Treasure well

Chapter 259 The Eye of the Future World

Chapter 259 The Eye of the Future World
Duan inkstone is well-known for its solid, lubricated, delicate, and delicate stone. Using Duan inkstone to grind ink does not stagnate, ink is sent out quickly, ink is smooth, writing is smooth without loss of hair, and the color of handwriting remains unchanged for a long time. If Duan inkstone is good, no matter it is hot summer It is still severe winter, press the core of the inkstone with your hand, the core of the inkstone is blue and dark green, and the water will not dry for a long time, so the ancients have the saying of "breathing the air and grinding the ink".

The reason why Duan Inkstone is so precious is because its formation is very complicated, it needs to go through multiple procedures, and it needs to be screened layer by layer.

The first is the selection of materials. The quality of the materials determines the foundation of the inkstone, so the selection of stones must be very fine, and it is best not to have flaws.

But if you want to find materials without flaws, it is tantamount to reaching the sky, so you can only rely on the dexterous hands of craftsmen.

The second is design. It is necessary to "compose pictures according to stone, apply art according to material" and "create momentum according to shape", make full use of natural stone skin, integrate literature, history, painting, calligraphy, gold and stone into one, make flaws flawless, and increase its artistic value. value.

Carving again, no matter how perfect the material is, if it is handed over to a mediocre person, it will only let the pearl cast secretly, and even destroy the peerless gem. If you want to get a perfect Duan inkstone, you must go through careful carving by skilled craftsmen and sanding.

The carved Duan inkstone should have clear lines, exquisite relief, and be clear at a glance.In addition to deep-knife (high-depth carving) and shallow-knife (low-relief) carvings, there are also many fine carvings, line carvings, and hollow carvings.

The last one is grinding. After the work is finished, it needs to be polished to form a perfect Duan inkstone.

Looking at the characters that appeared in front of him, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but widen his eyes, what is it, why do these things appear in my eyes.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help rubbing his eyes, looked at the stone inkstone on the table again, and found that the writing on it had completely disappeared, but when Chu Yunqiu concentrated his mind, those characters appeared on the surface of Chu Yunqiu again like tadpoles one by one. In front of Yunqiu's eyes, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Oh my God", Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened and he didn't understand why this happened.

"Om", at this moment, the metal box that Chu Yunqiu threw aside suddenly glowed with silvery white light, and then, a screen appeared in front of Chu Yunqiu.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help turning his gaze to the screen.

On the screen, what appeared was an endless sea. The sea was rippling, tossing and rolling, setting off bursts of waves, and then, a huge island appeared in the sea.

There are many tall buildings on the island, like towering trees, jagged and straight into the sky.

Looking around, the road is straight and wide, pedestrians are walking on the road, vehicles are weaving back and forth, and there is an endless stream.

What surprised Chu Yunqiu was the clothes of the people and the vehicles on the road. He saw that everyone was wearing clothes like aviation suits, transparent helmets like glass on their heads, and leather gloves on their hands. Perfectly hidden.The vehicles on the car are all maglev cars, without wheels, floating in the air and flying freely.

Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but widen his eyes, what kind of place is this, with such advanced technology.

Then, a variety of high-tech appeared in front of Chu Yunqiu's eyes, which made him dizzy. There was a space teleportation device for teleporting objects, a gravity bracelet for increasing gravity, and a super-developed cosmetic and face-changing device...

It made Chu Yunqiu's heart pound.

Then, Chu Yunqiu followed the picture to a cliff. The cliff was very high and very steep. There was no possibility of climbing with bare hands.

On the top of the cliff, there is a huge building, the building is very luxurious and magnificent, behind the building is the cliff, and on the front of the building, there is a tall wall, on the wall, there are many sturdy guard soldiers, they Holding an unknown weapon in his hand, it looks quite powerful.

In the courtyard, in addition to the soldiers walking back and forth, there are also many anti-missile weapons, which can effectively attack and intercept flying objects in the sky.

On the other side of the cliff is the endless ocean. In the ocean, there are large numbers of sharks in captivity. In addition, there are various cameras to record the underwater scenes to avoid sneak attacks from the water.

It can be said that the whole building is arranged like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened. What kind of place is this? It looks so awesome.

Then, the screen turned, and the scene inside appeared in front of Chu Yunqiu.

This turned out to be a huge scientific research institution, and the people inside were all wearing research uniforms, with name tags hanging on their chests, walking around in the passage.

Around the passage, it is completely covered with steel, which is very hard. On the top of the wall, there are cameras and scanning instruments, constantly scanning the people passing by.

Whenever the light hits a person, it will automatically match the information on the name tag. If the information does not match, the weapon on the wall will automatically attack.

Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened. If he had such a base, what would he be afraid of?

Then, Chu Yunqiu saw more and more research technologies inside the base, and at the same time he finally understood what the thing in his hand was and what its function was.

The metal box that Chu Yunqiu destroyed was a very advanced high-tech storage space.

Contains some space technology, used to store some precious high technology.

And the starting method of this metal box is also very special, in addition to the voice password, there are also pupil and fingerprint passwords.

In other words, to open the metal box, three keys are required.Only when the three keys are present at the same time can the metal box be opened.

In order to avoid house thieves, the three keys are held by three people, and without one of them, it is impossible to open it.

The metal box only has an explosive device, and the power of the explosion is equivalent to a small nuclear bomb, which is very powerful.

Unfortunately, I don't know why, after the metal box came out of Baojing, some devices and atomic structures inside were destroyed, so it made a "pop" sound, which was worse than a "dud".

The metal box is precious, and the things stored in it are even more precious.

The "contact lens" that Chu Yunqiu put in his eyes just now is the latest research result of this research institute. It not only uses biology, but also electronics, physics, etc. It is a product that integrates multiple sciences .

Chu Yunqiu got very important information from everyone's communication.

The real name of the item he called the contact lens is Duobao Tong, which can not only identify all the treasures in the world, but also find out some hidden information of the treasures, let everyone know their exact value, and avoid the loss of heavy treasures.

Appreciating treasures is the most basic function. In addition, Duobaotong can also see through, see through people's minds, etc. It is very against the sky, and it is because of the sky against the sky that it is extremely precious and sealed in metal in the box.

Duobaotong utilizes super-powerful biological science and technology. When a pair of Duobaotong is placed in the eyes at the same time, they will sense each other, and they will automatically melt, turn into liquid, and blend into the eyes.After that, when they come into contact with flesh and blood, they will evolve into countless nerves of touch, vision and touch, etc., which are connected with the nerves of the brain, turning into real flesh and blood, and becoming real treasure pupils.

During the introduction, Chu Yunqiu also understood that the world in the picture turned out to be the future world of Earth and Stars, and the Duobaotong that Chu Yunqiu got was a technological product from the future who did not know how many years ago, surpassing the world of people today. vision.

In the future world, the environment is seriously polluted, and there are ozone holes in the sky, so there are often solar radiation particles, so people have to wear protective clothing to protect themselves. In the future, there will be peace after many world wars. down.

In the war, apart from human beings, precious inheritances left over from ancient times were sacrificed. Some of them were left behind among the people, and some disappeared directly.

The task of Duobaotong is to find those lost treasures.

PS: Thanks to brother "kpkkan" for the support of a monthly ticket, and brother "Emperor Queen of Earth" for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you for your support, thank you "*Night Cat*", "Rhinoceros with One Horn", "Butterfly who wants to travel", thank you three big brothers for your support, and thank you big brothers and sisters for your recommendation votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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