There is still a faint golden light on the fonts. These fonts have all been painted with gold powder, but for some unknown reason, the gold paint on them seems to have slowly fallen off, and only the corners still show obvious light. Mark of.

The text written on the ink ingot is - Yulou Huichun.

Above the edge of the ink, there are a few small characters engraved - Xian De Six Years Gui.

The other rectangular ink ingot is engraved with a circling golden dragon. The golden dragon is hovering on the ink ingot, with its fangs and claws, and its scales and horns. It is very domineering. The golden dragon is covered with gold powder. It looks very high-end and majestic, far from it. The modern ink sticks he bought are comparable.

On the back of this ink ingot, "Xuanyuan Lingqi" is written, and the signature of "Zhongde" is written on the ground in the upper right corner.

The last ink ingot is oval in shape, with patterns of the ancient city of Huizhou and Huangshan Mountain carved on it. It exudes a faint musky scent, which is very rich.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the three ink ingots, and the information about the three ink ingots appeared in his eyes.

Name: Jade Tower Rejuvenation

Type: Li Mo

Title: The best ink in the world

Producers: Lee Yeon-gui, Lee Chao

Time: Five Dynasties period.

Introduction: Li Mo Nai was made by Li Tinggui, a famous ink maker in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and his father Li Chao in Shezhou, Anhui, more than 1000 years ago.

Li Mosong has light smoke, good colloid, evenly seasoned, finely hammered and finely pounded. It has been stored for a hundred years, and it is still "hard as jade, and its pattern is like a rhinoceros", without any change.Li Mo "its sharpness can cut wood", copied one and a half of "Hua Yan Jing", and ground it one inch, it can be stored for hundreds of years without decay. praised by the world.

Song people called it "the best product in the world".

Evaluation: "Gold is easy to get, but Li ink is hard to find." Li Tinggui's ink making is very particular about the materials used, such as pine smoke, pearls, jade chips, borneol, raw lacquer, deer horn glue, rhino horn, musk and other valuables. After [-] times, the shape is made.Li Mo is as hard as stone, rich in texture and smooth in texture, and as shiny as lacquer. His hardness can cut wood and paper.

This ink is called [Yulou Huichun], and it was formed 1000 years ago. It is a rare treasure and a priceless treasure.

The last sentence came to light, and Chu Yunqiu's eyes were worth it, "Rare treasures, priceless treasures, well, it's you", Chu Yunqiu was so cool.

Name: Xuanyuan Lingqi

Type: Zhu Mo

Title: The best in the world

Producer: Cheng Junfang

Time: During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty

Introduction: It has different shapes and structures, and the whole body is lacquered as fine as jade.The ink mold is exquisitely carved, and the ink surface is exquisite and unparalleled, which is extremely rare.

Evaluation: The design is exquisite, the shape is unique, the naming is elegant, and it is social. It has had a profound impact on the ink-making industry later. In the Qing Dynasty, many ink-makers still followed the model and name formulated by him.

Dong Qichang praised and said, "After a hundred years, there will be no ink of the emperor's house, but there will be the ink of the emperor's house; after a thousand years, there will be the name of the emperor's house without the ink of the emperor's house."

Great value.

Although it is not as good as Li Mo, it is not bad.

Chu Yunqiu turned his attention to the last ink ingot. If it was not very precious, he would use it for himself. However, Chu Yunqiu was shocked when he saw it. He did not expect that this ink ingot had such a great origin.

Name: Ziyuguang
Type: Cao Mo

Title: Motui Shezhou in the world, Motui Cao family in Shezhou
Producer: Cao Sugong

Time: Kangxi era of the Qing Dynasty

Introduction: The material is taken from the hundred-year-old pine in Tiandu Peak. After being transported to the ink room, it is sawn from the middle, and only the sunny side with dense annual rings is taken, split into small pieces with a length of one foot, and dried with a slow fire.It is burned under a special copper pot, and pure mountain spring water is added to the copper pot, and many precious spices are put into the mountain spring water.

When the water is completely dry, cool it down, scrape off the pine smoke with sandalwood sticks, mix gelatin, lotus root powder and other materials, add mountain spring water and cook slowly, when the heat is up, immediately add pine smoke and stir evenly, and finally add musk .After cooling, pour it into a special rosewood ink mold, and then slowly increase the pressure to form a mold.

Finally, it was carved by Cao Gongsu himself. The whole ink block is oval, with patterns of the ancient city of Huizhou and Huangshan Mountain carved on it. It exudes a faint musk fragrance. ,

Evaluation: Emperor Kangxi said: "Using the characters written by Mr. Cao's calligraphy, the ink is black and shiny when viewed from the front, and lavender shines like purple jade when viewed from the side", so the calligraphy - Ziyu light, is passed down to future generations.

Thousands of years left ink, unique.

PS: Thank you "Louis~~Queen" sister for your support of two monthly tickets, thank you sister, and brother "Xiaoyao Xingyu Xingyuan" for your support of a monthly ticket, thank you big brother, and thank you big brothers and sisters for your strong support, thank you you.

(End of this chapter)

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