Treasure well

Chapter 253

Chapter 253
Chu Yunqiu stood aside, looking at the people in front of him, a smile cracked on his face.

The more people there are, the better. The more people there are, the more he will earn. He is not short of money, but he enjoys this kind of fun.

"Handsome guy, how do you sell these cherries?" A fashionable and very gorgeous beauty walked up, holding a convenient bag of beauty cherries in her left hand and a convenient bag of crystal handles in her right hand. She looked at She looked at Chu Yunqiu and blinked at Chu Yunqiu, very charming.

"Tell me about the price, cherries are 50 yuan a catty, and grapes are 75." Chu Yunqiu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, with an oval face, light makeup, blue eye shadow, long eyelashes, and delicate cheeks. The body is beautiful, as if it has been PS, dyed yellow hair, loosely scattered on the chest, with a pair of shiny diamond earrings on the ears, the carat is not small, wearing ultra-short hot pants, a pair of white The legs are thin and long. She wears a pair of milky white high-heeled sandals on her feet, holds an LV bag in her hand, and wears a pair of jade bracelets on her white wrists. She is stylishly dressed and looks quite rich.

"I met a fat sheep", Chu Yunqiu felt so happy in his heart.

"Ah, why is it so expensive, handsome guy, can you make it cheaper?" The blonde-haired beauty cast a wink at Chu Yunqiu, extremely charming and charming.

"I'll go", Chu Yunqiu was shocked, the script was wrong, shouldn't she be a very straightforward father?I like a beauty like this, Chu Yunqiu is so happy in his heart.

"Beauty, no, at this price, I don't think you look like someone short of money." Chu Yunqiu swallowed.

"I'm rich, but it's not because of the strong wind, right? I've worked so hard, and I only need that little salary, handsome guy, please." , It almost melts the steel.

"Gudong", next to the beautiful woman with yellow hair, a young man couldn't help showing an expression like Brother Pig, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Beauty is in trouble, how can we not help, now is the time to express yourself.

"En", the young man cleared his throat, straightened his clothes, with a warm smile on his face, "beauty, if you don't have money, I can help you."

The yellow-haired beauty looked at Chu Yunqiu with a smile on her face. She didn't expect that a third party would come to disrupt the situation. The yellow-haired beauty was so angry that she stared at the young man, "Do I look like someone who is short of money? Get out of here." ".

The young man's face froze, and Chu Yunqiu was also a little confused. What are you going to do?

"Handsome guy, okay, give me a little bit cheaper." The blonde beauty turned her head with a coquettish look on her face.

"Oh, I'll go", the young man could tell no matter how stupid he was, the beauty with yellow hair didn't care about money, but people, the young man looked at Chu Yunqiu, his eyes were full of jealousy.

What makes me worse than you is that I am taller than me, handsomer than me, and my temperament is better than me... There is no other way that I am worse than you.

That young man is so sad, I won’t buy anything from you anymore, because you are more handsome than me.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the coquettishness of the yellow-haired beauty, and felt secretly refreshed, "Look at our charm, such a beautiful beauty has automatically come to your door", Chu Yunqiu was happy, "Girl, you are forcing me ah".

"No way, how can anyone else?" The yellow-haired beauty said in a soft voice.

"Hey, I just like you like this, okay, I'll cut the price for you, 50 yuan per catty, how about I give you 45 per catty", Chu Yunqiu said very proudly.

"Really, you are so kind." The blonde beauty is so happy. She is not greedy for how much Chu Yunqiu can lower her price. What makes her happy is Chu Yunqiu's attitude towards her. It seems that her charm has not diminished but instead increased. ah.

"Brother, can you give big brother a little more money?" Seeing that the method of the yellow-haired beauty worked, a middle-aged man suddenly thought about it, and cast a wink at Chu Yunqiu.

"Oh, I'm going, get out immediately." Chu Yunqiu just turned his head when he saw the winking eyes thrown at him by the other party, and he shivered immediately, "Uncle, how old are we, and we still come out to act cute? Are you cute? You are disgusting."

"Look at you, why are you still angry?" Looking at Chu Yunqiu's darkened face, the middle-aged uncle smiled coquettishly, "Then can you give me a little bit cheaper?" The middle-aged man's cheeks are unusually thick.

"It's cheap, I'll give you a cheap price, 50 yuan a catty, you, 51 yuan a catty, it makes you sick of me," Chu Yunqiu said to the middle-aged uncle.

"Ah..." the middle-aged uncle cried, this is not what I wanted.

"Handsome guy, put it away for me first, and I'll pick some later." The blonde beauty once again cast a wink at Chu Yunqiu.

"Who is she?" Before Chu Yunqiu could startle, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Chu Yunqiu trembled, turned his head, and said flatteringly, "Zhiqing, here we come."

"Don't change the subject, I'll ask you who that beauty was just now." Lu Zhiqing pouted, stared at Chu Yunqiu angrily.

"You said that beauty just now, she is one of my admirers, she... ah... I was wrong, it hurts." Chu Yunqiu's face instantly changed. In a distorted state, she kept begging Lu Zhiqing for mercy.

At Chu Yunqiu's waist, a pair of jade hands happened to be placed there.

Nine Yin White Bone Claws, well-deserved reputation.

"Do you know if you're wrong?" Lu Zhiqing snorted coldly, let go of her hand, and glared at Chu Yunqiu.

"En", Chu Yunqiu nodded, with an aggrieved look, "Don't worry about it, you help me look at it, I'll go home and get some back, you look at our business, take a look" , Chu Yunqiu pointed to the crowd in front of him, and said very frightened.

"Okay, hurry up and get busy. Qingyou and I can just watch here." Lu Zhiqing rolled her eyes at Chu Yunqiu and secretly decided, "No, I must watch him more in the future to avoid being cheated by other women." Seduced away." Lu Zhiqing was very confident in Chu Yunqiu's handsome appearance, which could definitely attract bees and butterflies.

Karen Meng looked at Chu Yunqiu's appearance in front of her sister, and snickered from the side, smiling so heartlessly.

Seeing that the stall owners turned into two beauties, some men got excited and kept getting close to them.

Lu Zhiqing was better, concentrating on her business, but Meng Qingyou was different, chatting with everyone.

Karen Meng's eloquence would definitely be inferior if she didn't do sales promotion.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Yunqiu brought in a batch of rich fruits again, and this time, Chu Yunqiu was clearly targeted, iced watermelon, beauty cherries, amethyst grapes, crystal raisins and other hot fruits Chu Yunqiu's fruit sales have increased significantly, while Chu Yunqiu's sales of sweet and sour kiwis, crisp sweet pears, small pocket apples, etc. have been reduced.

Seeing that Chu Yunqiu brought so many, some people in the periphery who didn't buy it were immediately excited, and some people who felt that they bought less were also extremely excited.

"Handsome guy, I don't want anything else. You must save some purple gemstone grapes and crystal raisins." Seeing that Chu Yunqiu brought another batch, the young girlfriend immediately ran up and said to Chu Yunqiu.

"It's you, no problem." Chu Yunqiu nodded, "You can take whatever you like, and I can give you a [-]% discount." Chu Yunqiu still has a good impression of young men and women.

"Really, thank you so much", the young girlfriend was so excited.

"Brother, how much is the total, let me calculate it." A slightly obese middle-aged man walked up to Chu Yunqiu with a black leather bag under his arm, a piece of top-quality jadeite around his neck, and a piece of jadeite in his hand. Rolex watches and clothes are all famous brands.

"Big money", a word instantly popped into Chu Yunqiu's mind.

PS: Thank you "ms memory" brother for the support of two monthly tickets, thank "Lin Botong" for the support of one monthly ticket, thank you two big brothers for the support of the monthly ticket, thank you "*night cat*", "Butterfly who wants to travel", "A rhinoceros with one horn", thank you three big brothers for your support, it cost everyone a lot, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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