Treasure well

Chapter 255 The Big Change Magic

Chapter 255 The Big Change Magic
There were fewer and fewer guests, and the fruit that Chu Yunqiu brought also dropped sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don't know how long it took before the fruit in the bamboo basket was completely empty, and Chu Yunqiu said sorry because it was too late after all, if there was another wave, some people might not be able to catch the last bus.

Seeing the bamboo basket bottomed out, the young men and women were anxious, "Brother, we don't bring this for fun, what about ours?" The grievances of the young men and women, who have been helping here for so long, will not end up with nothing Get it.

Young men and women are a bit unwilling.

"Too bad, I forgot about you." Chu Yunqiu's expression changed, and he was annoyed.

"What?" The young man couldn't accept it.

"Your uncle".The young woman swears directly.

"Hey, don't cry, are you kidding me? How could I forget?" Chu Yunqiu did not expect that the young girlfriend would shed tears.

It was probably aggrieved, and he clearly agreed to the other party, but in the end he regretted it.

"Really", the young girlfriend wiped her tears and looked at Chu Yunqiu.

"Of course, I will perform a magic trick for you today, keep your eyes open for a while," Chu Yunqiu said to the two of them.

"Brother, please don't do this, can you? You won't try to trick me again, will you?" The young boyfriend didn't believe Chu Yunqiu at all.

"Give me a chance, don't worry, I will never lie to you," Chu Yunqiu took out an empty bamboo basket from the side.

"What are you doing?" Lu Zhiqing put all the money into her bag.

"Magic," Chu Yunqiu said seriously.

"You know how to do this?" Lu Zhiqing couldn't believe it. After getting along for so long, he had never seen Chu Yunqiu perform magic tricks, "You won't cheat people again, right?"

"What do you mean, I'll let you see your husband's ability today." In order to protect his dignity, Chu Yunqiu knew that he had to show his skills today.

With the understanding of the Qiankun Bag, Chu Yunqiu's grasp of the Qiankun Bag has become more and more profound, and the connection with the Qiankun Bag has become closer and closer, making him more and more comfortable in controlling the Qiankun Bag , up to now, even if he doesn't take out the kit bag, he still has the confidence to take things out of it.

This is why Chu Yunqiu is so confident in performing magic tricks, because he has a sharp weapon to cheat.

Because he didn't have enough control over the Qiankun Bag, even if he wanted to do it well, he didn't have the capital.

"Haha, I want to see how you perform." Lu Zhiqing looked like she was watching a show. She didn't believe that Chu Yunqiu knew any magic tricks.

"Brother-in-law, you want to perform magic tricks." Meng Qingyou's eyes widened, "Really?"

Meng Qingyou didn't believe it either.

"Don't talk, look carefully, you will witness a miracle soon." Chu Yunqiu picked up the basket and showed it to several people, "See clearly, there is nothing in it."

"En", everyone nodded.

Meng Qingyou took her own camera, turned on the video recording function, and pointed it at the bamboo basket in Chu Yunqiu's hand. The high-resolution image displayed on the phone was extremely clear, and it could be clearly photographed. There was indeed nothing in the bamboo basket.

Lu Zhiqing took a closer look at the bamboo basket, and couldn't help asking: "You didn't mean to put things into the basket, did you?"

"Smart", Chu Yunqiu showed a look of appreciation, then covered the bamboo basket on the ground, and began to put on a show.

"Look at me", pretending to show off his skills, he circled the bamboo basket twice.

"What are you pretending, change it for me quickly," Lu Zhiqing yelled at Chu Yunqiu, at this time Lu Zhiqing was still brooding over the matter of the beautiful woman with yellow hair.

"Okay, tell me, what do you want me to change for you?" Chu Yunqiu looked at the young men and women.

"Watermelon, we want a whole big watermelon," the young girlfriend said to Chu Yunqiu.

If it is cherries or grapes, etc., they are too small, Chu Yunqiu has a chance to cheat, but it is different if it is watermelon, watermelon is so big, Chu Yunqiu has no place to hide even if he wants to.

"Smart", Chu Yunqiu instantly understood the young woman's intentions, "Okay, I'll turn it into a watermelon for you, and let you see my skills", Chu Yunqiu immediately made a decision.

"Watermelon, watermelon, come quickly, come to my cage, and transform it for me," Chu Yunqiu pointed at the bamboo cage.

"It's late?" The people around felt a crow flying over their heads. Is this the end?Are you kidding us?

"It's late," Chu Yunqiu nodded.

"Uh...Brother, are you just trying to tease the kids?" The young boyfriend didn't believe that things could be conjured, because Chu Yunqiu didn't do anything, just read a few words like this, With just one more finger, can it turn into a big watermelon?Isn't this bullshit?
"I'm not in the mood to tease you, wait." Chu Yunqiu came to the side of the bamboo basket, stood aside, and then stared at everyone nervously.

"Now is the moment to witness the miracle," Chu Yunqiu supported the bamboo basket.

When experts reveal the secrets, they always do so slowly, and Chu Yunqiu also wants to learn.

"Get out of the way." Lu Zhiqing and Meng Qingyou walked up directly, pushing Chu Yunqiu aside.

Lu Zhiqing gently took away the bamboo basket, "Ah", three exclamations came from the air of the three beauties, while the young man stared with big eyes and opened his mouth, and it took a long time to utter two words, "Fuck" .

I saw a huge watermelon lying quietly on the ground under the bamboo basket, as if it existed in the first place.

"Brother-in-law, tell me, how did you do it?" Meng Qingyou's eyes lit up immediately, she ran to Chu Yunqiu's side, and asked eagerly.

"Humph", Chu Yunqiu raised his head, a little arrogant.

"Husband, you are performing once." Lu Zhiqing's eyes were full of surprise, as if she couldn't believe that this was Chu Yunqiu's masterpiece.

"Okay, you guys have to watch carefully this time." Chu Yunqiu nodded and walked to the bamboo basket.

"Think about what you want this time, because this is the only chance for me to perform," Chu Yunqiu said to the young men and women.

"We want crystal raisins, amethyst grapes, and beauty cherries. You'd better conjure them all up. Only in this way can you prove that you are really capable." The young girlfriend thought for a while, rolled her eyes, and came up with a The best of both worlds.

"I wipe it", Chu Yunqiu's eyes widened, and then gave a thumbs up to the young girlfriend, "Beauty, you are awesome".

"Of course", the young beauty's pride, "But you are still a cow, give these fruits such nice names, if your fruit is really famous in the future, that one will form a brand."

"Of course." Chu Yunqiu deliberately imitated the young beauty.

"Hmph, let's start changing," the young woman said to Chu Yunqiu.

"Now is the moment to witness the miracle." Chu Yunqiu was no longer in Moji, and directly opened the bamboo basket.

PS: Thank you for "The Butterfly Who Wants to Travel", "A Rhinoceros with One Horn", "*Night Owl*", "Happy God and Demon King".

(End of this chapter)

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